Internet Suicide

All too often recently, I've thought of putting a gun to my head and pulling the trigger. I'm glad I'm too much of coward to actually do it.
My space has a history of pedophile access...and alot of local LE agencies get numerous complaints of sexual as well as harrassment from myspace users...

and what would you suggest... that the daughter had been given free access to porn as well...would this have helped her to I said denying access to a known mentally un-stable young girl would have eliminated the end result y'all are ranting about...I blame the parents...plain and simple..the young ladies last comment to her mother was 'you are not taking my side'...before running to her room and ending her life...

She was extremely upset and the mother did not even recognize the potential, even though this young lady tried on other occasions to end her be the judge Einstein...!

The "danger" of pedophiles across myspace is fearmongering and way overblown. I've used the application during almost all of my minor years. Didn't get a single "solicitation". In fact, as long as you turn the new security features on, it is practically impossible for pedophiles to be soliciting children. And for minors they are on by default and I do not believe they can be turned off.
Show me where I suggested that we react to inhumanity with more inhumanity! Prove your EMO self up here. I never suggested she be harmed in any way.

One more time. The animal nature is part of the human animal. But it is not "human" to act this way, it is caving to the animal side. We evolved past this, found that we could think, revealed that we could understand, and showed that we had compassion. All of these things are what makes up our human nature.

You have mistaken a personal differentiation of what is inside a human animal for something else entirely.

I said I was glad that there are now laws that deal with this. I revealed I was sad that there was no law to convict this lady. I suggested that she wallows in her animal side after cheering the result and therefore acts less than human. I did not suggest any punishment for her. I did not suggest anybody cave to that animal side as she has done.

That is all in you. It is what you project on to what I say, and is not found in what I say.

There is a law to convict her... there just isn't enough evidence, I believe (correct me if I am wrong). She says the final messages weren't sent by her. The case is getting complicated...

The town in which she lives actually passed a law in regards to this, which punished harrassment with a 90 day jail sentence and a large fine. Surprising, since townships don't usually deal with such things. She was definitely guilty of harrasment and maybe even negligent murder.
All too often recently, I've thought of putting a gun to my head and pulling the trigger. I'm glad I'm too much of coward to actually do it.

No Trog... the cowardly thing to do would be to shoot yourself.

I used to have thoughts of suicide, but I don't think I was ever serious about it. At most it would've just been a cry for attention, not a serious attempt. Stuff like that is serious still.
All too often recently, I've thought of putting a gun to my head and pulling the trigger. I'm glad I'm too much of coward to actually do it.

Trog Whatever the reason is that you have those thoughts I want you to hear me whispering in your year everytime you have that thought " never chose a permanet solution to a temperary problem".

Life just gets like that sometimes and if you ever feel this way again share it with someone.

There are times I felt so horrible I had no idea what the fuck I was still walking the planet for. I told myself that this will pass and gutted it out.
The awesome thing about my choice to gut it out was the times that came later in my life which were filled with supreme joy. Had I chose the permanent solution to that temporary problem( at the time I know it does not feel temporary) I would never have known those other momments of supreme joy.

Please know that there are people like me who you may never even see their faces that radiate love ,care and concern for your plight and that we NEVER want you to give up in those deep ,dark horrendous moments that sometimes are a part of life.

You are a talented writer and pour those moments into your craft. They very well can help not only you but others who read them and feel understood when they previously thought no one could possibley understand.

Keep a goin my friend.
There is not a person.............

All too often recently, I've thought of putting a gun to my head and pulling the trigger. I'm glad I'm too much of coward to actually do it.

on the face of the planet who has not had these thoughts one time or another...I can only speak from experience...and some will attack me for my thoughts on this one...but hey my time spent in the Army and LE gave me new hope...I saw death and destruction and lived...sure times get rough...but once you saw death...all is cool on the hard times aspect...:)
This a corny old poem but it still has some use left in its old sole and says something very basic in a comic way which at low times it would make me laugh at its stupidity.
It really does say the one thing at times which we need to internalise. Keep Agoin.


Some men fail and quit. Some succeed and quit. The wise refuse to quit, whether they fail or succeed.

If you strike a thorn or rose,

Keep a-goin'!

Ef it hails, or ef it snows,

Keep a-goin!

'Taint no use to sit an' whine,

When the fish ain't on yer line;

Bait yer hook an' keep a-tryin'--

Keep a-goin'!

When the weather kills yer crop,

Keep a-goin'!

When you tumble from the top,

Keep a-goin'!

S'pose you're out of every dime,

Bein' so ain't any crime;

Tell the world you're feelin' prime--

Keep a-goin'!

When it looks like all is up,

Keep a-goin'!

Drain the sweetness from the cup,

Keep a-goin'!

See the wild birds on the wing,

Hear the bells that sweetly ring,

When you feel like sighin' sing--

Keep a-goin'!

Frank L. Stanton.

From 'The Atlanta Constitution
Yeah that doesn't really work with people intent on suicide, in fact, our attention alone is probably aggrivating him more than anything. But it's good nonetheless.
All too often recently, I've thought of putting a gun to my head and pulling the trigger. I'm glad I'm too much of coward to actually do it.
I am also glad you do not do that. All life should be valued, if times are hard it is because it is time to learn.
There is a law to convict her... there just isn't enough evidence, I believe (correct me if I am wrong). She says the final messages weren't sent by her. The case is getting complicated...

The town in which she lives actually passed a law in regards to this, which punished harrassment with a 90 day jail sentence and a large fine. Surprising, since townships don't usually deal with such things. She was definitely guilty of harrasment and maybe even negligent murder.
You cannot pass a law after the fact then convict somebody on that law, it is Double Jeopardy.
Yeah that doesn't really work with people intent on suicide, in fact, our attention alone is probably aggrivating him more than anything. But it's good nonetheless.

I understand it is cheesy and the one little pebble I was trying to implant was the idea that when he is in those moments that he can remember that at least one person on this earth cares and does not want him to waste his ability to have moments so bright as to overshadow the deep dark momments that seem so unescapable. Its such an unbelievabley stupid little piece of americana that I have laughed about it in some of my own dark times. I was hoping it may do the same for him and he could pare it with my little voice in his head saying dig through this there IS LIGHT AT THE END OF THE LONG TUNNEL.
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I think you misread me, Damocles.

And that would be the ex post facto provision, not double jeopardy.
They passed that law after the fact of what happened here. The DA had announced that there was no law dealing with this type of harassment and that they were therefore not charging the woman.

Seriously. First you say that this kid somehow terrorized her daughter, not in evidence anywhere, now you are attempting to say that they already had a law that was passed after the crime took place.
I understand it is cheesy and the one little pebble I was trying to implant was the idea that when he is in those moments that he can remember that at least one person on this earth cares and does not want him to waste his ability to have moments so bright as to overshadow the deep dark momments that seem so unescapable. Its such an unbelievabley stupid little piece of americana that I have laughed about it in some of my own dark times. I was hoping it may do the same for him and he could pare it with my little voice in his head saying dig through this there IS LIGHT AT THE END OF THE LONG TUNNEL.

But there is no light at the end of the tunnel.
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I just know how he feels and that none of it was helping him. I can see, however, that this is more about your feelings than his anyway.
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They passed that law after the fact of what happened here. The DA had announced that there was no law dealing with this type of harassment and that they were therefore not charging the woman.

Seriously. First you say that this kid somehow terrorized her daughter, not in evidence anywhere, now you are attempting to say that they already had a law that was passed after the crime took place.

The town passed ITS law.

There are federal laws dealing with e-bullying. And you're putting words in my mouth.
The feds must press their own laws. If such laws exist then they should prosecute.

Yes, I was wondering why the federal government has not prosecuted, and I read in an article somewhere that they're not sure where most of the posts came from and that the mother claimed she didn't make them. Which could be turned into reasonable doubt.