Investors causing hunger among the worlds poor.


Villified User
Investors looking for a safe place to invest money have driven up commodity prices causing it to be unaffordable by the worlds poorest.
I also heard the projects to develop crops as biofuel has driven some food crops up. Some shmoe on neocon warlord Medv(asinvictory)ed's radio program was talking about how even if we used ALL our corn and soybeans for fuel it would solve a about 6% of the problem, and that's having NONE left fer eatin'.
Well that is true but not the only reason or the main reason as the rest of the world seems to be viewing it.
Investors looking for a safe place to invest money have driven up commodity prices causing it to be unaffordable by the worlds poorest.

What the hell are you talking about? While there is some speculation built into commodities (especially energy) the bulk of the increase is due to demand for the commodities.

ie... grain prices have skyrocketed due to heavy increases in demand for grain from China, India and biofuel manufacturers. With the wealth created in China and India they are now eating more meat. A pound of meat takes about 6 pounds of grain to produce. Last year was the first ever that China was a net importer of grain rather than an exporter.

Industrial metals have gone up due to rapid expansion in China, India, etc... without new supplies coming on line.

Energy prices, especially oil, nat gas and coal, have also skyrocketed due to increases in demand from the US, China and India (amoung others).
I also heard the projects to develop crops as biofuel has driven some food crops up. Some shmoe on neocon warlord Medv(asinvictory)ed's radio program was talking about how even if we used ALL our corn and soybeans for fuel it would solve a about 6% of the problem, and that's having NONE left fer eatin'.

It wouldn't even solve that much. Currently biofuels take more energy to create than they produce. It is a net loss. Biofuels currently just make people THINK they are helping the environment.
It wouldn't even solve that much. Currently biofuels take more energy to create than they produce. It is a net loss. Biofuels currently just make people THINK they are helping the environment.

ANd it's a great way to drive up the prices so poor people will put in longer hours at the nike slave compounds.;)
If people really wanted to protect the envirnoment they would push for Congress to tap into ANWR and off our coast (especially in the gulf). But instead they will continue to pretend that the worse case scenario of a massive spill etc... will occur as a given. They ignore the fact that it would only take up about as much acreage as LAX.

But yeah, lets rely on foreign oil production to make up for our increase in demand.

This is not to say we shouldn't also be pumping vast resources into alt energy, we absolutely should be doing that as well.
Or riot in Hati ? Didn't know about that did ya ?

well the price of rice is way up and corn productions has nothing to do with rice production. they won't grow in the same places.
If people really wanted to protect the envirnoment they would push for Congress to tap into ANWR and off our coast (especially in the gulf). But instead they will continue to pretend that the worse case scenario of a massive spill etc... will occur as a given. They ignore the fact that it would only take up about as much acreage as LAX.

But yeah, lets rely on foreign oil production to make up for our increase in demand.

This is not to say we shouldn't also be pumping vast resources into alt energy, we absolutely should be doing that as well.

Actually getting off oil would deescalate the percieved need to conquer the middleast. We won't be allowed to drill in anwar, telecommuting will never be seriously considered, though it's technically possible for most jobs, because, again, these two actions would lower the price of oil, the need for war, the power of the military industrial complex... on and on. it's levels of dysfunction and sickness.
You ought to watch some news from other countries. Deutche Welle, BBC, etc.

You ought to have a better understanding of the futures market before you spout off about something you heard on tv.

The vast majority of commodities futures are CASH transactions. They do not actually trade the physical commodity. Very similar to options trades. Options trades do not drive up the price of the stock. Futures trades do not necessarily drive up the price of the commodity.

Side note... I guarantee you I have far greater access to commodity data than you do.... and yes, it is data from around the globe.... and no, it is not from a tv show.
Except when people can't buy corn, they may switch to rice.

they were buying rivce before in Hati and in India the price of rice has at least tripeled. Keep up with world events.
Very few people in the rest of the world depend on corn for food. Esp in the eastern hemmisphere.
Mexico and south america do depend on corn.
and they have been raising cain about the price of corn as well.
Or riot in Hati ? Didn't know about that did ya ?

well the price of rice is way up and corn productions has nothing to do with rice production. they won't grow in the same places.

Of course we have heard of the rice shortages. Now is people investing in rice futures the cause? No, it is not. The problem is that demand is outweighing supply. Also, who the fuck said corn production had anything to do with rice production?

But I know... you are just "calling it like you see it" or some other such idiotic nonsense. You have no clue what you are talking about, you are simply trying to parrot something you heard on a tv show.
You ought to have a better understanding of the futures market before you spout off about something you heard on tv.

The vast majority of commodities futures are CASH transactions. They do not actually trade the physical commodity. Very similar to options trades. Options trades do not drive up the price of the stock. Futures trades do not necessarily drive up the price of the commodity.

Side note... I guarantee you I have far greater access to commodity data than you do.... and yes, it is data from around the globe.... and no, it is not from a tv show.

Does not necessarailly drive up the price, but does when investors are pumping in more money than is needed. As they have been doing.
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Ok go ahead SF and be right, but wrong yet again. I care not.
The perception of the rest of the world is what matters in international relations.
they were buying rivce before in Hati and in India the price of rice has at least tripeled. Keep up with world events.
Very few people in the rest of the world depend on corn for food. Esp in the eastern hemmisphere.
Mexico and south america do depend on corn.
and they have been raising cain about the price of corn as well.

Again, complete stupidity on your part. What part of the fact that China and India are consuming more meat did you not comprehend? What types of grain do you feed Cattle, Chickens etc...??? That meat they are eating requires a lot of grain.
Ok go ahead SF and be right, but wrong yet again. I care not.
The perception of the rest of the world is what matters in international relations.

Again, more stupidity on your part. Perception has nothing to do with REALITY. If you don't understand the futures contracts and how they work, if you are embarrassed at your idiotic assertation that they don't use corn for food, then fine. But don't pretend you are anywhere close to being correct on this.

Stick to computers. You don't know anything about the prices of grains and what is driving them. You spout off ignorant lines about keeping up with what is going on in the world, then refuse to listen to what is going on in the world.

Investors are not causing grain prices to go up. Demand for grain is causing grain prices to go up.