Actually you have not proven that temperatures are not rising. It is another distortion, nothing more, so the basis of your argument is garbage, nothing, zero.

So you are saying that you have studied this for two decades, but that you haven't bothered looking at global temps for the past 16 years? You might want to check up on the definition of 'studying'.
You think it will affect global warming if we get rid of emissions, but our atmosphere stays the same or gets worse because of China & other countries?

How inane do you think that might be?

Um, less CO2 is better than more CO2. Not that difficult a concept.
China is leading the world in clean energy policies, they are cleaning up emissions and implimenting green. Their citizens are taking pollution and global warming seriously.

I wish we were as serious about the problem.

except they aren't cleaning up their emissions. The US has seen a decline in emissions, China's emissions have been growing. Their citizens do what their masters tell them.
Um, less CO2 is better than more CO2. Not that difficult a concept.


Didn't answer the question, didjya? How can it make a difference, specifically in respect to GLOBAL WARMING, if ultimately, the atmosphere stays the same or gets worse?

No way out of that one, DH. It's not a hard question, either. Um....
So you are saying that you have studied this for two decades, but that you haven't bothered looking at global temps for the past 16 years? You might want to check up on the definition of 'studying'.

I am saying that I look at the same chart as you and read it n
differently and you have yet to prove that your interpretation is correct.

Didn't answer the question, didjya? How can it make a difference, specifically in respect to GLOBAL WARMING, if ultimately, the atmosphere stays the same or gets worse?

No way out of that one, DH. It's not a hard question, either. Um....

Jesus Lord Almighty. Are you serious? Less CO2 is better than more CO2, specifically in respect to GLOBAL WARMING. The atmosphere will have less CO2 in it if we cut back our emissions than if we didn't cut back out emissions.

By the way, you off the wagon or something?
You're basically asking how less carbon dioxide emissions would be better than more carbon dioxide emiisions. That's fucking stupid.

What's scary is this is what's voting, this is what's answering "polls" about climate change. It's terrifying because of the stakes. This is what's out there. And now try and get your mind around this - this is your "above average" voter, because he is likely more informed than the average voter. I mean, maybe not. I hope not. But considering he is on a political message board, it's quite possible.
Jesus Lord Almighty. Are you serious? Less CO2 is better than more CO2, specifically in respect to GLOBAL WARMING. The atmosphere will have less CO2 in it if we cut back our emissions than if we didn't cut back out emissions.

By the way, you off the wagon or something?

Yeah, that is what I have been saying.
Jesus Lord Almighty. Are you serious? Less CO2 is better than more CO2, specifically in respect to GLOBAL WARMING. The atmosphere will have less CO2 in it if we cut back our emissions than if we didn't cut back out emissions.

By the way, you off the wagon or something?

Man, Dung. You're smart; you shouldn't be doing this.

If the OVERALL ATMOSPHERE does not change - even if we are completely, 100% off of carbon - what affect does that have on global warming?

Please be specific.
What's scary is this is what's voting, this is what's answering "polls" about climate change. It's terrifying because of the stakes. This is what's out there. And now try and get your mind around this - this is your "above average" voter, because he is likely more informed than the average voter. I mean, maybe not. I hope not. But considering he is on a political message board, it's quite possible.

Do you know what the stakes are? Many of those American families - who you care a great deal about in the tax & healthcare threads - will likely lose their jobs, so we can make no appreciable difference in the atmosphere whatsoever.

Great logic. You're a super-smart voter.
Man, Dung. You're smart; you shouldn't be doing this.

If the OVERALL ATMOSPHERE does not change - even if we are completely, 100% off of carbon - what affect does that have on global warming?

Please be specific.

But the OVERALL ATMOSPHERE will change if we are completely, 100% off of carbon.
But the OVERALL ATMOSPHERE will change if we are completely, 100% off of carbon.

Will it?

Did you read the OP? You can dispute the source, but in 4 years, China's growth & emissions (and that's China alone) will overtake any difference we make; and that's if we're 100% off of carbon.
Will it?

Did you read the OP? You can dispute the source, but in 4 years, China's growth & emissions (and that's China alone) will overtake any difference we make; and that's if we're 100% off of carbon.

Yet China is working harder on the problem than ANY OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. They have the most to lose, since they are the largest country.

Good lord, they built the largest power station in the world, and it has zero carbon footprint.

Why do you keep ignoring the facts and spouting your ignorant Fox News Talking points?
Please tell me you're kidding.

Please do better than that.

And I mean it; try to explain it to me scientifically. You think AGW has been going on for decades, I assume. Even if we go cold turkey, which is very pie in the sky, China & the rest of the world will offset whatever we do.

So how will that affect global warming, DH? I need this explained, without witty rejoinders or cop-outs. It needs to be more than "less carbon is better than more." There will be more, regardless.
Please do better than that.

And I mean it; try to explain it to me scientifically. You think AGW has been going on for decades, I assume. Even if we go cold turkey, which is very pie in the sky, China & the rest of the world will offset whatever we do.

So how will that affect global warming, DH? I need this explained, without witty rejoinders or cop-outs. It needs to be more than "less carbon is better than more." There will be more, regardless.

I'm seriously worried about your mental faculties at this point, Lorax. And I'm not joking in the slightest.
Jesus Lord Almighty. Are you serious? Less CO2 is better than more CO2, specifically in respect to GLOBAL WARMING. The atmosphere will have less CO2 in it if we cut back our emissions than if we didn't cut back out emissions.

By the way, you off the wagon or something?

What have you given up? Specifically? How have you lessened your lifestyle to save the planet?
You can groan me all you want but I'm dead fucking serious. You're a smart person. You should not have difficultly understanding how the United States eliminating carbon emissions would lead to less CO2 in the atompshere than if the United States did not elimitated carbon emissions, regardless of what other countries do.
I'm seriously worried about your mental faculties at this point, Lorax. And I'm not joking in the slightest.

Sorry, man. I don't groan much, but that was groanworthy.

I don't think you can explain it. Because you ARE smart, and you realize that you're basically wrong - or it's possible you didn't understand the context of the discussion when you jumped in.

I'll answer for you: even if one accepts AGW 100%, America getting off carbon completely will not make a bit of difference in terms of climate change, for which quite a few natural triggers have already been engaged. We won't see fewer hurricanes, fewer droughts, or any change at all.

Now, if you can get the rest of the world to follow suit, you may have something. Otherwise, you're just wrong, and pretty stupid.