You can groan me all you want but I'm dead fucking serious. You're a smart person. You should not have difficultly understanding how the United States eliminating carbon emissions would lead to less CO2 in the atompshere than if the United States did not elimitated carbon emissions, regardless of what other countries do.

You're talking on a lower level. There would be less CO2 than there would have been if we didn't act, but there wouldn't be less overall.

And either way, it wouldn't make any difference as far as global warming. Even a diehard AGWer can't argue that one factually.
Just to repeat, from the OP: "even if American emissions were to suddenly disappear tomorrow, world emissions would be back at the same level within four years as a result of China’s growth alone"
You can groan me all you want but I'm dead fucking serious. You're a smart person. You should not have difficultly understanding how the United States eliminating carbon emissions would lead to less CO2 in the atompshere than if the United States did not elimitated carbon emissions, regardless of what other countries do.

Hitting the bottle early??
So, just to sum up, y'all can keep calling me stupid, and saying I shouldn't vote, and suggesting I'm evil for what I'm going to do to my grandchildren..but not a one of you can answer a simple question about how what we do affects global warming.

Good stuff. I learned so much today, as I do every day.
Apparently according to one of the leading climate alarmists, there is a movable hotspot that roves the planet.

Dr. Kevin Trenberth is a mainstream climate scientist, best known for inadvertently telling the world the truth about the parlous state of climate science itself. In the Climategate emails published in 2009, it was revealed that in private he had said:

The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t.
This from a spokesman for the folks who have been telling us for years that the science is settled …

However, the problem seems to be solved. Kevin Trenberth, Distinguished Senior Scientist, (as he is described on his web page) has emailed Joe Romm, Distinguished Senior Climate Alarmist, about the status of Dr. Trenberth’s tireless quest to find the missing heat, stating (emphasis in Romm’s post):

We can confidently say that the risk of drought and heat waves has gone up and the odds of a hot spot somewhere on the planet have increased but the hotspot moves around and the location is not very predictable. This year perhaps it is East Asia: China, or earlier Siberia? It has been much wetter and cooler in the US (except for SW), whereas last year the hot spot was the US. Earlier this year it was Australia (Tasmania etc) in January (southern summer). We can name spots for all summers going back quite a few years: Australia in 2009, the Russian heat wave in 2010, Texas in 2011, etc.”

Read more: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2013/08/21/stalking-the-rogue-hotspot/#more-92001
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That would have required a rational question.

Tom posted that even if we stop ALL emissions, China's growth will offset that in 4 years.

Tekky posted that even if the entire world stopped emissions, global warming would continue for "many centuries."

So, why do you think anything we do will affect global warming at all?
Tom posted that even if we stop ALL emissions, China's growth will offset that in 4 years.

Tekky posted that even if the entire world stopped emissions, global warming would continue for "many centuries."

So, why do you think anything we do will affect global warming at all?

Neither Tom, nor Tekky, nor me or you have god like powers, though you believe you do.
And Dung? I'm not saying we shouldn't transition away from carbon. I'm challenging the ridiculous notion that we can "stop global warming!" by doing so.

You missed that part of the discussion, since you jumped in a few days late.