Irate Chimp: An angry, swearing Bush barges in on a private GOP meeting


Will work for Scooby snacks
He's losing his grip on sanity: A swearing Bush barges in on a private meeting of GOP senators and White House aides, basically yelling: "I'm NEVER giving up, or changing course in Iraq!"

Bush Surprises Senate Aides With Unexpected Interruption of White House Meeting

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

WASHINGTON — President Bush shocked Capitol Hill staffers and Republican leaders Monday when he crashed a meeting at the White House to deliver a blunt message that he wasn't backing down on Iraq and Republicans need to understand that.

"It was stunning," said one GOP aide who attended the meeting. "We couldn't believe he came in."

"We kept looking at each other, amazed he came in," said another Republican aide.

Bush was described as folksy, adamant and mildly profane as he interrupted the meeting between senior White House communications staffers Tony Snow and Ed Gillespie and GOP leaders.

His message: the policy on Iraq isn't changing. He is not backing down and no one on Capitol Hill should be confused into thinking he is letting up.,2933,289504,00.html
He's losing his grip on sanity: A swearing Bush barges in on a private meeting of GOP senators and White House aides, basically yelling: "I'm NEVER giving up, or changing course in Iraq!"

Bush Surprises Senate Aides With Unexpected Interruption of White House Meeting

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

WASHINGTON — President Bush shocked Capitol Hill staffers and Republican leaders Monday when he crashed a meeting at the White House to deliver a blunt message that he wasn't backing down on Iraq and Republicans need to understand that.

"It was stunning," said one GOP aide who attended the meeting. "We couldn't believe he came in."

"We kept looking at each other, amazed he came in," said another Republican aide.

Bush was described as folksy, adamant and mildly profane as he interrupted the meeting between senior White House communications staffers Tony Snow and Ed Gillespie and GOP leaders.

His message: the policy on Iraq isn't changing. He is not backing down and no one on Capitol Hill should be confused into thinking he is letting up.,2933,289504,00.html

Leadership baby!
He's losing his grip on sanity: A swearing Bush barges in on a private meeting of GOP senators and White House aides, basically yelling: "I'm NEVER giving up, or changing course in Iraq!"

Bush Surprises Senate Aides With Unexpected Interruption of White House Meeting

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

WASHINGTON — President Bush shocked Capitol Hill staffers and Republican leaders Monday when he crashed a meeting at the White House to deliver a blunt message that he wasn't backing down on Iraq and Republicans need to understand that.

"It was stunning," said one GOP aide who attended the meeting. "We couldn't believe he came in."

"We kept looking at each other, amazed he came in," said another Republican aide.

Bush was described as folksy, adamant and mildly profane as he interrupted the meeting between senior White House communications staffers Tony Snow and Ed Gillespie and GOP leaders.

His message: the policy on Iraq isn't changing. He is not backing down and no one on Capitol Hill should be confused into thinking he is letting up.,2933,289504,00.html

He's been having a protracted breakdown, that's for sure.

gotta love a guy who sticks to his convictions with all odds against him...kudos!

side note: One thing that I learned and stuck with me while attending OCS...Ft.Belvoir,Va...they stressed that a "Bad Decision was better than no decision" This is where the dems go wrong they have absolutely no decision..just rhetoric!
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We should amend the constitution to make the legislature able to expel a president (without the title of "impeachment" hanging on him) with about 60% of the vote from each house, and make it perfectly clear that this can be entirely for political differences between legislature and president. I don't care about seperation of power; 3/5ths is enough, and if the pres has that much against him he's probably deranged anyway.
gotta love a guy who sticks to his convictions with all odds against him...kudos!

Yep, even when those convictions are leading to thousands of American deaths, and tens of thousands of American maimings for nothing! Horray for W's fat fucking ego!! Hip Hip Horay!! More death, more destruction, more blood and treasure spilled into the deserts of Iraq, but W, in his wisdom is sticking to his conviction. Good for him.
He's afraid of his legacy being destroyed. It terrifies him. But he's only making it worse and worse. We need some new blood up there with a clear head on those shoulders; impeach Bush and Cheney.

Bush would have been fired from any job in private industry, for his incompetent and abyssmal performance to date.

Voters could have fired him four years ago but didn't. If the Demcrats would have put up a decent candidate he would be gone.

It's also the beauty of government. Many government employees couldn't hang in a private environment. Many government programs that would get cut immediately for failure in a private investment get told in the public sector you need more money and are prolonged year after year.

Government is a wonderful thing isn't it?
Spare me the nonsense....

Yep, even when those convictions are leading to thousands of American deaths, and tens of thousands of American maimings for nothing! Horray for W's fat fucking ego!! Hip Hip Horay!! More death, more destruction, more blood and treasure spilled into the deserts of Iraq, but W, in his wisdom is sticking to his conviction. Good for him.

911 over 3000 deaths occurred...why do y'all stick with the 'Islam apologist angle!' see this works both ways!
Voters could have fired him four years ago but didn't. If the Demcrats would have put up a decent candidate he would be gone.

It's also the beauty of government. Many government employees couldn't hang in a private environment. Many government programs that would get cut immediately for failure in a private investment get told in the public sector you need more money and are prolonged year after year.

Government is a wonderful thing isn't it?

could have fired him four years ago but didn't. If the Demcrats would have put up a decent candidate he would be gone.

Give me a break cawacko. Don't blame the democrats for your horrible choices in choosing presidents. No Democrat ever forced your finger to push the lever for Bush. You could just have easily have voted for a third party.

And if you've maintained any of your sanity, you would know that (as much as you dislike them), Gore or Kerry would have been better presidents. In particular, on foreign policy and diplomacy.
Thats speculation...

could have fired him four years ago but didn't. If the Demcrats would have put up a decent candidate he would be gone.

Give me a break cawacko. Don't blame the democrats for your horrible choices in choosing presidents. No Democrat ever forced your finger to push the lever for Bush. You could just have easily have voted for a third party.

And if you've maintained any of your sanity, you would know that (as much as you dislike them), Gore or Kerry would have been better presidents. In particular, on foreign policy and diplomacy.

given Als nonsensical rantings and Lt.Kerry's self documented war record...I think not!
could have fired him four years ago but didn't. If the Demcrats would have put up a decent candidate he would be gone.

Give me a break cawacko. Don't blame the democrats for your horrible choices in choosing presidents. No Democrat ever forced your finger to push the lever for Bush. You could just have easily have voted for a third party.

And if you've maintained any of your sanity, you would know that (as much as you dislike them), Gore or Kerry would have been better presidents. In particular, on foreign policy and diplomacy.

Let's be honest I live in California, me voting for Bush had zero impact on the election. And if you want to go back further by the time primary voting came to California in 2000 Bush was already the nominee so I had no impact in selecting him then either.

Bush was very vulnerable in the 2004 election. You say his opponent doesn't matter but it does. My sense is there was a good size contingent who would have been willing to vote against Bush if the candidate was someone other (better) than Kerry.
911 over 3000 deaths occurred...why do y'all stick with the 'Islam apologist angle!' see this works both ways!

I'm all for avenging 911. Iraq had about as much to do with it as Sweden. That bullshit doesn't work with me fellah, nice try. What kind of soap do you use to try to wash all that blood of your hands?
He's been having a protracted breakdown, that's for sure.

I'm sure you all know me as a Bush-basher, but I have a question"Who is wrong here???

The Title says" Irate Chimp: An angry, swearing Bush barges in on a private GOP meeting

but the dialog says" Bush was described as folksy, adamant and mildly profane as he interrupted the meeting between senior White House communications staffers Tony Snow and Ed Gillespie and GOP leaders.

HMM: considering the conversation. I would say it was par for the course.

I'm all for avenging 911. Iraq had about as much to do with it as Sweden. That bullshit doesn't work with me fellah, nice try. What kind of soap do you use to try to wash all that blood of your hands?

You can believe whatever you want to believe...I use in 911..and you know for a fact that Iraq was not involved in the 911 incident...amazing General Beefy...amazing..where was it you served and gained this revelation...I'm listening...all ears!
gotta love a guy who sticks to his convictions with all odds against him...kudos!

side note: One thing that I learned and stuck with me while attending OCS...Ft.Belvoir,Va...they stressed that a "Bad Decision was better than no decision" This is where the dems go wrong they have absolutely no decision..just rhetoric!

SO now you have also been to OCS Yet you don't know squat about the Army.(Not even what an E-4 is.

I'm sure you all know me as a Bush-basher, but I have a question"Who is wrong here???

The Title says" Irate Chimp: An angry, swearing Bush barges in on a private GOP meeting

but the dialog says" Bush was described as folksy, adamant and mildly profane as he interrupted the meeting between senior White House communications staffers Tony Snow and Ed Gillespie and GOP leaders.

HMM: considering the conversation. I would say it was par for the course.

I just knew there was a logical donny hidden under the cloud of liberal fantasy...kudos donny...kudos!
I'm sure you all know me as a Bush-basher, but I have a question"Who is wrong here???

The Title says" Irate Chimp: An angry, swearing Bush barges in on a private GOP meeting

but the dialog says" Bush was described as folksy, adamant and mildly profane as he interrupted the meeting between senior White House communications staffers Tony Snow and Ed Gillespie and GOP leaders.

HMM: considering the conversation. I would say it was par for the course.

You're not the only one who saw that doniston. The article doesn't mention anything about him being angry. Cypress just spun the title to try and make it more juicy. The real heading should be 'Bush makes surprise appearance at GOP Congress meeting.'

There's enough real things to go after Bush on that there's no real need to fabricate stories.