Irate Chimp: An angry, swearing Bush barges in on a private GOP meeting

How would "folksy" not be benign? Many described Clinton as "folksy" and his offices as more "casual".

The words are almost interchangeable. I'm just working with language here and don't really care that the President spoke with some Senators in such an impromtu and informal manner.

Give me a way to use "folksy" in some way that isn't benign.

I think that in bush's case, it has been used to gloss over the fact that he is a blithering moron. Whenever he pulls one of his world famous verbal boners, or goes on one of his infamous tears that are actually incoherent, he is "folksy".

He's not folksy. He's a multi-millionaire from one of our country's most elite families, raised with a siver spoon who never had to work for a damned thing. He's not folksy. He's an idiot. A baboon. A buffoon.

Yep, but that was no excuse to invade and occupy Iraq which all proof shows had nothing to do with it.
Umm did you ever hear of court martial in the military for those who made stupid decisions instead of no decision ?

you told us all about your bad decision 'hitting a Officer'...
How would "folksy" not be benign? Many described Clinton as "folksy" and his offices as more "casual".

The words are almost interchangeable. I'm just working with language here and don't really care that the President spoke with some Senators in such an impromtu and informal manner.

Give me a way to use "folksy" in some way that isn't benign.

Thank you.
Whatever ya say...cippie!

If you were a counter terrorism intelligence officer, they this nation is fucked. I can't believe they'd put idiots like you on the taxpayer dole, to do important work like that.

Rest easy though many like me have kept your freedom of speech available...have a nice afternoon...smoke another toke with your buds!
I think that in bush's case, it has been used to gloss over the fact that he is a blithering moron. Whenever he pulls one of his world famous verbal boners, or goes on one of his infamous tears that are actually incoherent, he is "folksy".

He's not folksy. He's a multi-millionaire from one of our country's most elite families, raised with a siver spoon who never had to work for a damned thing. He's not folksy. He's an idiot. A baboon. A buffoon.
However, it was simply a report on how he was described.

"Bush was described as folksy..."

If you note the first paragraph, the actual spin "crashed" etc is not really to Bush's positive image.
However, it was simply a report on how he was described.

"Bush was described as folksy..."

If you note the first paragraph, the actual spin "crashed" etc is not really to Bush's positive image.

Yeah, who knows. i wasn't there of course. To me, the guy is known to he very profane, he is a babbling idiot, and he's delusional. So that's how I read the story of his busting in on this meeting.
You are my man one hundred grand and all but your partisan blinders and hatred blinds you to the "facts" and "reason" you claim to go by.

Please show me one definition anywhere that says folksy is "inarticulate and incoherent".

This has nothing to do with liking or disliking Bush and brother the only think I worship is God and Jack Daniels.

Any other people who support "facts" care to show us another definition of folksy?

In the 2000 campaign, Bush was an inarticulate moron for the most part in the debates with Gore. And the debates with Kerry in 2004.

The media spun that as Bush being "folksy".

I interpreted that as Bush being inarticulate and clumsy. I think most agree with me now, that bush is one of the stupidest presidents in history.

Your welcome to your interpretation that a "folksy" Bush simply means he's a friendly, unassuming guy.