Irate Chimp: An angry, swearing Bush barges in on a private GOP meeting

Of course the word "Irate" was over the top. Anyone who thought the "Irate Chimp" part of the title wasn't sheer hyperbole, probably deserves to have their voter registration yanked -- and forced to do remedial High School English classes, to learn how to read and understand hyperbole, sarcasm, and irony.

You need to go back and look up the definitions of hyperbole, sarcasm and irony. What you did was slander. It was not an exaggeration, sarcastic or ironic. It was complete spin by a complete moron.
Not true, you can swear while being folksy....

"no fucking way" can be said in a variety of tones. One can be angry, shocked, humorous, adamant etc... when saying it. Which completely changes the meaning of how the words should be taken.

Folksy, "How the hell are you doing there, (insert nickname here)?" (Note: Also "mildly profane").
"First, in every job I've every had, its considered beyond the pale, to swear and curse (be profane) in a formal meeting. "

Depends on the manner and tone in which the curse word was said.

"Second, Bush was adament and stubborn in addition to cursing. "

The article stated "Bush was described as folksy, adamant and mildly profane"

So he was set in his position and he emphasized that position to them. That is not uncommon. The fact that he did it in a simple, unpretentious, friendly manner would suggest that he did not come in all angry or irate... and would also suggest that the use of the "profane" language was indeed mild as the article suggests.

"If you were in a meeting with Chrysler Corporation stockholders talking about how the company was tanking because of bad corporate strategy and policies, and then the CEO barged in swearing, and adamently and stubbornly proclaiming that he/she wasn't going to change course or do anything substantially differently, you would be shocked. "

If Bush had walked into a room full of voters, then I would agree it would be shocking. But that is not the case. This is like the CEO walking into a meeting of a group of company execs. That would not be shocking at all.
You need to go back and look up the definitions of hyperbole, sarcasm and irony. What you did was slander. It was not an exaggeration, sarcastic or ironic. It was complete spin by a complete moron.

Umm we do understand marginal Bush apologists though :)
You need to go back and look up the definitions of hyperbole, sarcasm and irony. What you did was slander. It was not an exaggeration, sarcastic or ironic. It was complete spin by a complete moron.

What you did was slander


In best Homer Simpson impersonation:

"Must...Defend...Bush...At All....Costs! Must....Defend....Bush....etc."
"First, in every job I've every had, its considered beyond the pale, to swear and curse (be profane) in a formal meeting. "

Depends on the manner and tone in which the curse word was said.

"Second, Bush was adament and stubborn in addition to cursing. "

The article stated "Bush was described as folksy, adamant and mildly profane"

So he was set in his position and he emphasized that position to them. That is not uncommon. The fact that he did it in a simple, unpretentious, friendly manner would suggest that he did not come in all angry or irate... and would also suggest that the use of the "profane" language was indeed mild as the article suggests.

"If you were in a meeting with Chrysler Corporation stockholders talking about how the company was tanking because of bad corporate strategy and policies, and then the CEO barged in swearing, and adamently and stubbornly proclaiming that he/she wasn't going to change course or do anything substantially differently, you would be shocked. "

If Bush had walked into a room full of voters, then I would agree it would be shocking. But that is not the case. This is like the CEO walking into a meeting of a group of company execs. That would not be shocking at all.

Umm Congress is made up of voters on laws that Bush has to sign.
Whatever man! Who gives a crap? All this over a title. If that was my title I would have told you all to go screw yourselves sideways 25 posts ago.

"If Bush had walked into a room full of voters, then I would agree it would be shocking. But that is not the case. This is like the CEO walking into a meeting of a group of company execs. That would not be shocking at all."

Wasn't it the attendees of the meeting who said it was shocking?

When did Freak become such a Bush apologist? I don't remember him that way from FP...
What you did was slander


In best Homer Simpson impersonation:

"Must...Defend...Bush...At All....Costs! Must....Defend....Bush....etc."

Ahhh... the typical bullshit response. You make shit up about Bush (which you shouldn't have to do) I call you on your bullshit and so that makes me a Bush apologist.

Be fucking honest moron and I won't have to call you out for the liar that you are.
"If Bush had walked into a room full of voters, then I would agree it would be shocking. But that is not the case. This is like the CEO walking into a meeting of a group of company execs. That would not be shocking at all."

Wasn't it the attendees of the meeting who said it was shocking?

When did Freak become such a Bush apologist? I don't remember him that way from FP...

It seems to be inversly correlated with Bush's approval rating. The lower the approval rating sinks, the angrier and more defensive of the Chimp SF gets.

Topper too.
"If Bush had walked into a room full of voters, then I would agree it would be shocking. But that is not the case. This is like the CEO walking into a meeting of a group of company execs. That would not be shocking at all."

Wasn't it the attendees of the meeting who said it was shocking?

When did Freak become such a Bush apologist? I don't remember him that way from FP...

Lorax... give me a break.

Bush has screwed up the timing, management and execution of Iraq. No question. He has allowed spending to get insanely out of control, which is not good as in the long run it will counter the effect of the tax cuts.

There are plenty of reasons to legitimately attack him and his policies. But making shit up and spinning it is pathetic.
It seems to be inversly correlated with Bush's approval rating. The lower the approval rating sinks, the angrier and more defensive of the Chimp SF gets.

Topper too.

Right... Calling you out for being full of shit is translated to defending Bush.

Why do you feel the need to make shit up Cypress? You bitch about Bush spinning intel etc... then you turn around and spin things to make your little story seem more important than it is. Fucking hypocrit is what you are.
"There are plenty of reasons to legitimately attack him and his policies. But making shit up and spinning it is pathetic."

This is an article from FOX NEWS!

To me, it shows what we have seen elsewhere: this is a man becoming unhinged, who is in a dangerous state of denial, and who stubbornly refuses to change course on anything, despite the facts on the ground.

I don't know how some people can be so willing to watch soldiers die & watch our standing continue to deteriorate with this kind of person at the helm, and not at least express concern about it. Peggy Noonan wrote a whole column the other day about how the "Bush haters" weren't so far off after all, and how Bush's attitude seems "weird" at best, but concluded by saying we can just grit our teeth & wait it out until the next administration. That's crazy to me; quite a few people will die between now & then, all at the whim of a delusional man who we're treating like a king...
So basically what you all want is a site to simply bash Bush. Fine. I'll try back at a time when you want to have honest discussions.