Irate Chimp: An angry, swearing Bush barges in on a private GOP meeting

You may have the last word...this forum is fixed...I am just for entertainment value....albeit you and your ilk are being monitored...hows that wise guy???

Like ya think internet is just for the ilk of ya so called geeks.....ha ha like donny says...opp's I mean he he...forget it and you!

There are a lot of people with psychotic delusions out there.

It's sad.
If this is true, it is another obvious failure of government.

Oh NOES! I'm so scared! BabbleBoring is going to tell the Hawaiians about me! What should I do?

Anyhow, I don't give a rats ass if you own a string of whorehouses and have a plumbers license to go along with all your other "Jack Ryan" credentials, you can't tell the difference between fact and fiction. Your love of this war is costing us guys for a reward of nothing. Does that bother you? It bothers me, and it sure as shit isn't something I'd be proud to be cheerleading about.

Your posts always give me a good laugh, I like your style!
You may have the last word...this forum is fixed...I am just for entertainment value....albeit you and your ilk are being monitored...hows that wise guy???

Like ya think internet is just for the ilk of ya so called geeks.....ha ha like donny says...opp's I mean he he...forget it and you!

Really, being monitored...that is a scary thought. i have often wondered if they have a dossier on me.
I'm going to start a letter-writing campaign to Congress for legislation that, going forward, will require that registered voters answer to the following: "Do you believe that the question of whether Saddam was involved in 9/11 will always be open, because there is no way to prove definitely otherwise?"

If their answer is yes, their right to vote should be permanently revoked.

That would really be a beautiful thing.
911 over 3000 deaths occurred...why do y'all stick with the 'Islam apologist angle!' see this works both ways!

Yep, but that was no excuse to invade and occupy Iraq which all proof shows had nothing to do with it.
Umm did you ever hear of court martial in the military for those who made stupid decisions instead of no decision ?
ask damo..My # was 14897..up yours coolaid idiot..Damo and I go back a long time!

If you were a counter terrorism intelligence officer, they this nation is fucked. I can't believe they'd put idiots like you on the taxpayer dole, to do important work like that.
What does 26% approval rating have to do with anything? We are talking about a specific story. I've been in multiple meetings where the CEO or President has come in and talked unannounced. It's quite obvious that some Republicans in Congress are rhetorically moving away from his position on Iraq. Obviously Bush is trying to prevent that. I guess that warrants a headline.

I will mail you a check if you show me where you claim folksy means incoherent. If Bush makes himself look so bad why do you have to make words up to try and make him look bad?

I've been in multiple meetings where the CEO or President has come in and talked unannounce

You left out all the other elements of the story.

First, in every job I've every had, its considered beyond the pale, to swear and curse (be profane) in a formal meeting.

Second, Bush was adament and stubborn in addition to cursing. If you were in a meeting with Chrysler Corporation stockholders talking about how the company was tanking because of bad corporate strategy and policies, and then the CEO barged in swearing, and adamently and stubbornly proclaiming that he/she wasn't going to change course or do anything substantially differently, you would be shocked.

That is in effect, what happened when a cursing Bush barged in on a meeting of Republican senators who were discussing the fucked up situation in iraq.
I'm going to start a letter-writing campaign to Congress for legislation that, going forward, will require that registered voters answer to the following: "Do you believe that the question of whether Saddam was involved in 9/11 will always be open, because there is no way to prove definitely otherwise?"

If their answer is yes, their right to vote should be permanently revoked.

Sounds good to me.

Add a second question....

Do you believe the product of a human sperm cell and human egg cell can be anything other than human? If they answer yes, permanently revoke their right to vote as well.

third question.....

Does privatization of social security mean that your money HAS to be invested in the stock market? If they answer yes, no more voting for them.

fourth question....

Do you think Clinton was impeached for getting a bj from a fugly chick? If they answer yes.... no vote for them.

adj. folk·si·er, folk·si·est Informal
1. Simple and unpretentious in behavior.
2. Characterized by informality and affability: a friendly, folksy town.
3. Modest; low-key

yet, to the king of spin, that means "irate chimp".
adj. folk·si·er, folk·si·est Informal
1. Simple and unpretentious in behavior.
2. Characterized by informality and affability: a friendly, folksy town.
3. Modest; low-key

yet, to the king of spin, that means "irate chimp".

Of course the word "Irate" was over the top. Anyone who thought the "Irate Chimp" part of the title wasn't sheer hyperbole, probably deserves to have their voter registration yanked -- and forced to do remedial High School English classes, to learn how to read and understand hyperbole, sarcasm, and irony.

You left out all the other elements of the story.

First, in every job I've every had, its considered beyond the pale, to swear and curse (be profane) in a formal meeting.

Second, Bush was adament and stubborn in addition to cursing. If you were in a meeting with Chrysler Corporation stockholders talking about how the company was tanking because of bad corporate strategy and policies, and then the CEO barged in swearing, and adamently and stubbornly proclaiming that he/she wasn't going to change course or do anything substantially differently, you would be shocked.

That is in effect, what happened when a cursing Bush barged in on a meeting of Republican senators who were discussing the fucked up situation in iraq.
the article is in conflict, folksy does not mesh in with profanity.
per the definition above.

Not true, you can swear while being folksy....

"no fucking way" can be said in a variety of tones. One can be angry, shocked, humorous, adamant etc... when saying it. Which completely changes the meaning of how the words should be taken.