Irate Chimp: An angry, swearing Bush barges in on a private GOP meeting

Right... Calling you out for being full of shit is translated to defending Bush.

Why do you feel the need to make shit up Cypress? You bitch about Bush spinning intel etc... then you turn around and spin things to make your little story seem more important than it is. Fucking hypocrit is what you are.

Tsk, Tsk, was rare for even Toby or Dixie to get this angry about a silly thread title about Bush.
Why do you feel the need to make shit up Cypress? You bitch about Bush spinning intel etc... then you turn around and spin things to make your little story seem more important than it is. Fucking hypocrit is what you are.

Off your meds this morning SF? ;)

Let me get this straight:

You're comparing Bush's misleading of the american people on Iraq and WMD, to my alleged "misleading" in a silly thread title about an Irate Chimp?

Come back Superfreak! Don't leave the board!

I didn't mean to get you so upset with my silly little thread title about the "Irate Chimp"! I didn't know that you would get so upset emotionally about a little bit of hyperbole on my part

:cry: :crybaby:

If Damo would make more space in the thread title bar, perhaps I could write a caveat in thread titles, showing where hyperbole is?

Come back!
So basically what you all want is a site to simply bash Bush. Fine. I'll try back at a time when you want to have honest discussions.

No. However, you should not expect to be able to post from a place of giving Bush the benefit of the doubt and raising questions first about those who criticize him, without being called on it.

Bush lost the benefit of the doubt a long, long time ago, and those who criticize him have certainly earned "capital."
You asked for Army rank...I was in the the AF... like my brother...E-4 in the AF was called a sgt...but not in the was a corporal in the Army..however my brother was also jealous too since the Army promoted faster than the AF well at least after the Korean war...when the AF was still the Army AF...My brother had a hard time when I received the rank of LT so fast...just under 2 and 1/2 yeras...up yours donny boy..I really don't know why I waste my time with you!

Are there any Army vets who can straighten out Donny boy..I am beginning to think he is suffering from the early sighn's of Alzheimers disease!

I missed this peice of garbage the first time around or I would have responded then--- HOWEVER:

When I joined the Air Force, it was still the Army air Corp.No problem there, but you have a faulty or otherwise lying memory.(or can we just call it6 imagination.

The only other part of this fart wo5rthy of comment is:

\(QUOTE) My brother had a hard time when I received the rank of LT so fast...just under 2 and 1/2 yeras(unquote)

Hmm, 2 & 1/2 years in OCS??? y7ou must have been in thre presernt IRAQI Army.

FURTHER: You stated earlier that you left ther service as a 2nd Luey. People just don't leave the service as a 2nd Luey unless they are a humungus screwup. and usually then they are reduced to enlisted rank.

How did you complete your manitory service without being promoted.?

See why we don't beleive anything yoiu say???
adj. folk·si·er, folk·si·est Informal
1. Simple and unpretentious in behavior.
2. Characterized by informality and affability: a friendly, folksy town.
3. Modest; low-key

yet, to the king of spin, that means "irate chimp".

That's what I'm saying. My grandparents live in the South and I've heard them on numerous times make references to the folksy friends of theirs etc. It is not a negative term.
You are so very dense...really pathetic!

I missed this peice of garbage the first time around or I would have responded then--- HOWEVER:

When I joined the Air Force, it was still the Army air Corp.No problem there, but you have a faulty or otherwise lying memory.(or can we just call it6 imagination.

The only other part of this fart wo5rthy of comment is:

\(QUOTE) My brother had a hard time when I received the rank of LT so fast...just under 2 and 1/2 yeras(unquote)

Hmm, 2 & 1/2 years in OCS??? y7ou must have been in thre presernt IRAQI Army.

FURTHER: You stated earlier that you left ther service as a 2nd Luey. People just don't leave the service as a 2nd Luey unless they are a humungus screwup. and usually then they are reduced to enlisted rank.

How did you complete your manitory service without being promoted.?

See why we don't beleive anything yoiu say???

I went to OCS in my second year in the Army...OCS is six moths...thus 2nd Lt at 2 1/2 years of total service time active was 4 years 2 months and twenty nine days...the remainder was completed in non active reserve for the stupid comment about screwing up and demoted...well donny boy hate to bust your bubble..however if you read my entire comment I said I resigned my Reserve commission(returned to permanent grade of E-5 sgt) as I decided to get out of regular service and pursue other civilian interests...have a nice day donny boy!
Not true, you can swear while being folksy....

"no fucking way" can be said in a variety of tones. One can be angry, shocked, humorous, adamant etc... when saying it. Which completely changes the meaning of how the words should be taken.

You can definitely swear while being folksy. As you said its all in how you say it.

The clip I love on the internet is the "F Word". It describes all the ways you can use the F word in a sentence and it illustrates the point you are making.
That's what I'm saying. My grandparents live in the South and I've heard them on numerous times make references to the folksy friends of theirs etc. It is not a negative term.

Man, the Bush-worship here is so thick, you could cut it with a knife.

Look, in 2000 the media and the rightwing was charmed by bush, and his "folksy" ways.

We now know, that was all bullshit. "Folksy" was a courteous, and indeed machivellian code word to cover up the fact that bush is inarticulate and incoherent. He's a moron.
He describes his grandparents and that is "Bush worship?" The rhetoric is growing so thick I think I'll need my waders to read this thread!
trying to make "folksy" in the context of Bush sound benign.
How would "folksy" not be benign? Many described Clinton as "folksy" and his offices as more "casual".

The words are almost interchangeable. I'm just working with language here and don't really care that the President spoke with some Senators in such an impromtu and informal manner.

Give me a way to use "folksy" in some way that isn't benign.
Man, the Bush-worship here is so thick, you could cut it with a knife.

Look, in 2000 the media and the rightwing was charmed by bush, and his "folksy" ways.

We now know, that was all bullshit. "Folksy" was a courteous, and indeed machivellian code word to cover up the fact that bush is inarticulate and incoherent. He's a moron.

You are my man one hundred grand and all but your partisan blinders and hatred blinds you to the "facts" and "reason" you claim to go by.

Please show me one definition anywhere that says folksy is "inarticulate and incoherent".

This has nothing to do with liking or disliking Bush and brother the only think I worship is God and Jack Daniels.

Any other people who support "facts" care to show us another definition of folksy?