Is Care over here??? :) Or others can give advice too...


New member
I like the new look....

An old grilfriend is giving birth in early August (sadly not mine). Daddy is a fuckup. But I want to show her some love and support her, because I know she's had it rough. What sort of flowers and how many should I get? Is there a standard or tradition? I'd fill it with roses but I'd like to follow tradition. I can spend a bit on it, no problem.
I like the new look....

An old grilfriend is giving birth in early August (sadly not mine). Daddy is a fuckup. But I want to show her some love and support her, because I know she's had it rough. What sort of flowers and how many should I get? Is there a standard or tradition? I'd fill it with roses but I'd like to follow tradition. I can spend a bit on it, no problem.

I personally like plants, flowers are beautiful, but dead, a plant keeps on giving!
So how can I can send rose bushes or living plants to her room? Yeah, as a man, i think that is cool, with living plants. But unless I will be there to put in them in the ground (I will be there for a very short time), and to take care of them (I will be back but at least two months) they will die anyway.

She, poor thing, will have no time to deal with yard work. She will have a baby to tend for sometime. I might be there in a couple months, and whatever she wants to give me I will take. But, i do not want to give her work as a gift.

Ok, thanks guys... lol

Okay, looking for a woman's advice... care, tiana, is desh over here? What would bowl you over?
Okay, looking for a woman's advice... care, tiana, is desh over here? What would bowl you over?

If she's just a friend and you want no romantic involvement with her, I'd go with a bottle of champagne and tulips and a nice card from hallmark.

If you are trying to woe her then you're looking for something that will pop and have her notice and think about you. If you really want to bowl her over give her letter and tell her how you feel about her and how wonderful you think she really is, diamonds typically for me.*10001*-1*171709001*15053*15053.15064.15122

Those are called journey necklaces. Maybe you can weave something into the letter about your journey with her and give her that as a nice gift. Personally I'd go with something a little bigger though. A lot of times JC Penny has a clearance sale to die for.
Lady T's suggestions are good. Another might be a gift certificate to a spa for a manicure/pedicure, with a note saying something like, "When you can take a few hours for yourself!" Maybe with a small 'welcome baby' planter for the baby's dresser? The florist can deliver that, no problem.
Hey Ron, gees, who would have thunk you had a heart to go along with "that body"? hahaha! j/k here!

Send her a "Dish Garden" which is usually a few plants, that are good for indoor growing and should be okay with the Decorative container for several months before they get too big and have to be moved outside. Something special like a miniature Bonsai tree could be very special and will live for at least the lifespan of her new Baby....but I am not certain on how to purchase one and send it FTD....?

The Idea of a Rainbow of colors of Tulips is always a very good choice in my book....I just LOVE THEM! :D

Don't send Roses UNLESS you do the research on what color stands for what...RED, is you Love her, in an intimate, passionate don't want to send that color for the Birth of her Child or a pick me up...

Each color of Roses has a different meaning, the FTD florist should know but if not, the internet google will do.

Hope this helps!

God Bless your old friend, for having this Baby, even though the Daddy's a jerk, she's got her woes cut out for her...sadly so in my book, because she is actually doing "the right thing".

As the saying goes, "Doing the right thing, isn't always easy..."

Good luck Ron!

Buy her.....

Gifts for the baby...this would probably be appreciated as you stated she had it rough!...Show you are a concerned daddy albeit the child is not yours...but is part of the lady you care about...
So how can I can send rose bushes or living plants to her room? Yeah, as a man, i think that is cool, with living plants. But unless I will be there to put in them in the ground (I will be there for a very short time), and to take care of them (I will be back but at least two months) they will die anyway.

She, poor thing, will have no time to deal with yard work. She will have a baby to tend for sometime. I might be there in a couple months, and whatever she wants to give me I will take. But, i do not want to give her work as a gift.

Ok, thanks guys... lol

Okay, looking for a woman's advice... care, tiana, is desh over here? What would bowl you over?

You go on the internet and find a florist, like

But I wouldn't know who to trust other than

But best bet is call any local florists and ask them if they are FTD and if they are they are connected to a network of florists throughout the world and can send flowers throughout the world for you....

this is the way you should do it...they take the room number and address of the hospital, patients you need this info handy when placing the order, even if on the internet.

The internet is nice because you can choose an arrangement via full color picture representations, but I have been burned before, where the items did not get there on, I think would be legit and good at promises but a google can get you this info too or the BBB....?

Also, the nurse usually hand delivers to the room or an aid and it makes you feel good when they deliver them because they can see that "someone" cares about them... :)

I like the new look....

An old grilfriend is giving birth in early August (sadly not mine). Daddy is a fuckup. But I want to show her some love and support her, because I know she's had it rough. What sort of flowers and how many should I get? Is there a standard or tradition? I'd fill it with roses but I'd like to follow tradition. I can spend a bit on it, no problem.

Do you wnat to step in and take the Daddy position?

If you are just playing this is no time to do it to her and the child.

If you feel this woman is the love of your life TELL HER!

If you just want to help as a friend when she needs help TELL HER!

If you are just wondering how different it feels after a birth DONT TELL HER and send her a little Baby shower flower arangement.

This is no time to mess with a woman.

My Brother married a woman with an 18 month old daughter.

They told her a little while back that she had a different biological father.

She said she didnt care and that My brother was her REAL dad.

shes 16 and I am so proud of my Brother and how he made himself her real dad.

Live up to my brothers example if you want to take this on.
Thanks, ladies!

Maybe I should give a little more background. She is an ex. We have been plenty intimate. At 35 I am still young enough to want to do it again, but not so young that that is all that is on my mind. And she has indicated that will not be a problem.

I'd love to take Daddy's place. I'd even be glad to have my name on the birth certificate, even though I was 2500 miles away at the time.

But she is phobic on committment, (I am a little too) and she is very independent, already raised one kid (well he is closing in on his teens and after that you just offer them shelter) on her own.

I am sure she will do alright with this one too, but it has to be a bit scary in your late thirties and she has expressed her fears, as well as her thanks for me being there, through email if nothing else (another reason why the internet is a cool thing). Well, I flew down a couple weeks ago for a day, just to see her waddle around. She was all self conscious about her body, women don't seem to know how beautiful they seem to healthy males with one in the oven.

Frankly, I don't care where it goes. I just want to be there for her, as she will have me, as a friend, lover or daddy.

The flower idea, is to just make this birth feel special for her. It's not really about me or any reflection it might give. Romantic love is fleeting anyway. Not what she will feel for her child. Honestly, I don't need that anyway. I am just looking to surround her with love (does not even matter if she realizes it is mine), because she needs it.
I like the new look....

An old grilfriend is giving birth in early August (sadly not mine). Daddy is a fuckup. But I want to show her some love and support her, because I know she's had it rough. What sort of flowers and how many should I get? Is there a standard or tradition? I'd fill it with roses but I'd like to follow tradition. I can spend a bit on it, no problem.

You could just ignore her. How much a girl enjoys you is directly proportional tot he level on which you treat her like shit. That's why guys who treat women like shit have more girls than they can count... which is usually about 5...
Thanks, ladies!

Maybe I should give a little more background. She is an ex. We have been plenty intimate. At 35 I am still young enough to want to do it again, but not so young that that is all that is on my mind. And she has indicated that will not be a problem.

I'd love to take Daddy's place. I'd even be glad to have my name on the birth certificate, even though I was 2500 miles away at the time.

But she is phobic on committment, (I am a little too) and she is very independent, already raised one kid (well he is closing in on his teens and after that you just offer them shelter) on her own.

I am sure she will do alright with this one too, but it has to be a bit scary in your late thirties and she has expressed her fears, as well as her thanks for me being there, through email if nothing else (another reason why the internet is a cool thing). Well, I flew down a couple weeks ago for a day, just to see her waddle around. She was all self conscious about her body, women don't seem to know how beautiful they seem to healthy males with one in the oven.

Frankly, I don't care where it goes. I just want to be there for her, as she will have me, as a friend, lover or daddy.

The flower idea, is to just make this birth feel special for her. It's not really about me or any reflection it might give. Romantic love is fleeting anyway. Not what she will feel for her child. Honestly, I don't need that anyway. I am just looking to surround her with love (does not even matter if she realizes it is mine), because she needs it.

Sounds like love to me, TELL HER!
Thanks, ladies!

Maybe I should give a little more background. She is an ex. We have been plenty intimate. At 35 I am still young enough to want to do it again, but not so young that that is all that is on my mind. And she has indicated that will not be a problem.

I'd love to take Daddy's place. I'd even be glad to have my name on the birth certificate, even though I was 2500 miles away at the time.

But she is phobic on committment, (I am a little too) and she is very independent, already raised one kid (well he is closing in on his teens and after that you just offer them shelter) on her own.

I am sure she will do alright with this one too, but it has to be a bit scary in your late thirties and she has expressed her fears, as well as her thanks for me being there, through email if nothing else (another reason why the internet is a cool thing). Well, I flew down a couple weeks ago for a day, just to see her waddle around. She was all self conscious about her body, women don't seem to know how beautiful they seem to healthy males with one in the oven.

Frankly, I don't care where it goes. I just want to be there for her, as she will have me, as a friend, lover or daddy.

The flower idea, is to just make this birth feel special for her. It's not really about me or any reflection it might give. Romantic love is fleeting anyway. Not what she will feel for her child. Honestly, I don't need that anyway. I am just looking to surround her with love (does not even matter if she realizes it is mine), because she needs it.

Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love.
There's nothing you can do that can't be done.
Nothing you can sing that can't be sung.
Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game
It's easy.
There's nothing you can make that can't be made.
No one you can save that can't be saved.
Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be in time
It's easy.
All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love.
All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
There's nothing you can know that isn't known.
Nothing you can see that isn't shown.
Nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be.
It's easy.
All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
All you need is love (all together now)
All you need is love (everybody)
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
Thanks, ladies!

Maybe I should give a little more background. She is an ex. We have been plenty intimate. At 35 I am still young enough to want to do it again, but not so young that that is all that is on my mind. And she has indicated that will not be a problem.

I'd love to take Daddy's place. I'd even be glad to have my name on the birth certificate, even though I was 2500 miles away at the time.

But she is phobic on committment, (I am a little too) and she is very independent, already raised one kid (well he is closing in on his teens and after that you just offer them shelter) on her own.

I am sure she will do alright with this one too, but it has to be a bit scary in your late thirties and she has expressed her fears, as well as her thanks for me being there, through email if nothing else (another reason why the internet is a cool thing). Well, I flew down a couple weeks ago for a day, just to see her waddle around. She was all self conscious about her body, women don't seem to know how beautiful they seem to healthy males with one in the oven.

Frankly, I don't care where it goes. I just want to be there for her, as she will have me, as a friend, lover or daddy.

The flower idea, is to just make this birth feel special for her. It's not really about me or any reflection it might give. Romantic love is fleeting anyway. Not what she will feel for her child. Honestly, I don't need that anyway. I am just looking to surround her with love (does not even matter if she realizes it is mine), because she needs it.

Let your guard down and tell her how you feel. No games, lose your pride and be vulnerable for once and let the chips fall where they may. You're completely whipped/in love.
Sounds like love to me, TELL HER!

Oh, she knows. I am not stingy with that. If anything too generous. I have never felt the need to protect it. She might not appreciate how deep it is, but...

Have, I said I love you guys/gals? lol

You could just ignore her. How much a girl enjoys you is directly proportional tot he level on which you treat her like shit. That's why guys who treat women like shit have more girls than they can count... which is usually about 5...

Are you being sarcastic?

LOL, yeah hope you catch one while she is still stupid. Mature women don't fall for that.
Oh, she knows. I am not stingy with that. If anything too generous. I have never felt the need to protect it. She might not appreciate how deep it is, but...

Have, I said I love you guys/gals? lol

Are you being sarcastic?

LOL, yeah hope you catch one while she is still stupid. Mature women don't fall for that.

I'm just being cynical ;).
Love, love, love...

All you need is love!

Can you smell the dandolions in the air! The children playing in the spring! Love, love, love! All RS needs is love! With the fresh meadows that bloom and burst with happiness and refreshment forever! Flying in the sky they take off and reach to the highest place in the world, and that place is love!

Love, love, love! All RS needs is love!

RS and this girl
Sittin' in a tree
K - I - S - S - I - N - G
First comes love
Then comes marriage
Then comes a baby
In a baby carriage!
Okay, she's having a kid. Cook her some food, freeze it and bring it to her. Offer help to clean a bit. She'll be tired, she'll need the rest.