Is crime way down in Venezuela?


Well-known member
Trump says crime is almost 0 in Venezuela because they are sending all of there criminals here.

Is there any evidence of that?
I would guess that could be. Their criminals and gang members have crossed into the USA illegally. Maduro probably emptied his prisons and shipped them here.
Gotcha! You old socialist bot.
People in jail don’t commit. crimes. This logic is inescapable but you won’t grasp it.
Trump says crime is almost 0 in Venezuela because they are sending all of there criminals here.

Is there any evidence of that?
No. Trump, as usual, is lying his ass off.

Do not travel to Venezuela due to crime, civil unrest, kidnapping, and the arbitrary enforcement of local laws. Reconsider travel due to wrongful detentions, terrorism, and poor health infrastructure.

Also, as usual, the MAGAts are lapping it up like dogs eating a drunk's puke.

I would guess that could be. Their criminals and gang members have crossed into the USA illegally. Maduro probably emptied his prisons and shipped them here.
Gotcha! You old socialist bot.
This response of yours makes not sense. Did you see the phrase: emptied his prisons?
WTF am I dealing with here?
How would emptying their prisons lower the crime rate? They can’t commit crimes from prison. Get it yet? Or do you need a picture? The claim is nonsense of course but you are not smart enough to figure it out. Man you Trump fucks are dumb.
The claim SHOULD have been that their prison were empty. A lower crime rate does not logically follow Trumps claim. As usual his supporters are too stupid to see the logical flaw. No surprise.
"QED" stands for "Quod Erat Demonstrandum," a Latin phrase often used in mathematics and formal logic to indicate that a proposition has been demonstrated or proven. In this context, the excerpt likely contains a statement that has been proven or demonstrated. (Source Brave AI)

Thank you bucko..... it's good you can admit when you're wrong.
Semiliterate MAGAts think they are literate. LOL

Gee, Knuck, didn't your mommy read to you as a kid or was she always earning "lunch money"?

The fact you are unable to read it in context is both unsurprising and more proof you're a poorly educated idiot.