Is crime way down in Venezuela?

Este lunes, el vicepresidente Sectorial para la Seguridad Ciudadana y la Paz, AJ. Remigio Ceballos Ichaso, informó la reducción del 25.1% de los índices delictivos en comparación al 2023 en el país.
La Seguridad en La Paz. Que pena! Y, te lo ceres?
Maybe you can attribute that quote to me as well, eh, Earl? You are a pompous ass that learned a couple of rules of grammar. Congratulations Earl. You may be able to construct a sentence, but the sentence has to convey an intelligent thought. Yours do not. Your brain is mush, you get confused on what topic is being discussed, you seem unable to comprehend the meaning of a simple question, and you forget from one thread to the next who said what. The ONLY way you can even put on an air of intelligence is by playing grammar Nazi. People of all stripes HATE grammar Nazis. And people HATE posters who refuse to acknowledge their mistakes. You should be aware of that. Carry on.
So, Concarty, you admit that you are barely literate.

I already knew that.
La Seguridad en La Paz. Que pena! Y, te lo ceres?

It's not "en La Paz." It's "para"...for.


Este lunes, el vicepresidente Sectorial para la Seguridad Ciudadana y la Paz
The translation is:

"This Monday, the Vice President for Citizen Security and Peace,"

It's not La Paz, Bolivia, dummy.

How do you even function?
Please provide evidence of your claim. I'll wait.

How are violent gang members incentivized to come to the United States. How exactly does the government find them and convince them to go to the United States. Why would they. The idea is so goddamn fucking stupid it's hardly worth commenting on, but I thought I'd give you the benefit of the doubt and see how you think that particular mechanism works.
I did not say the government convinced gang members to come to the USA.

Tren de Aragua​

Venezuelan international gang​

According to recent news reports, the Venezuelan gang “Tren de Aragua” (Aragua Train) has been suspected of entering the United States across the border, primarily through the Texas-Mexico border. The gang, originally from Venezuela, has been designated as a transnational criminal organization by the Biden administration.

Reports indicate that some members of Tren de Aragua were encountered by the Border Patrol along the Texas-Mexico border in 2023 and subsequently placed in removal proceedings in immigration court. The gang’s presence in the US has been linked to various criminal activities, including:

  1. Drug trafficking
  2. Illegal gun sales
  3. Human trafficking
  4. Kidnappings-for-ransom
  5. Illegal mining
  6. Bribery
  7. Money laundering
The gang’s activities have been reported in multiple US cities, including Denver, Colorado, where local and federal officials have confirmed the presence of Tren de Aragua members. The gang’s alleged involvement in crimes such as armed robbery, extortion, and gun violence has raised concerns among law enforcement and community leaders.

It’s worth noting that the exact scope and extent of Tren de Aragua’s operations in the US are still being investigated and may not be fully known. However, the reports suggest that the gang has exploited immigration loopholes and taken advantage of the chaos at the US-Mexico border to infiltrate the country.

Efforts to address the gang’s activities include increased law enforcement presence, investigations, and prosecutions. The US State Department has also offered up to $12 million in rewards for information leading to the arrest or conviction of Tren de Aragua leaders.

Source: Brave AI
So, Concarty, you admit that you are barely literate.

I already knew that.

Your reading comprehension also appears to need work. No such admission can be gleaned from my post. Engineers must not need critical thinking skills, because yours are completely absent.
I did not say the government convinced gang members to come to the USA.

Tren de Aragua​

Venezuelan international gang​

According to recent news reports, the Venezuelan gang “Tren de Aragua” (Aragua Train) has been suspected of entering the United States across the border, primarily through the Texas-Mexico border. The gang, originally from Venezuela, has been designated as a transnational criminal organization by the Biden administration.

Reports indicate that some members of Tren de Aragua were encountered by the Border Patrol along the Texas-Mexico border in 2023 and subsequently placed in removal proceedings in immigration court. The gang’s presence in the US has been linked to various criminal activities, including:

  1. Drug trafficking
  2. Illegal gun sales
  3. Human trafficking
  4. Kidnappings-for-ransom
  5. Illegal mining
  6. Bribery
  7. Money laundering
The gang’s activities have been reported in multiple US cities, including Denver, Colorado, where local and federal officials have confirmed the presence of Tren de Aragua members. The gang’s alleged involvement in crimes such as armed robbery, extortion, and gun violence has raised concerns among law enforcement and community leaders.

It’s worth noting that the exact scope and extent of Tren de Aragua’s operations in the US are still being investigated and may not be fully known. However, the reports suggest that the gang has exploited immigration loopholes and taken advantage of the chaos at the US-Mexico border to infiltrate the country.

Efforts to address the gang’s activities include increased law enforcement presence, investigations, and prosecutions. The US State Department has also offered up to $12 million in rewards for information leading to the arrest or conviction of Tren de Aragua leaders.

Source: Brave AI

And how exactly would that lower the crime rate in Venezuela? You do know what the term 'international' means, don't you? Or should I provide a link to a dictionary?
Your reading comprehension also appears to need work. No such admission can be gleaned from my post. Engineers must not need critical thinking skills, because yours are completely absent.
Well, Concarty, I know what "cumulative inflation" is and I am pleased as punch that I was able to educate you as to its meaning.
I did not say the government convinced gang members to come to the USA.

Tren de Aragua​

Venezuelan international gang​

According to recent news reports, the Venezuelan gang “Tren de Aragua” (Aragua Train) has been suspected of entering the United States across the border, primarily through the Texas-Mexico border. The gang, originally from Venezuela, has been designated as a transnational criminal organization by the Biden administration.

Reports indicate that some members of Tren de Aragua were encountered by the Border Patrol along the Texas-Mexico border in 2023 and subsequently placed in removal proceedings in immigration court. The gang’s presence in the US has been linked to various criminal activities, including:

  1. Drug trafficking
  2. Illegal gun sales
  3. Human trafficking
  4. Kidnappings-for-ransom
  5. Illegal mining
  6. Bribery
  7. Money laundering
The gang’s activities have been reported in multiple US cities, including Denver, Colorado, where local and federal officials have confirmed the presence of Tren de Aragua members. The gang’s alleged involvement in crimes such as armed robbery, extortion, and gun violence has raised concerns among law enforcement and community leaders.

It’s worth noting that the exact scope and extent of Tren de Aragua’s operations in the US are still being investigated and may not be fully known. However, the reports suggest that the gang has exploited immigration loopholes and taken advantage of the chaos at the US-Mexico border to infiltrate the country.

Efforts to address the gang’s activities include increased law enforcement presence, investigations, and prosecutions. The US State Department has also offered up to $12 million in rewards for information leading to the arrest or conviction of Tren de Aragua leaders.

Source: Brave AI
Indeed, excellent but it will go way over Concarty's head...he is barely literate.
Well, Concarty, I know what "cumulative inflation" is and I am pleased as punch that I was able to educate you as to its meaning.

Well, when we are discussing that topic, your knowledge will come in handy. Throwing it into a random thread about a completely different topic seems like the move of an uneducated rube.
No, I see the crime committed by Venezuelans who are allowed to enter our country due to the insane Harris/Biden open borders.
I am not talking about crime here, I was talking about what Maduro reported about crime in Venezuela. You automatically believe it because you love pretend strong men, dictators.
Well, when we are discussing that topic, your knowledge will come in handy. Throwing it into a random thread about a completely different topic seems like the move of an uneducated rube.
That was ugly, Concarty and in error.

I think that ExpressLane and I proved who is and who is not an uneducated rube, uneducated rube.