Is crime way down in Venezuela?

Thank you. So it is not accurate.
While Trump is not above telling baldfaced lies, he usually mixes in a little fact with his lies. Until lately, he also spoke in dog whistles and other "code" to his fans without committing himself. His 1/6 speech was littered with such "code" so that he could throw the terrorists under the bus and claim he wasn't responsible.
Trump says crime is almost 0 in Venezuela because they are sending all of there criminals here.

Is there any evidence of that?

Venezuela’s Violent Deaths Fall to 22-Year Low on Migration​

Recidivism you leftist genius. Pompous ass.

Concarty isn't bright enough to understand that prisoners are released and commit more crimes every day in Venezuela.

If prisoners are not released into Venezuela to commit more crimes in Venezuela but are released and sent to commit more crimes, their crime rate will go down and ours will go up.

"Cumulative" crime.

So, you admit that ypu are barely literate.

I already knew that.
Literacy is about making your self understood, that was accomplished, you are a snob.

If its so important to you, lets get into trump's sentence structure.
Recidivism you leftist genius. Pompous ass.

ROTFLMFAO!!!! So you think violent criminals are just released out of Venezuelan prisons after they say they're sorry? How fucking dumb. Venezuelan prisons are not intended for rehabilitation. They are intended to punish. So what your (and your cult leaders) theory is that Venezuelan officials say 'hey, we'll let you go, but you have to agree to sneak into the United States. And you believe this? How dumb.
ROTFLMFAO!!!! So you think violent criminals are just released out of Venezuelan prisons after they say they're sorry? How fucking dumb. Venezuelan prisons are not intended for rehabilitation. They are intended to punish. So what your (and your cult leaders) theory is that Venezuelan officials say 'hey, we'll let you go, but you have to agree to sneak into the United States. And you believe this? How dumb.
But trump said it... so it must be true, or at least we are to pretend it is true.

The weak will pretend even when the emperor has no clothes.
ROTFLMFAO!!!! So you think violent criminals are just released out of Venezuelan prisons after they say they're sorry? How fucking dumb. Venezuelan prisons are not intended for rehabilitation. They are intended to punish. So what your (and your cult leaders) theory is that Venezuelan officials say 'hey, we'll let you go, but you have to agree to sneak into the United States. And you believe this? How dumb.
Emptied prisons were/are not the only source of bad actors coming into this country and I stated that in my original post.
But you would rather use deceptive answers.
It's by "whom."

Object of a preposition...the objective case, dummy.

Maybe you can attribute that quote to me as well, eh, Earl? You are a pompous ass that learned a couple of rules of grammar. Congratulations Earl. You may be able to construct a sentence, but the sentence has to convey an intelligent thought. Yours do not. Your brain is mush, you get confused on what topic is being discussed, you seem unable to comprehend the meaning of a simple question, and you forget from one thread to the next who said what. The ONLY way you can even put on an air of intelligence is by playing grammar Nazi. People of all stripes HATE grammar Nazis. And people HATE posters who refuse to acknowledge their mistakes. You should be aware of that. Carry on.
Emptied prisons were/are not the only source of bad actors coming into this country and I stated that in my original post.
But you would rather use deceptive answers.

Please provide evidence of your claim. I'll wait.

How are violent gang members incentivized to come to the United States. How exactly does the government find them and convince them to go to the United States. Why would they. The idea is so goddamn fucking stupid it's hardly worth commenting on, but I thought I'd give you the benefit of the doubt and see how you think that particular mechanism works.