Is FoxNews biased?

I believe the term is "info-tainment."

So is the bias at any network, as I have said before...I will not debate that Fox News is not biased, but I find it laughable that there are those of you who insist that there are unbiased networks. The bottom line is that journalism has become about ratings and entertainment, as well as the agenda of the company itself.
Not sure what a "jounalist" is, but yes, I am basically a libertarian fascist (wihch I would be happy to explain in a different thread).

However, I would get fired in about 5 seconds if I ever put my personal feelings into a piece over the company-line. I was even talking about this the other day to a friend of mine; her boss was fired recently for not enforcing the company-slant to the news.

There are plenty of right-wing workers in the journalism industry, to be sure, but you will never hear from them and you will never hear how they feel.

Most journalists indicate themselves as independent by a large margin. Then again, the 20% or so who do state a party preference prefer Democrats by an 5 to 1 margin. Can't remember the link to that... ah hell... I'll google it...

Gonzo, you're actually a very strange individual. You are one of the few people who really puts my knowledge of literature to shame (I guess you get that once you complete an English degree, eh?) and yet you never went down the touchy feel liberal path that most English majors do. I mean, really. If I went up to a random libetarian fascist on the street, and I asked them what they majored in, I think "English" would be the last thing I'd expect to hear. So that's it. The only libertarian fascist in the world I can debate the finer points of Jane Austens novel with (I've never really read Jane Austen, oh well, shoot me).
Exactly. The only people who told the truth about the Iraq invasion were those Knight Ridder guys and Democracy Now.

That is merely your perspective and it is wrong. The news leans right and has for many years due to consolidation of the media.

They set you up to accept a totally biased news station like fox and you swallowed the bait .
And your point being..........

Exactly. You tell the facts of the story and then you can argue about it but you can't make up reality and what's going on. Fox "news" is a propoganda network and it's pathetic.

that you are a Hugo apologist...along with CNN et al...get a clue girly girl!:rolleyes:
Leans to the left? You mean like the Iraq invasion? Oh wait....

that is one example. When you aggregate the whole the media leans to the left. The major TV media, the major print media lean left.

I'm not sure what you mean by swallowing fox news whole. Whereas NBC, CBS, ABC and CNN show information from a left-leaning perspective Fox News shows it from a right-leaning perspective. I guess the difference between us is I'm aware of it. I know Fox News perspective and watch with that knowledge. I know what I'm getting with the major networks and watch with that perspective.
The media has turned on Bush now because the population has turned against Bush.
Ignoring the fact that you have refused to address any points showing what a loon you are, the media turned against Bush from day one. From every faux pas of the president to every sensationalised story, the media is against him.

They exsist only to make money remember?
This is true. However, they will make money either way...they basically have a monopoly.

They have all lost viewership except the shows that go after Bush like Olberman.
Read: Desh doesn't watch any news except for shows that go after Bush (because that horse is clearly not beat to death, and blogs are obviously much better researched than actual companies).

They are begining to turn to their money source.

They still are by and large right leaning with a show or two leaning left like Olberman. Its really leaning truth and not left but the truth has a left wing bias.
Again, just because the media doesn't want to lead the Bolshevik Revolution in America right this second does not mean that there isn't a leftist are just so off-the-wall mental-patient left that you think Marx is a conservative.
Don't forget about the Vitter thing. Nobody talked much about that. The only did Larry Craig cause of the same-sex angle and all that. Remember Cynthia McKinney? :rolleyes:


the drum beat to the war.

The firing of people like Donahue.

This blatant showing of harping on a dem in trouble and ignoring a Republican in trouble.

The consolidation of the media into huge corporations which are coddled by the R party.

I have given you PROOF of my point and all you have done is say "Nuu uhhh".
Exactly. The only people who told the truth about the Iraq invasion were those Knight Ridder guys and Democracy Now.

They fired the ones who spoke out and filled their ranks with Tuckers, Scarbourghs and Mathews (who drooled over Bush and his sexy jeans until recently).

Olberman was the last man standing and will be recognised in history as a last man standing like Murrow.

His ratings have soared.
General Electric is obviously only a defense contractor, and who the fuck watches CBS?

Jack Welsh, former CEO of General Electric, was a major Bush supporter and campaign contributor. I'm pretty sure if you look up total campaign contributions, the majority of GE's contributions traditionally go to republicans.

You said that journalists have to tow the company line. That would suggest that NBC and CBS journalists have to promote GE and Viacom's republican-leaning tendencies.
I guess you missed Judith Miller and her whole shit. You're hilarious. You say all this shit but don't offer any such proof while others talking about rightwing biased have offered proof. Are you going to do that? Spewing it from your ass doesn't count.

Not sure what a "jounalist" is, but yes, I am basically a libertarian fascist (wihch I would be happy to explain in a different thread).

However, I would get fired in about 5 seconds if I ever put my personal feelings into a piece over the company-line. I was even talking about this the other day to a friend of mine; her boss was fired recently for not enforcing the company-slant to the news.

There are plenty of right-wing workers in the journalism industry, to be sure, but you will never hear from them and you will never hear how they feel.
Most journalists indicate themselves as independent by a large margin. Then again, the 20% or so who do state a party preference prefer Democrats by an 5 to 1 margin. Can't remember the link to that... ah hell... I'll google it...

Gonzo, you're actually a very strange individual. You are one of the few people who really puts my knowledge of literature to shame (I guess you get that once you complete an English degree, eh?) and yet you never went down the touchy feel liberal path that most English majors do. I mean, really. If I went up to a random libetarian fascist on the street, and I asked them what they majored in, I think "English" would be the last thing I'd expect to hear. So that's it. The only libertarian fascist in the world I can debate the finer points of Jane Austens novel with (I've never really read Jane Austen, oh well, shoot me).

Oh, I can't stand Jane Austen, but years of learning have forced me to recognise she has her good qualities :P

Yes, I realise that I am a bit of an oddity, and probably the sole member of the national collaborativist movement (so far) ;)
Well she's offered proof but yet you haven't...

Guys, we should just give up. She's right and we are wrong, obviously. I mean, she keeps saying we are wrong and that she is the most intelligent person here (sorry human race), so it must be so!

This sounds like something that you heard off a blog and have embraced without ever analysing...please tell me exactly what this sentence means, and be specific.

Um, sure. Or, perhaps almost all of the media spoke out against the war, so that when they actually fired someone they had no option but to fire an anti-war reporter....This is like saying that if the KKK kicked out a member for whatever reason, the real reason that the member was ejected was due to his whiteness....which is obviously just silly.

Is it?

Like the Congressional elections, right?

Such as?

Which is clearly going to cloud your should assume a neutral standpoint as judge as each one comes to you, otherwise you become the partisan hack that pretty much defines you on this site.

Or, could it be that the country doesn't pay attention to uncredible blogs, and that the mainstream media (because of a thing called ethics) is required to actually back up the stories they report, which naturally excludes the more Area 51/conspiracy nutjob stories that I am sure you are looking for.

Yeah, the media obviously loves George Bush....can I buy some of that acid?

I doubt you could follow the money for my groceries, much less the complexities of political/corporate intrigue.

If you are the future of rationality, I will gladly remain among the ignorant, reactionary masses.
Don't forget about the Vitter thing. Nobody talked much about that. The only did Larry Craig cause of the same-sex angle and all that. Remember Cynthia McKinney? :rolleyes:

They went after her like they smelled blood inn the water.

She was an easy target , a black woman who did not take shit.

Tell me how many times the capitol guards refused to recognise her and forced her to show ID before she entered the building?
Right Caca.......

No baka this is pretty known history for those involved in politics. I even knew of this. And apparently the woman in Scarborough's office was pregnant too.

this story is some six years old did you claim to be on your intro thread...? Are you claiming to be much older now? I laugh at liberal socialist failure to keep track at what they say!

side note:SB82 claimed to be 25 and a Criminal Justice student..most graduate from college at say 21 or 22...are you a professional student?...And what pray tell is your real job..that is if you actually have one!:cof1:
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Right. If MSNBC was really left they'd get rid of Tucker and instead put on Rachel Maddow from Air America. Then they'd have two of each but they don't. I don't watch the network a lot so I'm not sure if Dan Abrams has his own show or not though.

The media has turned on Bush now because the population has turned against Bush.

They exsist only to make money remember?

They have all lost viewership except the shows that go after Bush like Olberman.

They are begining to turn to their money source.

They still are by and large right leaning with a show or two leaning left like Olberman. Its really leaning truth and not left but the truth has a left wing bias.
If journalists were really independent they wouldn't be registered with political parties. Keith Olbermann has said a good number of times that he doesn't even vote. Personally I think that is going too far because each citizen should do their civic duty and vote when they are encouraged to do so. Even that special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald went to a lot of distance to make sure he was independent. He's really a republican but then changed it to independent and then he found out being an indpendent is also a party so he just isn't registered. That's what journalists I think should do too if they were truly independent.

Most journalists indicate themselves as independent by a large margin. Then again, the 20% or so who do state a party preference prefer Democrats by an 5 to 1 margin. Can't remember the link to that... ah hell... I'll google it...

Gonzo, you're actually a very strange individual. You are one of the few people who really puts my knowledge of literature to shame (I guess you get that once you complete an English degree, eh?) and yet you never went down the touchy feel liberal path that most English majors do. I mean, really. If I went up to a random libetarian fascist on the street, and I asked them what they majored in, I think "English" would be the last thing I'd expect to hear. So that's it. The only libertarian fascist in the world I can debate the finer points of Jane Austens novel with (I've never really read Jane Austen, oh well, shoot me).
Jack Welsh, former CEO of General Electric, was a major Bush supporter and campaign contributor. I'm pretty sure if you look up total campaign contributions, the majority of GE's contributions traditionally go to republicans.

You said that journalists have to tow the company line. That would suggest that NBC and CBS journalists have to promote GE and Viacom's republican-leaning tendencies.

Yes, becuase NBC and CBS are clearly not allowed to operate on their own terms....what you people fail to realise is that the major corporations--- the huge ones-- don't give a shit what the public thinks. They will give the candidates donations to help them get into office, but you are dealing with such massive power that your opinion doesn't matter, and NBC and CBS are free to be as left-leaning as they want.

Equate it to this-- the thing that I am most fascinated with is a government so powerful, so authoritative, that rights are actually protected...not because the government is necessarily benevolent, but because it is so powerful that the free speech of the people (so often an obstacle to the control of the totalitarian) is not a threat...literally a government so strong that it does not have to oppress the people in order to do whatever it wants.

Corporations are the closest thing the world has to this government so far, and this is basically my vision for the future National Collaborativist Party.