Is FoxNews biased?

Right. If MSNBC was really left they'd get rid of Tucker and instead put on Rachel Maddow from Air America. Then they'd have two of each but they don't. I don't watch the network a lot so I'm not sure if Dan Abrams has his own show or not though.

He does now.

He wash pushed upstairs and when he saw the ratings of Olberman climbing and Scarbourgh tanking they gave Scarbourgh his morning Joe show ( which is a dead timeslot) and he took over the most promising slot of after Olberman and has gone after the Admin with much zeal. I think its just for ratings though because he was in the big office when they hired people like Tucker.
I have no idea. However on Democracy Now they have an interview up with Shelia Jackson Lee another black congresswoman and they interviewed her about the whole affair. Lee said how as members of Congress they don't have to show their ID pin because of time and there aren't that many black women in the House so if you've been there more then two terms you should know them by now. When I first began college I wasn't driving so my mother dropped me off and we passed by this security guard and after a couple of times he recognized us and let us go through to the drop-off. So if he can recognize me after a few times surely they can recognize her. Rightwingers claimed it was cause her hair-style was different but that doesn't change your face. Her hair was just more poofy and all. Also male officers aren't supposed to touch females. That's against the rules. Especially if they're going to search you. There also wasn't any video around so it really was a big he said she said thing. The republicans were quick to denounce her but yet they did everything they could to bring Tom DeLay back after he broke House rules. And don't get me started on Denny Hastert....

They went after her like they smelled blood inn the water.

She was an easy target , a black woman who did not take shit.

Tell me how many times the capitol guards refused to recognise her and forced her to show ID before she entered the building?
If journalists were really independent they wouldn't be registered with political parties. Keith Olbermann has said a good number of times that he doesn't even vote. Personally I think that is going too far because each citizen should do their civic duty and vote when they are encouraged to do so. Even that special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald went to a lot of distance to make sure he was independent. He's really a republican but then changed it to independent and then he found out being an indpendent is also a party so he just isn't registered. That's what journalists I think should do too if they were truly independent.

I didn't say that all journalists considered themselves independents. But the vast majority of themselves do.

Then again, being an independent doesn't really mean that you have no bias. I consider myself an independent, but I'm a liberal libertarian independent. It does mean that you won't prefer someone just because of their party affiliation, though. And a centrist is pretty much always going to be an independent.
*Sigh* Dumbass. It's called reading. I heard about the story about two years ago and decided to read up on it myself. Duh. I am twenty-five and I am a criminal justice student. Oh and by the by I finally found out my grades and I passed criminal justice with an A. So blah to you. And I took some time off from high school before entering college. People start college at different ages dumbass. There was a woman in a class I had who has teenage kids and she was a new college student doing nursing. It's apparent someone's never been to college.

this story is some six years old did you claim to be on your intro thread...? Are you claiming to be much older now? I laugh at liberal socialist failure to keep track at what they say!

side note:SB82 claimed to be 25 and a Criminal Justice student..most graduate from college at say 21 or 22...are you a professional student?...And what pray tell is your real job..that is if you actually have one!:cof1:
Yes, becuase NBC and CBS are clearly not allowed to operate on their own terms....what you people fail to realise is that the major corporations--- the huge ones-- don't give a shit what the public thinks. They will give the candidates donations to help them get into office, but you are dealing with such massive power that your opinion doesn't matter, and NBC and CBS are free to be as left-leaning as they want.

Equate it to this-- the thing that I am most fascinated with is a government so powerful, so authoritative, that rights are actually protected...not because the government is necessarily benevolent, but because it is so powerful that the free speech of the people (so often an obstacle to the control of the totalitarian) is not a threat...literally a government so strong that it does not have to oppress the people in order to do whatever it wants.

Corporations are the closest thing the world has to this government so far, and this is basically my vision for the future National Collaborativist Party.

That is one of the most scary things I've ever read Gonzo.

They constantly refused to recognise her.

She was being harrassed by the guards.

She was also very involved in the investigations into the 2000 and 2004 elections at the time.
You're definitely not influenced by an ounce of liberal philosophy.

At it's core liberalism is the belief that much of the wrongs in the world are due to power and it's abuse. Power corrupts.
Oh and the name you are calling me is very demaning. It means feces. How lovely. The name I'm calling you is Japanese for "idiot." All you can do is degrade women who you don't like. You're pathetic.

this story is some six years old did you claim to be on your intro thread...? Are you claiming to be much older now? I laugh at liberal socialist failure to keep track at what they say!

side note:SB82 claimed to be 25 and a Criminal Justice student..most graduate from college at say 21 or 22...are you a professional student?...And what pray tell is your real job..that is if you actually have one!:cof1:
That is one of the most scary things I've ever read Gonzo.


:) It is my wet dream. It may sound scary at first, but ultimately it is for the good of society.

Think about a government that isn't threatened by free speech, by assembly, by drugs, by anything. You would be granted the same rights we have now, plus a few, and in exchange you would lose something that the majority of Americans do not value in the first place--- the vote. Even that right could be regained through party membership, in this fantasy future.
Sure SB82..........

*Sigh* Dumbass. It's called reading. I heard about the story about two years ago and decided to read up on it myself. Duh. I am twenty-five and I am a criminal justice student. Oh and by the by I finally found out my grades and I passed criminal justice with an A. So blah to you. And I took some time off from high school before entering college. People start college at different ages dumbass. There was a woman in a class I had who has teenage kids and she was a new college student doing nursing. It's apparent someone's never been to college.

We believe you...NOT!...and by the way I finished college along time ago...BS(Criminal Justice-Minor in History) was all I cared it carried me thru till the end...try again pappas darling daughter...daddy helping you again?
I didn't say that all journalists considered themselves independents. But the vast majority of themselves do.

Then again, being an independent doesn't really mean that you have no bias. I consider myself an independent, but I'm a liberal libertarian independent. It does mean that you won't prefer someone just because of their party affiliation, though. And a centrist is pretty much always going to be an independent.

Journalists don't decide what gets published, and what stories to cover. Pointing to journalists is a red herring. They're merely the grunts; the foot soldiers.

Editors and Publishers decide what gets published, and it was well established back, via polls and surveys, in the 2000 election that editors and publishers favored Bush over Gore by a 2-1 margin.

All one has to do is look to the run up to the war in iraq. Its laughable to suggest liberal bias. The media carried bush's water to sell that war.
sounds to me like hes INTO the new world order thing?

No, I have merely blended Italio-Fascism with a civil liberty-loving mindset.

The State is ultimate entity, etc. etc., except that the State is so powerful that it eventually achieves benevolence, and serves as a structure for Society to operate within.
Ah got ya. I generally don't watch much tv except for a few shows I enjoy so I wasn't sure if he had his own show or not. I wish they'd bring back Donahue. I wonder how he'd do now days.

He does now.

He wash pushed upstairs and when he saw the ratings of Olberman climbing and Scarbourgh tanking they gave Scarbourgh his morning Joe show ( which is a dead timeslot) and he took over the most promising slot of after Olberman and has gone after the Admin with much zeal. I think its just for ratings though because he was in the big office when they hired people like Tucker.
We believe you...NOT!...and by the way I finished college along time ago...BS(Criminal Justice-Minor in History) was all I cared it carried me thru till the end...try again pappas darling daughter...daddy helping you again?

Who is the WE, you got a mouse in your pocket?
:) It is my wet dream. It may sound scary at first, but ultimately it is for the good of society.

Think about a government that isn't threatened by free speech, by assembly, by drugs, by anything. You would be granted the same rights we have now, plus a few, and in exchange you would lose something that the majority of Americans do not value in the first place--- the vote. Even that right could be regained through party membership, in this fantasy future.

The government should be weak and pitiful. We should have no reason to fear it, not the other way around. I only really believe in democracy because it's one more way of weakening the power of the government. Deliberation was the innovation of democracy. Not the vote.
Right. And I heard she was being harassed in Georgia and her home there was vandalized too. :( Oh and she was involved in 9/11 too.

They constantly refused to recognise her.

She was being harrassed by the guards.

She was also very involved in the investigations into the 2000 and 2004 elections at the time.