Is homosexuality a choice?

Bi-sexual means exactly what the term implies. I know you hate homosexuals, but don't be an idiot in your arguments.

What CFM really hates is the fact that he cannot get enough black cock up his ass.

It's the reason he has a conviction record a mile long and pathological self-hated issues.
Hey faggot, what science shows it's not a choice? Do you have a choice being a dumbshit? Probably not, so you might have a case.

So you're saying that when you suck off your father, you're actually choosing to do so? Does your mom know?

Huh. Learn something new every day!
As to the OP, he knows the answer, however, he just needs a response for his own personal reasons.

Ask a true homosexual and they will laugh in Legion's face. I asked one of my best friends what "made" him a homo and he laughed and then got very quiet.

There is no broad story or reason, it is individual, as far as I know.

I look at a dude and I am like he is fit or ugly. I look at a woman and am like.... Is she too hot for me, oh wait, am I married? Dayaum she fine.
Interesting how mad people get when you point out their obsession with homosexuality is based on incorrect beliefs. Are you afraid that you might be gay yourself?

As a lib, you revel in bullshit and think you're being smart. Your link provides not one shred of scientific evidence that being a fag is not a choice. It simply declares, without evidence, that "psychological gender is set in the second [trimester]" and blames testosterone. (Hey dumbshit, why aren't mothers being given pills control testosterone and avoid faggot babies? Oh yeah, because it's bullshit.)
Actually, all of the science shows that homosexuality and bisexuality are the result of genes.

Actually, you're as ignorant as all shit. No scientist makes the claim that genes makes someone into a faggot, let alone a preponderance of scientists in relevant fields.
As to the OP, he knows the answer, however, he just needs a response for his own personal reasons.

Ask a true homosexual and they will laugh in Legion's face. I asked one of my best friends what "made" him a homo and he laughed and then got very quiet.

There is no broad story or reason, it is individual, as far as I know.

I look at a dude and I am like he is fit or ugly. I look at a woman and am like.... Is she too hot for me, oh wait, am I married? Dayaum she fine.

What about you calling Jade, "her",so you don't feel guilty about your lust?
Character Assassin would never talk like that IRL lol.

Yeah, queer is a choice, just like being an asshole is a choice.
As a lib, you revel in bullshit and think you're being smart. Your link provides not one shred of scientific evidence that being a fag is not a choice.

Actually, there is a section that talks about the studies and evidence discovered. Here are some more links.

Serious question, why do you think this topic makes you so angry?
Actually, there is a section that talks about the studies and evidence discovered. Here are some more links.

Serious question, why do you think this topic makes you so angry?

You're the one so angry that your searching for stuff to justify your anger and flooding the thread with it. lol
You're the one so angry that your searching for stuff to justify your anger and flooding the thread with it. lol

I'm not flooding the thread. The angry little fellow said there was no evidence, so I posted three links.
I'm not name-calling, not flaming anyone, just showing the truth on the subject. If you want to put feels over reals when it comes to gays, that's on you.
Actually, there is a section that talks about the studies and evidence discovered. Here are some more links.

Serious question, why do you think this topic makes you so angry?

Your "evidence" might work on someone stupid, or who doesn't really care about the evidence (your fellow libs), but I don't buy bullshit. E.g.:

"A 2014 study in the journal Psychological Medicine showed that a gene on the X chromosome (one of the sex chromosomes) called Xq28 and a gene on chromosome 8 seem to be found in higher prevalence in men who are gay."

Higher prevelence? If the genes caused homosexuality, there wouldn't be a mere prevelance, but practically 100% correlation. And, then there's the question of the mechanism. Do these genes cause men to have small dicks, and the shame of a small dick causes these men to avoid women? And, if the study is done by faggots or otherwise liberal activists, why should I trust anything they've said, even though they haven't said much? Faggots are on a fishing expedition for scientific evidence that being queer isn't a choice, which means Confirmation Bias is raging here.

When things are caused by genes, it's usually very easy to establish. The lack of success of faggots to prove a genetic cause is a very meaningful failure.
I'm not flooding the thread. The angry little fellow said there was no evidence, so I posted three links.
I'm not name-calling, not flaming anyone, just showing the truth on the subject. If you want to put feels over reals when it comes to gays, that's on you.

Posting links without summarizing in your own words is a debate technique called "flooding", and is a logical fallacy similar to "authority".