Is homosexuality a choice?

Your "evidence" might work on someone stupid, or who doesn't really care about the evidence (your fellow libs), but I don't buy bullshit. E.g.:

"A 2014 study in the journal Psychological Medicine showed that a gene on the X chromosome (one of the sex chromosomes) called Xq28 and a gene on chromosome 8 seem to be found in higher prevalence in men who are gay."

Higher prevelence? If the genes caused homosexuality, there wouldn't be a mere prevelance, but practically 100% correlation. And, then there's the question of the mechanism. Do these genes cause men to have small dicks, and the shame of a small dick causes these men to avoid women? And, if the study is done by faggots or otherwise liberal activists, why should I trust anything they've said, even though they haven't said much? Faggots are on a fishing expedition for scientific evidence that being queer isn't a choice, which means Confirmation Bias is raging here.

When things are caused by genes, it's usually very easy to establish. The lack of success of faggots to prove a genetic cause is a very meaningful failure.

Your hate for gays and liberals clouds your opinion.
Bi-sexual means exactly what the term implies. I know you hate homosexuals, but don't be an idiot in your arguments.

A male being with another males means you're a faggot. How many women a male has been with is irrelevant if he's been with one male.
Does someone with one drop of black blood,make them black?

A person with one drop of black blood could pass for white, but they usually prefer to identify as black, get racial preferences, and whine about the racism that makes them black because they have one drop of black blood.
A male being with another males means you're a faggot. How many women a male has been with is irrelevant if he's been with one male.

I know guys like you who claim that BS.
But when I guy says they will suck you off,you can't get your dick out of your sisters ass fast enough to get a blow job.
A person with one drop of black blood could pass for white, but they usually prefer to identify as black, get racial preferences, and whine about the racism that makes them black because they have one drop of black blood.

That didn't answer the question
A male being with another males means you're a faggot. How many women a male has been with is irrelevant if he's been with one male.

Oh, I get it! Like you and your father have been fagging off since your 18th birthday!

And since you've been with literally thousands of males, that makes things crystal clear.