Those pilots have no more credibility than my brother. You assume "credibility" to be "agrees with you". I don't assume that. I read articles, worried, then asked my brother. A friend's mother, and some Navy pilots that I still have contact with to find out more.
You read a few articles, worried, assumed they were right, spoke to no pilots and tried to insult me. Thanks. It isn't working.
I don't know your brother. He has no credibility with me, nor anyone else that doesn't know him. Why would you expect that he would.
I read articles, researched the issues, corresponded with Captain Russ Wittenberg ...
30,000+ Total Flight Time
707, 727, 737, 747, 757, 767, 777
Pan Am, United
United States Air Force (ret)
Over 100 Combat Missions Flown
Has time in:
- N591UA (Aircraft dispatched as United 93)
- N612UA (Aircraft dispatched as United 175)
... talked to other pilots and experts at the 9/11 Omission Hearings in D.C. where I spoke to ex-CIA Officer David Ray Griffin, ex-FBI Agent Sybil Edmonds, Mike Ruppert, and others BEFORE coming to my conclusions.
Stop pretending that you are the only one here that knows how to research or that has the intelligence to dig and investigate.
I'm sure I have been involved more than you have given that IT WAS MY JOB to be involved in the research.
If what your brother tells you is fine with you, then I'm happy for you, but that means nothing to me when I've spoken to and researched the statements of people far more involved and credentialed than you or your brother.
Why would you expect anything different?