is it FUN to lie?

I don't hate Jews - I hate Nazis, and I see what you mean, certainly. We are all different people with different opinions, and I enjoy pissing off right-wingers who have been allowed to get away with murder because they live in a weary McCarthyism, but we are all only people, holding the opinions our experiences create. You want God to come and beat some of us? Vengeance is His, so we are told, but He seems to have lost interest! :). Meanwhile, we just have to make out as best we can, surely.

You lying Welsh man.
You've already said you hate Jews and it's there for everyone to read.
my lie muscles are severely atrophied.

Or perhaps I was born without any.

I don't lie well.

I am fucking proud of that FACT

I worked to make sure I was not a good liar all my life.

It was NEVER a skill I hoped to learn.

I love being a bad liar.

It makes me very very proud

you will never know the pleasure of this feeling