is it FUN to lie?

Whatever. Seen it too many times; I can call other posters crazy, but w/ Darla, it's always "the white guy is trying to paint all women as lunatics!"

If that passes for hilarity, I'm happy to not get it.

Then just sit in the corner and pout! The rest of us will be having a bit of fun at each other's expense.
Then just sit in the corner and pout! The rest of us will be having a bit of fun at each other's expense.

Thing you have to be careful sitting in the corner pouting, being offended, because it can lead to bitterness, just look at poor Tom!
No... she lies about what OTHER people have said about them... that is not an opinion, it is a fucking lie.

If I say 'Apples are red'

and Desh says 'Superfreak says apples are orange'

That is not an opinion, it is a lie.

She said that a poster on JPP was threatening to fuck her.
Why did you care so passionately about what the 'skanks' said about Darla? If they were as crazy as you say they were... why did you care? Were you fearful people will believe them? Or was Darla's self esteem in that bad of shape?

Desh honestly needs psychological help. Dementia isn't pretty. I watched it set in on my mom. I really feel for her family having to watch this, at least with my mom it only lasted a week.
I have always hated lying.

I can remember as a small child refusing religion right on church sunday because GOD LIED to Abraham and told him he had to KILL his son.

That bible story ended religion for me in my life.


he did it to test someone ?

he is supposed to be all knowing and should KNOW Abraham inside out.

He instead created an evil drama with LIES.

he made a man nearly kill his son.

How do you think that is fair to the child or the man?


I cant understand why you people LOVE lies that you call werewolf fun?

you should see from the outside what your discussions about the game afterwards look like.


that is all that game is about.

you people come out of a session being lessor people every time you re emerge.
Abraham did as he was commanded, in faith. It's an excellent story for those who love and trust God.
Here's the most recent thread; there are many others.

Posts 51 - 77 or so. Read through that, and then get back to me w/ "it's just opinion."

Desh is despicable.
Well, I can see you don't believe you hate women and are pretty pissed off at being told you do, and if I were on the other side I'd just say 'fair enough' and withdraw it, but in what is a pretty heated 'argument' on both sides, rude things get said and it is difficult to withdraw them sometimes, in the heat of battle. I can see that you feel an untrue statement is being made, but whether it is a lie from the point of view of the writer is another matter. If I said, for instance, 'All politicians are crooks', I might get a violent response from that honest President you had, the peanut one, who might well call me a liar. From my point of view, however, I'd just be indulging in a slight overstatement to make a point stronger, and he'd be the exception that proves the rule. Well, overstatement is a fault in me, and I'd think later and apologise to President Carter (got it!), but on here It seems to me to make more sense to put on 'ignore' people who get up my nose to such a degree that we can only be rude to one another.
Well, I can see you don't believe you hate women and are pretty pissed off at being told you do, and if I were on the other side I'd just say 'fair enough' and withdraw it, but in what is a pretty heated 'argument' on both sides, rude things get said and it is difficult to withdraw them sometimes, in the heat of battle. I can see that you feel an untrue statement is being made, but whether it is a lie from the point of view of the writer is another matter. If I said, for instance, 'All politicians are crooks', I might get a violent response from that honest President you had, the peanut one, who might well call me a liar. From my point of view, however, I'd just be indulging in a slight overstatement to make a point stronger, and he'd be the exception that proves the rule. Well, overstatement is a fault in me, and I'd think later and apologise to President Carter (got it!), but on here It seems to me to make more sense to put on 'ignore' people who get up my nose to such a degree that we can only be rude to one another.

That's incredibly weak, and a real copout. If someone says you hate women or hate blacks, there should be something - at least one word or sentence you can point to - to back that up.

To not be able to call that a lie where there is no backup whatsoever is kind of ridiculous. You can say virtually anything is opinion, then.

From what you wrote above, I can only conclude that you hate Jews. Why do you hate Jews so much?

See what I mean?
That's incredibly weak, and a real copout. If someone says you hate women or hate blacks, there should be something - at least one word or sentence you can point to - to back that up.

To not be able to call that a lie where there is no backup whatsoever is kind of ridiculous. You can say virtually anything is opinion, then.

From what you wrote above, I can only conclude that you hate Jews. Why do you hate Jews so much?

See what I mean?

I don't hate Jews - I hate Nazis, and I see what you mean, certainly. We are all different people with different opinions, and I enjoy pissing off right-wingers who have been allowed to get away with murder because they live in a weary McCarthyism, but we are all only people, holding the opinions our experiences create. You want God to come and beat some of us? Vengeance is His, so we are told, but He seems to have lost interest! :). Meanwhile, we just have to make out as best we can, surely.
I don't hate Jews - I hate Nazis, and I see what you mean, certainly. We are all different people with different opinions, and I enjoy pissing off right-wingers who have been allowed to get away with murder because they live in a weary McCarthyism, but we are all only people, holding the opinions our experiences create. You want God to come and beat some of us? Vengeance is His, so we are told, but He seems to have lost interest! :). Meanwhile, we just have to make out as best we can, surely.

curious... do you see Thing as a rightwinger?