is it FUN to lie?

I have always hated lying.

I can remember as a small child refusing religion right on church sunday because GOD LIED to Abraham and told him he had to KILL his son.

That bible story ended religion for me in my life.


he did it to test someone ?

he is supposed to be all knowing and should KNOW Abraham inside out.

He instead created an evil drama with LIES.

he made a man nearly kill his son.

How do you think that is fair to the child or the man?

I can understand why you quit religion. it's obviously too complex for you. and if you hate lies, why do you swallow the democrat lies all the time? do you claim that they are for your own good like the other aid drinkers?
She lies about Glass Steagall, She lies about people lying, she lies about what I said about the start of the banking crisis, She lies about 'facts' all the time

We could go on for days about the lies of Desh. She does it non stop.

Nope I do not lie about glass steagall

I gave you cold hard proof about it.

You just deny the FACTS
The things you guys are claiming as lies, are actually opinions. They are her opinions. Let's not forget that BAC called Thing a racist on that thread as well. It was an opinion.

stating that the founding fathers LOVED the government that they created, even after being proven wrong by many quotes showing the opposite, is not an opinion, it's an intentional and willfully ignorant lie.
go get the thread and lets talk it over again.

If I said I thought your comment was racist how is that a lie you brain addled fool?

We talked it over a lot on that thread, and you were impervious to truth.

Saying that I want black people to die, that I supported the Iraq War, that I support Republicans stealing elections, etc, etc, etc. All just opinions, I guess.
I can understand why you quit religion. it's obviously too complex for you. and if you hate lies, why do you swallow the democrat lies all the time? do you claim that they are for your own good like the other aid drinkers?

There is NO proof any of the MANY MANY religions of the world are correct,

They all claim to be the one true way.

are they all correct?
We talked it over a lot on that thread, and you were impervious to truth.

Saying that I want black people to die, that I supported the Iraq War, that I support Republicans stealing elections, etc, etc, etc. All just opinions, I guess.

so do you deny that republicans cheat in elections and have done so for decades?
There is NO proof any of the MANY MANY religions of the world are correct,

They all claim to be the one true way.

are they all correct?

I do not know, nor do I care. that has no relevance to the statement I made about your inability to understand the complexity of the story.
anyone who denies that the republican party cheats in elections is not facing reality.

the facts are mountain high
The things you guys are claiming as lies, are actually opinions. They are her opinions. Let's not forget that BAC called Thing a racist on that thread as well. It was an opinion.

She LIES about other peoples comments. ALL THE FUCKING TIME.
Nope I do not lie about glass steagall

I gave you cold hard proof about it.

You just deny the FACTS

Post the link to the Citi thread again Desh. You lied consistently in that thread about what my position was.

You lie consistently about 'Republicans pretending the SCOTUS case did not happen'... yet every time we ask you to provide evidence of someone saying that... you run away. Because you are LYING and you know it.
so do you deny that republicans cheat in elections and have done so for decades?

Show ONE FUCKING POST where he denies it. You think that we must respond each of the 7000000 times you post that link. I have not seen one person say 'nope, that didn't happen'
LOL Looks like another Desh-induced right wing meltdown. I love this stuff.

So, how come you guys dismissed that ear witness?

Looks like you are enabling the psycho yet again. When she goes over the edge, will you laugh? Or will you be the one to push her off?
She lies about Glass Steagall, She lies about people lying, she lies about what I said about the start of the banking crisis, She lies about 'facts' all the time

We could go on for days about the lies of Desh. She does it non stop.

Those, surely, are what we call 'opinions', and hers are not yours - nor are mine, doubtless.