Is it just me?

Huh? I have no shame, and neither do you.

Telling them about the Court of Queen Darla - which you were expelled from, as I recall - is like putting the cat amongst the pigeons. That's more accurate, I think, and you can relate to it, since your new Queen has instilled a taste for fowl in you.


This is you being the Pigeon-Whisperer, leggie.


Stirring up these poor saps with your tales of queens and covens... tsk tsk, you should put your talents toward writing fiction. :D
:rofl2: Dream on, moron. The truth of the matter is that the more people she bans, the fewer remain to keep building that thread to the level she's aiming for.

"She" didn't start the thread, sub-genius. She isn't authorized to ban anyone. If that thread shut down right now, it might never be surpassed by another, with the exception of the music thread.
"She" didn't start the thread, sub-genius. She isn't authorized to ban anyone. If that thread shut down right now, it might never be surpassed by another, with the exception of the music thread.

More idiocy on display. The thread was started on her behalf and she posts on it every single day. If she doesn't have anyone to talk to, she reposts from other threads and follows those reposts with emojis.

That, moron, is what it means to keep it going.
There are examples of the OP...every single day...when those stop, the reposting will stop;)
More idiocy on display. The thread was started on her behalf and she posts on it every single day. If she doesn't have anyone to talk to, she reposts from other threads and follows those reposts with emojis.

That, moron, is what it means to keep it going.

"On her behalf," you say. So who was it? You know the standard response. If you don't like it, don't read it.
They're stirring as hard as they can.

Hmm. Where did this thread go off the rails from "Is it just me or are JPP libs more unhinged than usual? Even though most are too stupid to realize it, I think they sense the walls closing in on the Russiagate hoax."

I would put it at post 44... "I think all of us are ‘Praying for the dead...don't you? Well, maybe not those here '"offended" by the sentiment*of thoughts and prayers for the victims and their families. But thankfully that isn't too many...."
Followed by post 55...Don't liberals like to mock "thoughts and prayers" as a rule, Topsy? :thinking:

And 57... Many here we've seen today...again, unfortunately. They don't matter, though....

From Russiagate to personal dissing in three easy steps. :D
I already added Yurt and freedumb but if you're still interested I can find more.

More idiocy on display. The thread was started on her behalf and she posts on it every single day. If she doesn't have anyone to talk to, she reposts from other threads and follows those reposts with emojis.

That, moron, is what it means to keep it going.

If you care to notice, that isn't what keeps that thread going. A part of it? Yes, but many of us (including Top) can have a civil discussion on other topics than "The Fowl."