Is it just me?

Indeed. Before Fowl was ejected from Amazon, there was a similar coven here under Queen Darla, who suffered an embarrassing racist meltdown and left in a huff. Rana the imbecilic Stupor Moderator and Christiecrite were so glad to find a new Queen.

:rofl2: You should be ashamed of yourself, playing these poor slobs like a violin. The minute you post comments like the above they all congregate and pile on. This is how I picture it in my mind.

You, leggiecrite, walk into Central Park carrying a bag of popcorn. You sit down on a bench and throw a handful on the ground. Suddenly you're engulfed in pigeons. :D

Figuratively, that's what you're doing and they fall for it every time. They are pigeons. Every last one of them.

Nah, I think it's amusing that she got butthurt that after 7,000+ posts, she had to get the thread's creator to thread-ban me because Aimee and I were having a pleasant discussion about all things NOT Toxic. Meanwhile Toxic danced and twirled and tugged at our skirts and begged us to admire the thread made just for her. We both ignored her pleas, and that was that.

I'm also amused at your white hot rage at my very existence. How odd to get so worked up over an anonymous person on an obscure forum. It's because I've handed you your ass on a silver platter more than once. Because that's what this is all about, isn't it? It's not "ganging up on poor" Toxic or "you need a coven" or "everyone hates you." (How mature!) It's because I regularly school you with facts and logic, and you can't stand to lose. You will continue to lose as long as you continue to engage me. Don't like it? Use your ignore function.

It's hard to tell who out of that sad bunch is the most lacking in self-awareness, but CO is close to the top.
Jane you ignorant slut, you're being used... BIG TIME... and you're too dumb to realize it. The same description you used for me can be applied to you, Grumpy, Toxic and others. The minute someone posts a critical word about Toxic, you and her syndicate of sycophants jump into action. Yet you are so obtuse you don't see it. Probably why we think both of you are terminally stupid. :D

I don't have a syndicate and I don't belong to any cliques. But thanks for admitting that you are as bad as any of the people you named. In fact you are worse.

Don't you have one of those stupid Lifetime movies to occupy your time?
I don't have a syndicate and I don't belong to any cliques. But thanks for admitting that you are as bad as any of the people you named. In fact you are worse.

Don't you have one of those stupid Lifetime movies to occupy your time?

What I said about self-awareness. You are seriously lacking in it. You're a mindless pigeon jumping into the fray the minute someone throws you a crumb. You are every bit the follower you accuse others of being. If you don't want to read my comments, stop posting to me. Most people would find that easy enough but you're a special case, and not in a good way.
It's hard to tell who out of that sad bunch is the most lacking in self-awareness, but CO is close to the top.

He's a 9/11 conspiracy nutcase who blames Israeli for the terrorist attacks. That right there tells you all that you need to know about his pursuit of knowledge and truth. He's especially triggered when handed his ass by a "mere" female, as you can see here.
What I said about self-awareness. You are seriously lacking in it. You're a mindless pigeon jumping into the fray the minute someone throws you a crumb. You are every bit the follower you accuse others of being.

Is this where I should claim that you are obsessed with me? You're very hostile today. Are you hung over or did you scarf down a whole package of chocolate chip cookies?
He's a 9/11 conspiracy nutcase who blames Israeli for the terrorist attacks. That right there tells you all that you need to know about his pursuit of knowledge and truth. He's especially triggered when handed his ass by a "mere" female, as you can see here.

Have you noticed that your effort to distract has no effect? You post that over and over again, but never get it right. And nobody cares. You should at least have noticed that.
He's a 9/11 conspiracy nutcase who blames Israeli for the terrorist attacks. That right there tells you all that you need to know about his pursuit of knowledge and truth. He's especially triggered when handed his ass by a "mere" female, as you can see here.

^ Paraphrasing bush43 "that is some weird shit." I'm not surprised though, he seems the type.
Is this where I should claim that you are obsessed with me? You're very hostile today. Are you hung over or did you scarf down a whole package of chocolate chip cookies?

"Weakling", "gang banger", "clique", "coven", :half-wit", "dumber." That is Y O U R obsession with me, you phony sack of dung. You don't have the balls to admit what you did on this thread so you lied.
"Weakling", "gang banger", "clique", "coven", :half-wit", "dumber." That is Y O U R obsession with me, you phony sack of dung. You don't have the balls to admit what you did on this thread so you lied.

Post #152 is a winner. You can tell when the tard gets agitated, he starts frothing, name-calling, and forgetting what he said elsewhere. So in this post he says he's not a truther and you're just taking my word for it, but then claims that "half of Americans know that the official 9/11 myth is a lie." Dance, our meat puppet, dance for us! lol
You are ignorant. And, what's worse, you are taking Owl's word for it. More than half of Americans know that the official 9/11 myth is a lie. The 28 pages prove it, but you are too stupid to know that.

I've read plenty about it over the years and am proud to be in the percentage of Americans who think people like you and the writer are batshit crazy.