Is it just me?

You're pissed about being banned from the Top Derangement topic, aren't you? You are so insecure that you believe it is a tribute to you. Or, at least that is what you tell yourself and others.

Nah, I think it's amusing that she got butthurt that after 7,000+ posts, she had to get the thread's creator to thread-ban me because Aimee and I were having a pleasant discussion about all things NOT Toxic. Meanwhile Toxic danced and twirled and tugged at our skirts and begged us to admire the thread made just for her. We both ignored her pleas, and that was that.

I'm also amused at your white hot rage at my very existence. How odd to get so worked up over an anonymous person on an obscure forum. It's because I've handed you your ass on a silver platter more than once. Because that's what this is all about, isn't it? It's not "ganging up on poor" Toxic or "you need a coven" or "everyone hates you." (How mature!) It's because I regularly school you with facts and logic, and you can't stand to lose. You will continue to lose as long as you continue to engage me. Don't like it? Use your ignore function.
Nah, I think it's amusing that she got butthurt that after 7,000+ posts, she had to get the thread's creator to thread-ban me because Aimee and I were having a pleasant discussion about all things NOT Toxic. Meanwhile Toxic danced and twirled and tugged at our skirts and begged us to admire the thread made just for her. We both ignored her pleas, and that was that.

I'm also amused at your white hot rage at my very existence. How odd to get so worked up over an anonymous person on an obscure forum. It's because I've handed you your ass on a silver platter more than once. Because that's what this is all about, isn't it? It's not "ganging up on poor" Toxic or "you need a coven" or "everyone hates you." (How mature!) It's because I regularly school you with facts and logic, and you can't stand to lose. You will continue to lose as long as you continue to engage me. Don't like it? Use your ignore function.

Fist yourself, Owl Cunt.
Nah, I think it's amusing that she got butthurt that after 7,000+ posts, she had to get the thread's creator to thread-ban me because Aimee and I were having a pleasant discussion about all things NOT Toxic. Meanwhile Toxic danced and twirled and tugged at our skirts and begged us to admire the thread made just for her. We both ignored her pleas, and that was that.

I'm also amused at your white hot rage at my very existence. How odd to get so worked up over an anonymous person on an obscure forum. It's because I've handed you your ass on a silver platter more than once. Because that's what this is all about, isn't it? It's not "ganging up on poor" Toxic or "you need a coven" or "everyone hates you." (How mature!) It's because I regularly school you with facts and logic, and you can't stand to lose. You will continue to lose as long as you continue to engage me. Don't like it? Use your ignore function.

That is some seriously funny shit.
Is that you can't count or that you didn't count at all? You're a weakling, just like Owl.

I can not only count, I can read and follow arguments from the beginning, unlike you. The thread that I was referring to has 7946 posts as of now:

Pretty darn close to 8000 for those of us who can do math.

Now make some more stupid comments based on your reading deficiencies, moron.
You just cited the coven members. Gang-bangers all. Not one of you can stand on your own. You need to be clique members. That's why most everyone hated Owl on APF, and that's just one of the reasons so many hate her here.

Jane you ignorant slut, you're being used... BIG TIME... and you're too dumb to realize it. The same description you used for me can be applied to you, Grumpy, Toxic and others. The minute someone posts a critical word about Toxic, you and her syndicate of sycophants jump into action. Yet you are so obtuse you don't see it. Probably why we think both of you are terminally stupid. :D