Is it just me?

I am accurate, Christie. Deal with it.

You are so totally unaware it's painful to read. You posted to me first and I responded so don't try to rewrite history.

Btw I don't care what you call me because your opinion is worth less than nothing. There are many people on JPP who I respect no matter their politics, but you are not one of them.
Christie thanked the post #153, where I wrote: I hate you for several reasons. All you have won is contempt. I will repeat it. Fist yourself, cunt.

Maybe Christie isn't so dumb after all.
Post #152 is a winner. You can tell when the tard gets agitated, he starts frothing, name-calling, and forgetting what he said elsewhere. So in this post he says he's not a truther and you're just taking my word for it, but then claims that "half of Americans know that the official 9/11 myth is a lie." Dance, our meat puppet, dance for us! lol

If that is a winner, you must not have noticed that she Thanked my post. You two should fist each other.
I hate you for several reasons. All you have won is contempt. I will repeat it. Fist yourself, cunt.

I would seriously reflect on what message boarding is doing to your state of mind.
In my message board adventures, I have seen many cases of petty grudges, festering resentments, hate fetishes, and imaginary grievances.

Worth thinking about: By and large, this board is comprised of people we do not really know and will never meet.
You should be ashamed of yourself.

Huh? I have no shame, and neither do you.

Telling them about the Court of Queen Darla - which you were expelled from, as I recall - is like putting the cat amongst the pigeons. That's more accurate, I think, and you can relate to it, since your new Queen has instilled a taste for fowl in you.

I would seriously reflect on what message boarding is doing to your state of mind.
In my message board adventures, I have seen many cases of petty grudges, festering resentments, hate fetishes, and imaginary grievances.

Worth thinking about: By and large, this board is comprised of people we do not really know and will never meet.

Thanks for your input. You can always be counted on for being sanctimonious.
I would seriously reflect on what message boarding is doing to your state of mind. In my message board adventures, I have seen many cases of petty grudges, festering resentments, hate fetishes, and imaginary grievances. Worth thinking about: By and large, this board is comprised of people we do not really know and will never meet.

What about the women you stalked and harassed online? :thinking:
Jane you ignorant slut, you're being used... BIG TIME... and you're too dumb to realize it. The same description you used for me can be applied to you, Grumpy, Toxic and others. The minute someone posts a critical word about Toxic, you and her syndicate of sycophants jump into action. Yet you are so obtuse you don't see it. Probably why we think both of you are terminally stupid. :D

And who might these "others" be?
You and Christie are gang-banging again, you weaklings.

They're stirring as hard as they can.

You and Christie are gang-banging again, you weaklings.

The irony of calling someone else a weakling, while you slither over to the ToxicsTerminallyDeranged thread and wish for your mistress to thread-ban CF so you can talk trash about her behind her back.

Do you squeak when she pets you, like her other eunuchs?
The irony of calling someone else a weakling, while you slither over to the ToxicsTerminallyDeranged thread and wish for your mistress to thread-ban CF so you can talk trash about her behind her back.

Do you squeak when she pets you, like her other eunuchs?

Unlike you and Christie, I walk upright, bitch. I didn't wish for it, I wondered why it hasn't happened. She would go ape-shit, just like you did.