In the episode "The Nth Degree," Barclay's brain is taken over by an ancient race from the center of the Milky Way galaxy, the Cytherians, radically increasing his intellect. Under their influence, Barclay seizes command of the Enterprise-D and brings the ship to a confrontation with the Cytherians, who explain to Picard that they only desire an exchange of information with the Federation. After the exchange, the Cytherians return the Enterprise-D to Federation space, leaving Barclay with the memory of his interaction and an enhanced ability in chess. This episode also sees Barclay try his hand at acting, performing the title role in Dr Crusher's production of Cyrano de Bergerac
OMG..I am totally a Next Generation fan! "Computer; Earl Grey-hot" I love Picard~~~'course I have a thing for sexy bald guys.