I think it's quite wrong to stereotype paying taxes as something that is "due to society" as being a liberal bias. I'm fairly conservative on economic policies and hold little sympathy for the social welfare state but the fact is. It is a due to society.
Having said that I have made ample use in my life of the public services and infrastructure that is available to me that has given immeasurable levels of quality to my life. Since I enjoy using those services and infrastructure then I do owe my part in paying for them and so do all the citizens who share in the benefits of those services and infrastructure. It is a due. That's not a liberal or conservative view point. That is a fact.
I enjoy use of public education, health services (most hospitals are publically funded), transportation, roads, water, the eletrical grid and other public utilities. I benefit from nationa defence, law enforcement, emergency services, scientific and technological research, etc, etc, etc. These are "a due" because everyone uses them and those who don't want to pay for them but use them are trying to be fee loaders.
What I resent is excessive taxation with out proper representation for the people who have to pay those taxes for services that are not neccessary, specious or disproportionately benefit the prosperous few at the expense of the less well to do or are simply just wasting money.