Is Mina a middle aged dye-in-the-wool liberal or a idealist young woman?

They can't. They don't see those things as useful. Almost every homeschooling family I've known belongs to a fundie Xtian religion. An exception is our neighbor's daughter, who home-schooled her two kids until h.s. They did fairly well in h.s. In fact, the daughter attended Michigan State for a couple of years, then changed paths. The son works in construction. They're both great kids who are still finding themselves.

For most of the religious homeschoolers, the intent is to keep their kids focused on Bible and religious stuff; learning to read and write is just a means to that end. They really fear that if the kids are exposed to the real world, that they'll discover most of what they've been taught at church and by the parents is seen as superstition and myth, rather than reality.

Makes sense. I would think less than one percent of parents are qualified to competently teach trigonometry, Spanish or French, Shakespeare, and chemistry.

Maybe even less than one percent in the depths of MAGA world.
Interesting, they must be enrolling at Liberty University and Oral Roberts University, etc., because I wasn't running into them at public university. Unless my admittedly anecdotal experience is just way off the mark.

It depends upon when you were last at a public university. :)

I never heard of homeschooling until the 90s...about the time the Republicans wanted school vouchers and more religion in government.
Maybe you can learn from that.
Don't need to - I am the author of it.

The poster sets the tempo. Nice gets nice, nasty gets the same.

Crybully toll bait either gets ignored or annihilated, my choice du jour.

So far, Mina's manners and rationale are above board. I respect that no matter what side of the aisle one is on.
You are a conservative. I think you're a lot dumber than you realize.

I'm not the one who is blind to the increasing partisanship in the U. S. in recent years. That is not even an issue to most liberals and conservatives--we all see it except you. Even the dumb people see it which means you must be....? Below dumb?
I'm not the one who is blind to the increasing partisanship in the U. S. in recent years. That is not even an issue to most liberals and conservatives--we all see it except you. Even the dumb people see it which means you must be....? Below dumb?

She's just angry. I suspect boyfriend and/or job issues.
Don't need to - I am the author of it.

The poster sets the tempo.
Nice gets nice, nasty gets the same.

Crybully toll bait either gets ignored or annihilated, my choice du jour.

So far, Mina's manners and rationale are above board. I respect that no matter what side of the aisle one is on.

But that hostility is constant with that poster.

She's troubled. It's just displaced aggression; she's frustrated all day and seeks to spread that frustration to others online. When people get as pissed off at her as she feels about her life then she's self-satisfied, presumably because she feels "normal".
The rift seems to get wider each year.

It seems to. It is no longer a difference about issues but hatred of people on the other side. For years public opinion research has asked the question of whether parents would mind if their child married a person of the other political party. For many years the number who objected was very small, but recently an increasing number would object.

Also, a person used to identify with one party because of things about that party they liked. Today, it is more about disliking the other party.
It seems to. It is no longer a difference about issues but hatred of people on the other side. For years public opinion research has asked the question of whether parents would mind if their child married a person of the other political party. For many years the number who objected was very small, but recently an increasing number would object.

Also, a person used to identify with one party because of things about that party they liked. Today, it is more about disliking the other party.

A house divided!
Americans have to stop seeing Americans as the enemy!
Maybe, but she has indicators proving she can change if she wants to do so. Her hero is too far down the bottle to be worth the effort.

Her brain has been hardwired to "NPC" by the modern education system.

There's no known fix for that yet.

However, I know how to ask questions that make people like that short-circuit. Call it a gift. :awesome:
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Maybe the rift will heal if the WSEs spill enough American blood this summer or the summer of 2024.

You are one broken record retard motherfucker, you know that?


Why do you keep wishing something like that to happen? That's fucked up.

It's an indication of a diseased mind.
You are one broken record retard motherfucker, you know that?


Why do you keep wishing something like that to happen? That's fucked up.

It's an indication of a diseased mind.

Put me on ignore, bet me or stop whining like a three year old. You've danced around the issue six ways from Sunday. Why are you in denial that we haven't seen the last of the militias? Or do you really believe they are all big mouthed idiots with guns who look tough for pictures but are chickenshits IRL like JPP's braggarts?

Speaking of MAGA home schooling, to the best of my knowledge, I never met anyone in graduate school or any peers in any of my professional careers who were home schooled.

well hang in there......maybe someday you'll be smart enough to mix with the smartest and brightest.....