Is Mina a middle aged dye-in-the-wool liberal or a idealist young woman?

It seems reading through her posts she is a product of an extreme liberal education. As such she shuts down all reasoning powers when faced with an opposing view. Her political outlook is based on two things Liberalism good Conservatism bad.

With that viewpoint she doesn't need to know how systems work as long as they fit her idea of political correctness.
The truly scary thing is we have radicals like her on the right also and both of these idiots vote.
yeah, notice this
I'm not sure how apocryphal that is, but it's something I learned in school when we were dealing with Teddy Roosevelt's aggressive use of presidential power.
everything in Holland is fine......Tulip Festival just finished.....hundreds of thousands of tourists left their money's everything in the synagogue that refuses to believe in Jehovah? your Rabbi doing well?.....has he found out you're an atheist yet?......still teaching medieval biology?......
From her posts:

It seems reading through her posts she is a product of an extreme liberal education. As such she shuts down all reasoning powers when faced with an opposing view. Her political outlook is based on two things Liberalism good Conservatism bad.

With that viewpoint she doesn't need to know how systems work as long as they fit her idea of political correctness.

The truly scary thing is we have radicals like her on the right also and both of these idiots vote.
Every interaction I've had with her, she has been respectful and well-reasoned. She is not a troll who relies on emotion-based arguments and name-calling. I can respect that.