Is Mina a middle aged dye-in-the-wool liberal or a idealist young woman?

Maybe you can learn from that.

Anyone who isn't foul mouthed, isn't belligerent, isn't petty, and writes about political or current topics using intelligible, college-level English is okay by me irrespective of political affiliation.

There's an exception clause for veterans. Jus' sayin'. :flagsal:
Agreed. They're also the ones who attack teachers as a group and seek to defund the US K-12 educational system.

Speaking of MAGA home schooling, to the best of my knowledge, I never met anyone in graduate school or any peers in any of my professional careers who were home schooled.

Which makes me question the overall effectiveness of home schooling. What are they teaching in MAGA home schools? Flat Earth theory and young Earth creationism?
It seems reading through her posts she is a product of an extreme liberal education. As such she shuts down all reasoning powers when faced with an opposing view. Her political outlook is based on two things Liberalism good Conservatism bad.

With that viewpoint she doesn't need to know how systems work as long as they fit her idea of political correctness.

The truly scary thing is we have radicals like her on the right also and both of these idiots vote.

An example of the extreme partisanship of Democrats and Republicans today.
Agreed. They're also the ones who attack teachers as a group and seek to defund the US K-12 educational system.

And believe schools are indoctrinating students into liberalism; although, most college educated whites vote Republican (until Trump).
Only a conservative--you--would say that.

Any idiot can see the extreme partisanship of the two parties today and verified by a lot of research on the topic.

To claim only a conservative would say that is an insult to liberals who you must think are blind to such obvious trends.
Any idiot can see the extreme partisanship of the two parties today and verified by a lot of research on the topic.

To claim only a conservative would say that is an insult to liberals who you must think are blind to such obvious trends.

You are a conservative. I think you're a lot dumber than you realize.
Speaking of MAGA home schooling, to the best of my knowledge, I never met anyone in graduate school or any peers in any of my professional careers who were home schooled.

Which makes me question the overall effectiveness of home schooling. What are they teaching in MAGA home schools? Flat Earth theory and young Earth creationism?

I've only met one. My youngest daughter's bf after h.s. was home-schooled, as were his brother and sister. The bf and the sister got GEDs, just have mediocre jobs, no desire to improve their lot via education. (I am still FB friends with the old bf who is an intelligent and nice guy, he just totally lacks ambition.) But his brother rebelled, went to h.s., then to Washington University in St. Louis. He has a PhD and post-doc achievement, in bioengineering. He's definitely an exception.
I've only met one. My youngest daughter's bf after h.s. was home-schooled, as were his brother and sister. The bf and the sister got GEDs, just have mediocre jobs, no desire to improve their lot via education. (I am still FB friends with the old bf who is an intelligent and nice guy, he just totally lacks ambition.) But his brother rebelled, went to h.s., then to Washington University in St. Louis. He has a PhD and post-doc achievement, in bioengineering. He's definitely an exception.
good for him

That's what I mean, I have met home schoolers, just not any in graduate school or the white collar professions.

It almost seems like child abuse?

How exactly is some stay-at-home church lady supposed to teach chemistry, physics, pre-calculus, foreign languages, Shakespeare to a kid??
good for him

That's what I mean, I have met home schoolers, just not any in graduate school or the white collar professions.

It almost seems like child abuse?

How exactly is some stay-at-home church lady supposed to teach chemistry, physics, pre-calculus, foreign languages, Shakespeare to a kid??

They can't. They don't see those things as useful. Almost every homeschooling family I've known belongs to a fundie Xtian religion. An exception is our neighbor's daughter, who home-schooled her two kids until h.s. They did fairly well in h.s. In fact, the daughter attended Michigan State for a couple of years, then changed paths. The son works in construction. They're both great kids who are still finding themselves.

For most of the religious homeschoolers, the intent is to keep their kids focused on Bible and religious stuff; learning to read and write is just a means to that end. They really fear that if the kids are exposed to the real world, that they'll discover most of what they've been taught at church and by the parents is seen as superstition and myth, rather than reality.
Speaking of MAGA home schooling, to the best of my knowledge, I never met anyone in graduate school or any peers in any of my professional careers who were home schooled.

Which makes me question the overall effectiveness of home schooling. What are they teaching in MAGA home schools? Flat Earth theory and young Earth creationism?

An interesting question. I do know several parents who homeschool, but they do it in league with other parents. I have no idea about their future potential or achievements.

These stats are interesting:
  • 67% of the homeschooled students successfully graduate from college.
  • The COVID-19 Pandemic saw over 300 million students all over the world become homeschooled.
  • 25% of the homeschooled students have enrolled a grade above their recommended grade as per age level.
  • Homeschooled students score between 80% and 90% regardless of their parent’s level of education.
  • Boys score 44% more in reading tests when educated at home compared to when educated in public schools.
  • 98% of the home-educated students engage in an average of 5 activities outside their homes.
The research base on adults who were home educated is growing; thus far it indicates that:

  • 69% of peer-reviewed studies on success into adulthood (including college) show adults who were home educated succeed and perform statistically significantly better than those who attended institutional schools (Ray, 2017).
  • they participate in local community service more frequently than does the general population (e.g., Seiver & Pope, 2022),
  • these adults vote and attend public meetings more frequently than the general population
  • they go to and succeed at college at an equal or higher rate than the general population
  • by adulthood, they internalize the values and beliefs of their parents at a high rate
And believe schools are indoctrinating students into liberalism; although, most college educated whites vote Republican (until Trump).

To the RWNJs AKA Alt-Right, anyone left of far Right is a "lefty". This forum proves that to be true on a daily basis.
An interesting question. I do know several parents who homeschool, but they do it in league with other parents. I have no idea about their future potential or achievements.

These stats are interesting:

Interesting, they must be enrolling at Liberty University and Oral Roberts University, etc., because I wasn't running into them at public university. Unless my admittedly anecdotal experience is just way off the mark.