IS Obama WATCHING US on this Forum as we POST?


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Since some of the best political minds around post on this Forum, and I have believed that from the very beginning, many being regular 24/7 "pros", I would bet that the Obama cabalistas are monitoring what we post on this Forum, and I am not referring to "Grind" and his regular JPP monitor crowd. Valerie Jughead and David Axlegrease, who tell Obama what to do at every turn, and even when to pee, must have their stooges reading our stuff regularly to see what their opposition is thinking. I bet my post here is being tapped as I "speak", so here it is..."The Chickens are coming home to roost", forget about it. How many of you Forum Libs are actually spies for the Obama gang, who routinely report back to your overseers?
yes it's very possible. the secret service visited 3 people from this forum in the past. I am sure they keep tabs on us here.
Since some of the best political minds around post on this Forum, and I have believed that from the very beginning, many being regular 24/7 "pros", I would bet that the Obama cabalistas are monitoring what we post on this Forum, and I am not referring to "Grind" and his regular JPP monitor crowd. Valerie Jughead and David Axlegrease, who tell Obama what to do at every turn, and even when to pee, must have their stooges reading our stuff regularly to see what their opposition is thinking. I bet my post here is being tapped as I "speak", so here it is..."The Chickens are coming home to roost", forget about it. How many of you Forum Libs are actually spies for the Obama gang, who routinely report back to your overseers?

I hope so. Why should Bush/Cheney be sole heirs to that privilege. I guess when it's white folk doing it, it's okay.
Since some of the best political minds around post on this Forum, and I have believed that from the very beginning, many being regular 24/7 "pros", I would bet that the Obama cabalistas are monitoring what we post on this Forum, and I am not referring to "Grind" and his regular JPP monitor crowd. Valerie Jughead and David Axlegrease, who tell Obama what to do at every turn, and even when to pee, must have their stooges reading our stuff regularly to see what their opposition is thinking. I bet my post here is being tapped as I "speak", so here it is..."The Chickens are coming home to roost", forget about it. How many of you Forum Libs are actually spies for the Obama gang, who routinely report back to your overseers?

This IS "tongue in cheek" - right? Got your foil hat on?

I've watched the news about the "revelations" that the NSA is collecting info on what phones called what phones and can't help but laugh. OF COURSE any agency tasked with fighting terrorism would want access to this kind of information! After the Boston bombers was anyone worried about the fact that they could go check who the suspects called? I WANT the NSA or Homeland Security or SOMEONE to be able to follow such leads and stop future attacks before they happen. And IMO anyone that thinks any of our life is still private is living in a fool's paradise.

What are you hiding anyway? Do you really think the government even CARES about your little foibles? They don't have the time or manpower or especially desire to try to keep tabs on everyone. I am also in favor of cameras in public spaces and at the risk of being totally divisive - them knowing who is buying bomb making materials. If you don't like any of that, you need to go find some other kinder and gentler world to live in. When you find it, let me know because I'd like to move there too.

In the meantime, the NSA can go right on collecting cell phone records. I WANT them to.
I have nothing to hide. My life is an open book. And I will cuss anyone out, at anytime...especially Republicans and/or conservatives. So what? I hope they do listen in...while I claim the First Amendment.
Seriously though...if there's some nutcase on here who literally thinks the president takes Saturday afternoon off to see what's going on at JPP, then perhaps he does need a little help.
also pretty sure the above is common knowledge at this point, pretty sure I have seen both mention it publicly now. But If I am wrong please let me know O_o
Since some of the best political minds around post on this Forum, and I have believed that from the very beginning, many being regular 24/7 "pros", I would bet that the Obama cabalistas are monitoring what we post on this Forum, and I am not referring to "Grind" and his regular JPP monitor crowd. Valerie Jughead and David Axlegrease, who tell Obama what to do at every turn, and even when to pee, must have their stooges reading our stuff regularly to see what their opposition is thinking. I bet my post here is being tapped as I "speak", so here it is..."The Chickens are coming home to roost", forget about it. How many of you Forum Libs are actually spies for the Obama gang, who routinely report back to your overseers?

I would guess they do. If they are going after private phone calls I am sure they would suck up data we make public.
Since some of the best political minds around post on this Forum, and I have believed that from the very beginning, many being regular 24/7 "pros", I would bet that the Obama cabalistas are monitoring what we post on this Forum, and I am not referring to "Grind" and his regular JPP monitor crowd. Valerie Jughead and David Axlegrease, who tell Obama what to do at every turn, and even when to pee, must have their stooges reading our stuff regularly to see what their opposition is thinking. I bet my post here is being tapped as I "speak", so here it is..."The Chickens are coming home to roost", forget about it. How many of you Forum Libs are actually spies for the Obama gang, who routinely report back to your overseers?

not likely....we've given him plenty of good ideas and he hasn't used a single one....either he's not paying attention or he's dumber than he looks......
I have nothing to hide. My life is an open book. And I will cuss anyone out, at anytime...especially Republicans and/or conservatives. So what? I hope they do listen in...while I claim the First Amendment.

Yet you use an alias while posting. Some open book faggot
Is he watching!
No he has some dip shit white boys doing it for him!
Does Michael Jordan park his car?
No a conservative white boy does.
Naw, it's not Pres. Obama. Pretty sure this is delegated to Michelle Obama. And let me tell you I would not allow my girls...Um, that is, she would not allow her girls anywhere near this forum!

I'm really most concerned with um that is SHE is most concerned that while you all are making such pithy arguments like "yes you did" "no I didn't" you aren't getting your daily exercise. hopefully you have those "treadmill desks" that are becoming so popular.