IS Obama WATCHING US on this Forum as we POST?

So why did you call me Aaron for months? I understand I have a nice tan and a large schlong, but I ain't him.
Howey, say he didn't.
I wish these low life mf'ers would get a life and stop claiming that some of us are so chicken shit that we operate with socks, and wish to be called other than the ID's we list. They are not honorable or honest posters.
They are scum.
Howey, say he didn't.
I wish these low life mf'ers would get a life and stop claiming that some of us are so chicken shit that we operate with socks, and wish to be called other than the ID's we list. They are not honorable or honest posters.
They are scum.

OH Aaron, stop being such a Bbitch; you DdumbAass
Like when you threatened to kill Obama on here?
You better take that back jackass, and admit that you made that up or I will complain to the the Monitors and demand a retraction and/or an actual dissmemberment from this Forum. I have never threatened President Obama, you are a blanking liar. I will give you excactly one hour to retract that statement or your ass is grass, and I am not kidding.
So why did you call me Aaron for months? I understand I have a nice tan and a large schlong, but I ain't him.
Still making up sheet again, remember I will file a complaint with the Monitors in one hour if you do not repent and ask for my forgiveness.
You better take that back jackass, and admit that you made that up or I will complain to the the Monitors and demand a retraction and/or an actual dissmemberment from this Forum. I have never threatened President Obama, you are a blanking liar. I will give you excactly one hour to retract that statement or your ass is grass, and I am not kidding.
I, for one, believe him. Don't take back anything, Howey....these mf'ers can lie on you and I, with impunity, but when they get a taste of their own medicine, they turn into "girls". ? You don't intimidate anyone.
I, for one, believe him. Don't take back anything, Howey....these mf'ers can lie on you and I, with impunity, but when they get a taste of their own medicine, they turn into "girls". ? You don't intimidate anyone.

It wasn't just him...Patriot66 called me Aaron several times. And Aaronsongs.
Don't worry about him reporting my post, either. I'm Grind's BFF.
I already have complained and I went all the way to the top of the chain of command here. Next time, think about the consequences of your action, you lying jackass. You don't know me very well, I just might contact the Secret Service and report what you said, and they probably will want to know why you even brought up that serious basically criminal subject matter, and wonder why this Forum allowed such a serious/dangerous statement to go unchallenged by the "Monitors". Ask Zappy about that threat sheet, he knows all too well that for some things, I don't play games. In fact, if I don't get a retraction today, you will hear from the SS as to why you made that statement. As far as knowing who is whom, I know a Lib when I smell one.....LOL...PS, if I get an unsatisfactorey answer from an obvious Lib Monitor, I will just re-submit my complaint later on when a Conservative Monitor is on duty, because the Lib Monitors have to sleep sometimes...Mensa rules

if anyone is Aaron, it's ME ME ME ME ME.

This is all me. it's all my dream. I I I I I post as everyone on this forum!!

So don't go calling anyone else Aaron but ME ME ME ME ME

It really is all about me me me me me!

(really? notifying the moderators? now that is understanding (and granted I'm new) is that if it isn't revealing previously-unrevealed-personal info or related to sex with kids, anything goes here)
I already have complained and I went all the way to the top of the chain of command here. Next time, think about the consequences of your action, you lying jackass. You don't know me very well, I just might contact the Secret Service and report what you said, and they probably will want to know why you even brought up that serious basically criminal subject matter, and wonder why this Forum allowed such a serious/dangerous statement to go unchallenged by the "Monitors". Ask Zappy about that threat sheet, he knows all too well that for some things, I don't play games. In fact, if I don't get a retraction today, you will hear from the SS as to why you made that statement. As far as knowing who is whom, I know a Lib when I smell one.....LOL...PS, if I get an unsatisfactorey answer from an obvious Lib Monitor, I will just re-submit my complaint later on when a Conservative Monitor is on duty, because the Lib Monitors have to sleep sometimes...Mensa rules

While it's none of my business- did you take your meds today?
While it's none of my business- did you take your meds today?
Are you as cute as you try to post? The Secret Service would not like any online political Forums allowing the posting of potentially violent incendiary statements like Howey posted whether they are in jest or not. His mistake was posting it to me, because that outright lie really bothers me and that is probably the only thing that the lame Howey could post that would "get my goat". Ask Darla about how far I will go, no pun intended. In fact I will email the link to the SS tomorrow unless Howey repents and offers a sincere apology to yours truly today. The Forum monitors are supposed to Monitor criminal activity and what Howey said was not just slander, it bordered on a criminal inflammatory statement which could lead to violence by some pin head reading this Forum, planting the seed if you will. PS, all you and your Lib cohor derogatory statements just make me moore engaged with winning
Are you as cute as you try to post? The Secret Service would not like any online political Forums allowing the posting of potentially violent incendiary statements like Howey posted whether they are in jest or not. His mistake was posting it to me, because that outright lie really bothers me and that is probably the only thing that the lame Howey could post that would "get my goat". Ask Darla about how far I will go, no pun intended. In fact I will email the link to the SS tomorrow unless Howey repents and offers a sincere apology to yours truly today. The Forum monitors are supposed to Monitor criminal activity and what Howey said was not just slander, it bordered on a criminal inflammatory statement which could lead to violence by some pin head reading this Forum, planting the seed if you will. PS, all you and your Lib cohor derogatory statements just make me moore engaged with winning

Ignore this assclown...he's totally full of shit.

SJJS would make up bullshit like this all the time on the old AOL boards.

Of course nothing he ever "reported" ever brought the SS or ANYONE for that matter down on the AOL boards.
Ignore this assclown...he's totally full of shit.

SJJS would make up bullshit like this all the time on the old AOL boards.

Of course nothing he ever "reported" ever brought the SS or ANYONE for that matter down on the AOL boards.
Liar, you know that I reported your ass on the old Board for threatening President Bush and all the old members also know that I told you repeatedly to STFU. I did report you to the local SS, but I called them Right back and pleaded with them that it was all in jest, that I "knew" you, and I told you that, now admit what I said is true? You sure did not need any SS guys snooping around your pad, capisce? I kind of knew you, but this jackass Howey is a different story, I will not let him/her get away with that BS just like I stopped you in your tracks when you were threatening Bush, you did stop, now didn't you Zappy, tell the truth for once? I am now going to send the link to the SS tomorrow, just because of all this Lib arrogance being displayed here. I don't need any monitors to help me, its as good as done.
Liar, you know that I reported your ass on the old Board for threatening President Bush and all the old members also know that I told you repeatedly to STFU. I did report you to the local SS, but I called them Right back and pleaded with them that it was all in jest, that I "knew" you, and I told you that, now admit what I said is true? You sure did not need any SS guys snooping around your pad, capisce? I kind of knew you, but this jackass Howey is a different story, I will not let him/her get away with that BS just like I stopped you in your tracks when you were threatening Bush, you did stop, now didn't you Zappy, tell the truth for once? I am now going to send the link to the SS tomorrow, just because of all this Lib arrogance being displayed here. I don't need any monitors to help me, its as good as done.

Do you want me to post my already writen email to the Secret Service on here, just say so and I will Right now? Only you Howey, the DipSheep, can stop me from emailing it, butt you will have to repent. You need to admit too this Forum that you lied about my making any death threats to President Obama and that you are begging his honor, SJJRSJJS, for forgiveness. If you don't dummy, the SS will contact the JPP staff and change one of their Monitoring criteria, trust me on that one. You are just opening a whole barrel of Howey's whomp ass by not begging me for forgiveness. The real joke is that the Monitors monitor all this BS, and kick members off for uttering some stupid crap, but allow Forum members to openly post about death threats toward the President of these United States whether they are lies or not, what a bunch of sheet.