IS Obama WATCHING US on this Forum as we POST?

yes it's very possible. the secret service visited 3 people from this forum in the past. I am sure they keep tabs on us here.
I posted this because I believe that there was that possibilty. I know some of these Libs on here from the old Netscape/AOL Board and a few of them would turn anyone in that they thought was a threat, guess who that might be? That is why I tell the pro-gun people like myself, to watch their P's and Q's when they start talking about their guns, etc, one missplaced word would give the Feds enough to start spying on them. If things start getting too bad here in Califa, I will go to Arizona, my son lives there anyway.
This IS "tongue in cheek" - right? Got your foil hat on?

I've watched the news about the "revelations" that the NSA is collecting info on what phones called what phones and can't help but laugh. OF COURSE any agency tasked with fighting terrorism would want access to this kind of information! After the Boston bombers was anyone worried about the fact that they could go check who the suspects called? I WANT the NSA or Homeland Security or SOMEONE to be able to follow such leads and stop future attacks before they happen. And IMO anyone that thinks any of our life is still private is living in a fool's paradise.

What are you hiding anyway? Do you really think the government even CARES about your little foibles? They don't have the time or manpower or especially desire to try to keep tabs on everyone. I am also in favor of cameras in public spaces and at the risk of being totally divisive - them knowing who is buying bomb making materials. If you don't like any of that, you need to go find some other kinder and gentler world to live in. When you find it, let me know because I'd like to move there too.

In the meantime, the NSA can go right on collecting cell phone records. I WANT them to.
The Boston bombers were turned in last year by the Russians as possible terrorists, but this Administration missed that boat. The Feds now are all worried about the Tea Party who have never hurt anyone. Why didn't they listen to the phonecalls made by those two Boston jackass bombers, the Russians gave the Feds plenty of probable cause to get a court order. After 911, President Bush kept US safe during his Administration, butt with Obama, we have had the bombing, the scandals, Fast & Furious and Benghazi along with all these spy crap revelations and there will be moore to come, undoubtedly.
Seriously though...if there's some nutcase on here who literally thinks the president takes Saturday afternoon off to see what's going on at JPP, then perhaps he does need a little help.
Obama has his Lib cohor cronies to do his spying for him, and here I thought that you were showing signs of human intelligence....TOUCHE'.....LOL
Obama has his Lib cohor cronies to do his spying for him, and here I thought that you were showing signs of human intelligence....TOUCHE'.....LOL

Lib cohor??? Maybe Liberal Cohort? Now I'm mad. Here I've been waiting for the President to call me up to start spying on someone like I'm sure Bush never did. But, NO CALL. And I'm as Liberal as anyone I know. Maybe I just don't know the secret handshake?

Come ON! DOES ANYONE BELIEVE THIS KIND OF CRAP? Does SJJRSJJS have visiting hours at the asylum?
Lib cohor??? Maybe Liberal Cohort? Now I'm mad. Here I've been waiting for the President to call me up to start spying on someone ...Maybe I just don't know the secret handshake?

I know!!! me too! What am I doing wrong? Not only has Pres Obama not asked me to spy on this board for him, no DNC operative has either. What am I? chopped liver? chopped walnuts?

So how does one "turn in" someone anyway? I mean, I'm pretty sure my sheriff's dept would just laugh at me, although I bet it would make the weekly "sheriff calls" in the newspaper. "Mon, call from resident that a threat to the president was issued on an online message board... " I imagine it would be just as effective as those people who call about a bear in the tree. (out here, that kind of call is a yawner)

Would I contact the FBI? the secret service? Martha Stewart? Dear Prudence?

I mean, I totally understand people plotting in AOL chat rooms... it gets late, one is on one's 4th mai tai, it's amazing what one might say while in an AOL chat room...not that, of course, I'm saying that was ever me... but plotting on THIS board? that one poor guy can't even get a sovereign nation started, much less overthrow this one...

And on a total side note... do asylums have visiting hours?
I know!!! me too! What am I doing wrong? Not only has Pres Obama not asked me to spy on this board for him, no DNC operative has either. What am I? chopped liver? chopped walnuts?

So how does one "turn in" someone anyway? I mean, I'm pretty sure my sheriff's dept would just laugh at me, although I bet it would make the weekly "sheriff calls" in the newspaper. "Mon, call from resident that a threat to the president was issued on an online message board... " I imagine it would be just as effective as those people who call about a bear in the tree. (out here, that kind of call is a yawner)

Would I contact the FBI? the secret service? Martha Stewart? Dear Prudence?

I mean, I totally understand people plotting in AOL chat rooms... it gets late, one is on one's 4th mai tai, it's amazing what one might say while in an AOL chat room...not that, of course, I'm saying that was ever me... but plotting on THIS board? that one poor guy can't even get a sovereign nation started, much less overthrow this one...

And on a total side note... do asylums have visiting hours?
Are you one of the "Brilliant Writer" alumnus from Netscape/AOL?
yes it's very possible. the secret service visited 3 people from this forum in the past. I am sure they keep tabs on us here.

This is true, BTW. When the Secret Service showed up with the court order for information at my work the security lady thought I was in trouble. LOL.
This is true, BTW. When the Secret Service showed up with the court order for information at my work the security lady thought I was in trouble. LOL.
Then I think that this was an important post to all who belong to this Forum. In the past on the old Board, there were some, who brazenly threatened bodily harm to President Bush, and I actually warned them of the possibility of the SS talking to them, which I understand, the SS eventually did.
Are you one of the "Brilliant Writer" alumnus from Netscape/AOL?

I doubt my chat room contributions ever got to the level of brilliant... but had some fun in a few of them! But that was "a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away"....

If someone is threatening the president, they should not be surprised if the secret service shows up. However, I hope no one would report someone who was obviously blowing off steam and not at all serious.
Like when you threatened to kill Obama on here?

I think it's in pretty poor taste to threaten to kill ANYONE! OK, maybe that bin Laden character... but otherwise, not so much.

If you don't like Obama's (or any other politician's) positions, you simply don't vote for them. If you don't like some commentator's comments - don't listen to them. etc.. etc... In a democracy - or a republic, if you insist - it will still work out that the majority get to elect our leaders. Now, if they don't do what that majority want them to do, they might have a hard time getting re-elected, and then we do the whole thing over again. For those of you (and I hope it's all of us) that like the constitution, that's the way it is supposed to work. End of civics lesson.

Do some people muck up the process? Sure they do. Big money, small money, special interests, greedy people, and so on. But, how is killing some politician going to change that? The answer is that IT WON'T! So, let's work within our system of government, let's compromise here and there, let's make it work the way it's supposed to, and cut out the banana republic - military juanta - crap. The day after 9/11, for a very brief period, we all remembered we were all Americans. Too bad, it didn't last a week.
No there a low level white boy grunt like you doing that work. Loser
You are still so jealous of me Fool, and everyone knows that I always bested you at the old Board, and nothing has changed here, Folks, I'm still turning this jive turkey everyway butt loose, it is what it is.....LOL...Let everyone see your old "Going Board" bonkers mode again Jackass, the Forum needs a few laughs...OMYAss...My dilemma now that I discovered you on this Forum, is how to properly address you dummy, I am not sure whether to call you just plain "Jackass" or "Fool of a Jackass" like I used to? I still own your ass mentally, and this Forum knows it so you talk only after I pull your chain, which I just did. I actually yanked your leash/chain real good, so good that you had to go down on your knees, you need to beg me to stop, because it will only get worse because I gots lots mo fo ya. Hey Boy, how does it feel to be pissed on and missed butt sheet on and hit by your Master? LOL, I thrive on unraveling worms like this dummy, who use racial sheet because they lack the necessities to debate me, they lack gravitas, AKA basic human intelligence....TOUCHÉ MF....and I WIN AGAIN, what else is new, forget about it!
You are still so jealous of me Fool, and everyone knows that I always bested you at the old Board, and nothing has changed here, Folks, I'm still turning this jive turkey everyway butt loose, it is what it is.....LOL...Let everyone see your old "Going Board" bonkers mode again Jackass, the Forum needs a few laughs...OMYAss...My dilemma now that I discovered you on this Forum, is how to properly address you dummy, I am not sure whether to call you just plain "Jackass" or "Fool of a Jackass" like I used to? I still own your ass mentally, and this Forum knows it so you talk only after I pull your chain, which I just did. I actually yanked your leash/chain real good, so good that you had to go down on your knees, you need to beg me to stop, because it will only get worse because I gots lots mo fo ya. Hey Boy, how does it feel to be pissed on and missed butt sheet on and hit by your Master? LOL, I thrive on unraveling worms like this dummy, who use racial sheet because they lack the necessities to debate me, they lack gravitas, AKA basic human intelligence....TOUCHÉ MF....and I WIN AGAIN, what else is new, forget about it!

Excuse me...

You don't even know who was who on the old board. And why do you bring it up so much?
I doubt my chat room contributions ever got to the level of brilliant... but had some fun in a few of them! But that was "a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away"....

If someone is threatening the president, they should not be surprised if the secret service shows up. However, I hope no one would report someone who was obviously blowing off steam and not at all serious.
I agree, but there was one individual on the old Netscape/AOL Board who was way over the line and he knows who he is. I had to cyber spank him a few times to get his attention, to stop his threatening Bush. I would do the same thing for Obama, do not threaten President Obama.
Excuse me...

You don't even know who was who on the old board. And why do you bring it up so much?
How-ey do you know who or how I know? You Libs are so arrogant and uppity, that it is really getting old, you believe that you are the only people who can write on this Forum. I came to this Board in 2009 because many of the old Boarders kept emailing me that they and others, both Libs and Conserves were over on this Forum and they named names. Naturally now, I know who is whom, which old Board members are here, whether in name or "spirit". Some admit it like me, while others don't butt writing threads are like fingerprints, so I knows. I gots moore seniority than you do, so mind your manners Howey Boy, you are a newby. Ask your buddy Zappy about how I ran all over his ass, I dominated the sheet out of him.
How-ey do you know who or how I know? You Libs are so arrogant and uppity, that it is really getting old, you believe that you are the only people who can write on this Forum. I came to this Board in 2009 because many of the old Boarders kept emailing me that they and others, both Libs and Conserves were over on this Forum and they named names. Naturally now, I know who is whom, which old Board members are here, whether in name or "spirit". Some admit it like me, while others don't butt writing threads are like fingerprints, so I knows. I gots moore seniority than you do, so mind your manners Howey Boy, you are a newby. Ask your buddy Zappy about how I ran all over his ass, I dominated the sheet out of him.

So why did you call me Aaron for months? I understand I have a nice tan and a large schlong, but I ain't him.