Is Red Team here at JPP mostly Christian Jihadists?


SCOTUS Rehnquist's fabricated misnomer immaculate drug conception supreme swastika up Uranus court of thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament - absentee voting ballot arsonists in that Christian Nation tradition of federal sin existed before God just as Christ existed before God & those burning Bush's 9/11 Al Qaeda "death to the infidels" health care plan Federal Lynching KKK churchtstate of hate Mengele Angel of Death WW II concentration camp baptise thine eyes by urinations defamations prior to exterminations Islamophobia existed before that second coming liberty & justice for all Christians "serve the Pope or die" megalomaniacal crusade 9/11.
Off the meds again eh? Not good, go to the emergency room immediately.

About 20 years too late for that 9/11 "serve the Pope or die" Christiananality pedophilia patriot act Mengele Angel of Death baptize thine eyes by urinations defamations more perfect union of fabricated immaculate Islam conceptions of the not too dang lily brilliant white master race jihad crusade.
Off the meds again eh? Not good, go to the emergency room immediately.

Seems this good ole boys one nation under God Christian Nation supreme swastika up Uranus court national religion diatribe of dictating Jews of the US & Israel are Islam Islamophobia Christiananality pedophilia business of suicidal super ego homicidal sociopsychopathilogical human farming dhimmitude servitude ought to rival Nuremberg War Crimes trials, but as being so Star Bellied Sneeches with stars upon thars too dang lily brilliant white cross conditioned way beyond therapy, lynching enforcement is the extent of their cognitive dissonance.
Seems this good ole boys one nation under God Christian Nation supreme swastika up Uranus court national religion diatribe of dictating Jews of the US & Israel are Islam Islamophobia Christiananality pedophilia business of suicidal super ego homicidal sociopsychopathilogical human farming dhimmitude servitude ought to rival Nuremberg War Crimes trials, but as being so Star Bellied Sneeches with stars upon thars too dang lily brilliant white cross conditioned way beyond therapy, lynching enforcement is the extent of their cognitive dissonance.

Stay away from sharp objects, psychopath.
Tell me Jade are you a Christian? You seem to think you know exactly what a Christian thinks and does. So please explain how you came to this conclusion.

Half the reason I've made it through the hells of my life is because of my faith. Any person that says they are a Christian can't take that label lightly. You can't pick and choose based on what suits you. For instance, you can't say you are pro-life and expect to use Christianity as backing if you support the death penalty.

There are so many things to go on for this but the biggest thing I see from the ones I speak of is this. You look at every focus that carries Christian ideas with them and it's always about what others do and not what they can do or should do. Everything is more of a focus against what others do. Maybe they forget that the Bible tells us that we are not the ones that can condemn them for sin. Casting shadows of guilt seems to be these types modus operandi.
That's YOUR opinion.
Ever wonder why all of South America is Catholic?
--->Christian Jihadists<---

Where else should the Catholic Church run it's megalomaniacal "serve the Pope or die" godvernment of death godvernment of drugs reincarnation of Nazi concentration camp Zyklon B human farming of the USA factory ?
Half the reason I've made it through the hells of my life is because of my faith. Any person that says they are a Christian can't take that label lightly. You can't pick and choose based on what suits you. For instance, you can't say you are pro-life and expect to use Christianity as backing if you support the death penalty.

There are so many things to go on for this but the biggest thing I see from the ones I speak of is this. You look at every focus that carries Christian ideas with them and it's always about what others do and not what they can do or should do. Everything is more of a focus against what others do. Maybe they forget that the Bible tells us that we are not the ones that can condemn them for sin. Casting shadows of guilt seems to be these types modus operandi.

Well said. I agree with most of you post. I disagree that one can be anti-abortion and support the death penalty. Abortion involves the taking of a life that has never committed a mortal sin or harmed anyone or anything. Conversely the death penalty is the taking of a life that has committed a mortal sin and taken the life of another. There are many references in the bible supporting the death penalty. But each must worship and lead life as one believes.
I don't jihad, I crusade. Also, it's called Canon Law. Sharia is for the damn Muslims.

That "serve the Pope or die" Catholic Church Christiananality pedophilia business centuries old "death to the infidels" jihad crusade where extermination of 6 million in the Holocaust was continued with that South America drug invasion substitute for Zyklon B followed by Papal contingents of thieving old testament - JFK presented old glory for business excellence bereavement memorial arsonists baptize thine eyes by urinations defamations & now for the 21st century with that second coming thru those burning Bush's 9/11 Al Qaeda health care plan bill of attainder diatribe where a Washington, D.C. born American retired WW II Pentagon staff sergeant to Eisenhower is deemed Islam by Rehnquist's SCOTUS thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament - absentee voting ballot arsonists supreme swastika up Uranus court prior to 9/11 as if Israel is now all Islam also in dhimmitude servitude.
Tell me Jade are you a Christian? You seem to think you know exactly what a Christian thinks and does. So please explain how you came to this conclusion.
Their language, their attitudes towards others, their lack of following the teachings of Jesus. I’m no longer a Christian, but I know those who follows Christ, like my parents, are a true example of Christianity and many of those on here, who claim to be Christians, do not act like Jesus.
I don't jihad, I crusade. Also, it's called Canon Law. Sharia is for the damn Muslims.

Organized Religion is a path to evil

all it does is create a scaffolding for evil to climb to power over others

believe whatever is in your heart

stop organizing
Their language, their attitudes towards others, their lack of following the teachings of Jesus. I’m no longer a Christian, but I know those who follows Christ, like my parents, are a true example of Christianity and many of those on here, who claim to be Christians, do not act like Jesus.

I believe you are correct about some here. But by the same token I find no passage in the bible that says in order to be a Christian one must act like Jesus.