Is the age of Enlightenment over?

What 'Age Of Enlightenment'? People became more superstitious, not less; witch burnings exploded in those decades of the Thirty Years War and 18th Century. 'Science' wasn't any more 'logical' then, except as it furthered economic as well as military warfare. Armies became larger and wars more deadly. Education didn't improve across Europe until the latter half of the 19th century, and public education not that great except the for the movements in the U.S. I would offer that the 19th Century was the true age of 'Enlightenment', when empiricism really took off. 'Science' and barbarism went hand in hand in many countries, like Belgium and Germany, peaking in WW I and WW I, Part Two, as newer methods of mass extermination became priorities among the 'rationalists' of the Right and Left both..
The Age of Enlightenment, also known as the Enlightenment, does not have a precise end date as it transitions into subsequent cultural and intellectual movements. However, historians generally consider its peak to be from the late 17th century to about the end of the 18th century:

  • Early Enlightenment: Begins around the late 17th century with philosophers like John Locke and Isaac Newton.
  • High Enlightenment: Often pegged from the 1730s to around 1780, with figures like Voltaire, Rousseau, and Kant at the forefront.
  • Late Enlightenment: Continues into the late 18th century, overlapping with events like the American Revolution (1775-1783) and the French Revolution (1789), which are seen by some as both products of Enlightenment thought and catalysts for its decline or transformation.

By the early 19th century, Romanticism began to emerge, which in many ways was a reaction against Enlightenment rationalism, signaling a shift in intellectual focus. Therefore, while the Enlightenment's influence persisted, its distinct period is commonly considered to have ended:

  • Around the 1790s with the aftermath of the French Revolution, where Enlightenment ideals were put to extreme tests.
  • Or by the early 1800s, as new philosophical and cultural movements like Romanticism took hold.

This transition was not abrupt but rather a gradual shift where Enlightenment ideas continued to influence but in new contexts and sometimes in opposition to new emerging ideologies.


Thank you. Yes the Age it is called ended but the "Light" remained on. In science, literature, art and music it was never brighter than in late 18th and 19th centuries, into the 20th.
You still think your Messiah lost in 2000 because of a vast conspiracy to steal the election.
I have no idea but I do know, if you moonbats had not been so crazy, Trump would be now out of your life. The dems blew it again and America is the winner.
Has the era of the Enlightenment ended; are we are back in a time of superstition and conspiracy theories.

IT seems, at least in the United States this is true. What do you think?
They do not understand the scientific process, or what separates facts from conspiracy theories. They do not seem to even care.
Has the era of the Enlightenment ended; are we are back in a time of superstition and conspiracy theories.

IT seems, at least in the United States this is true. What do you think?
If it's superstition, conspiracy theories, and crackpot schemes, look no further than the Left in politics, they'll deliver by the truckload.
Has the era of the Enlightenment ended; are we are back in a time of superstition and conspiracy theories.

IT seems, at least in the United States this is true. What do you think?
No. As history often proves, human societies go through cycles. Often two steps forward and one step back. We're witnessing a a "one step back" part of the cycle.

So, no, the era of Enlightenment hasn't ended. People just need to recognize how much better it would be than the current phase of hatred and division is supporting.
I see that the House is trying to let Trump run for a third term but not any of the other Presidents who served two terms.
I guess they have to do everything they can to make sure Trump destroys the USA as we have known it.
They truly have drank the Kool-Aid if they believe they can amend the Constitution with a nearly 50/50 Congress and a nearly 50/50 voting public.
The same criteria that determine the term alt right which you stole from me and use all the time.
Alt right means an alternative to the conventional right wing in America. It is a little more like the far right wing in Europe. It was used by the alt right to describe themselves, until it became toxic. The toxicity does not come from the term itself, but the people who used that term to describe themselves.

Alt left is an alternative to the left? You seem to also blame the "alt left" for all the past of the left, which would be self contradictory.
Even lower income white Trump voters don't want their food stamps, disability, or Medicaid cut. We are not generally losing on policy and governance.

Democrats need to learn that people vote on culture at least as much as they do on policy. Democrats got hammered on the perception *all* we care about is transgender NCAA swimmers, flying LBGTQ flags, and our supposed overt hostility to Christianity.

Even if the perception is not fair, that is the kind of thing that loses millions of votes in blue collar states like Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania.
Those lower income Trump voters will have to suffer under Trump before they realize what they have wrought.
We have members who argue with pictures, a President who writes like a child, millions of social media illiterates. It's a mixed bag, however.
Not to mention the mentally ill who are allowed to roam the Internet unfettered.

Random phrases. No apparent coherency.
The Democrat party is a conspiracy. It is no theory, Pretender.
It's been an organized crime syndicate since the early 1980's.
If it's superstition, conspiracy theories, and crackpot schemes, look no further than the Left in politics, they'll deliver by the truckload.
The same criteria that determine the term alt right which you stole from me and use all the time.
Alt right means an alternative to the conventional right wing in America. It is a little more like the far right wing in Europe. It was used by the alt right to describe themselves, until it became toxic. The toxicity does not come from the term itself, but the people who used that term to describe themselves.

Alt left is an alternative to the left? You seem to also blame the "alt left" for all the past of the left, which would be self contradictory.
Lesion's claim he invented the terms Alt-Right and Alt-Left is proof he is irrational.
Lesion's claim he invented the terms Alt-Right and Alt-Left is proof he is irrational.
Bannon said that Breitbart was going to be the "the platform for the alt-right" in 2016, so it was already an established term then. Spencer launched The Alternative Right Magazine in 2010. I doubt Spencer had the understanding of internet jargon to switch from alternative to alt, but it probably happened sometime between 2010 and 2016. It could have been Lesion, or anyone else in the alt right internet community.

The term alt left is meaningless. There is nothing wrong with being an alternative to something. I love alt rock. Somehow the alt right thinks that the term alt right became toxic because of the "alt." The term itself is not toxic, it is the actual movement that is toxic.

It would be like having a Neo-Nazi call you a Neo-Industrialist. The preface neo just means new. There is nothing wrong with being a Neo-Industrialist.
Alt right means an alternative to the conventional right wing in America. It is a little more like the far right wing in Europe. It was used by the alt right to describe themselves, until it became toxic. The toxicity does not come from the term itself, but the people who used that term to describe themselves.

Alt left is an alternative to the left? You seem to also blame the "alt left" for all the past of the left, which would be self contradictory.