Is the age of Enlightenment over?

Let's see...

Some Leftist conspiracy theories

AIDS / HIV is a government created disease to kill minorities and the LGBTPDQRST+-
9/11 was an inside job
Russia / Trump collusion
The Hunter Biden laptop was a plant and not real
CRT isn't being used in education
Capitalist oligarchs control everything
Natural herb and oil cures being hidden from public
Meat is bad, even evil for you
The DNC rigs the outcome of primaries to keep candidates like Bernie Sanders from winning
5G causes COVID
Zionism is a global cabal
Alt right means an alternative to the conventional right wing in America. It is a little more like the far right wing in Europe. It was used by the alt right to describe themselves, until it became toxic. The toxicity does not come from the term itself, but the people who used that term to describe themselves.

Alt left is an alternative to the left? You seem to also blame the "alt left" for all the past of the left, which would be self contradictory.
Void definition fallacy. Buzzword fallacies.
Bannon said that Breitbart was going to be the "the platform for the alt-right" in 2016, so it was already an established term then. Spencer launched The Alternative Right Magazine in 2010. I doubt Spencer had the understanding of internet jargon to switch from alternative to alt, but it probably happened sometime between 2010 and 2016. It could have been Lesion, or anyone else in the alt right internet community.

The term alt left is meaningless. There is nothing wrong with being an alternative to something. I love alt rock. Somehow the alt right thinks that the term alt right became toxic because of the "alt." The term itself is not toxic, it is the actual movement that is toxic.
Buzzword fallacies.
It would be like having a Neo-Nazi call you a Neo-Industrialist. The preface neo just means new. There is nothing wrong with being a Neo-Industrialist.
Buzzword fallacies.
Let's see...

Some Leftist conspiracy theories

AIDS / HIV is a government created disease to kill minorities and the LGBTPDQRST+-
9/11 was an inside job
Russia / Trump collusion
The Hunter Biden laptop was a plant and not real
CRT isn't being used in education
Capitalist oligarchs control everything
Natural herb and oil cures being hidden from public
Meat is bad, even evil for you
The DNC rigs the outcome of primaries to keep candidates like Bernie Sanders from winning
5G causes COVID
Zionism is a global cabal
When did Biden ever claim those conspiracy theories, Terry? Any other Democrat or "Leftist" Congressional rep?

Trump, MTG, Laura Boebert and several others have, indeed, claimed many RWNJ conspiracy theories. Space lasers? COVID was invented to kill white people? The 2020 election was stolen out from under a sitting Republican President and a Republican Congress?
When did Biden ever claim those conspiracy theories, Terry? Any other Democrat or "Leftist" Congressional rep?

Ah! The demand for more proof fallacy. I generalized with saying "the Left." That is a large group politically. You've come back demanding individual examples.

But, we could start with Adam Schiff and go from there. Add in the Jan 6 committee Democrats, then toss in "The Squad." Biden told us the laptop was false...

Trump, MTG, Laura Boebert and several others have, indeed, claimed many RWNJ conspiracy theories. Space lasers? COVID was invented to kill white people? The 2020 election was stolen out from under a sitting Republican President and a Republican Congress?
This is just trying whataboutism now. Sure, there are conspiracy theories on the Right too, but I wasn't addressing those.
Is it even necessary to ask?

We've seen the advent of a new dark age,
and the last one took a millennium to even begin overcoming.

I'm not certain that humanity has a millennium left.
Species tend to go extinct once they start regressing.

I doubt you need to concern yourself with the future. Don't buy any unripened fruit. :thup:
Even lower income white Trump voters don't want their food stamps, disability, or Medicaid cut. We are not generally losing on policy and governance.

Democrats need to learn that people vote on culture at least as much as they do on policy. Democrats got hammered on the perception *all* we care about is transgender NCAA swimmers, flying LBGTQ flags, and our supposed overt hostility to Christianity.

Even if the perception is not fair, that is the kind of thing that loses millions of votes in blue collar states like Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania.

How would you know what other people want, sex pest?

Didn't you get in some trouble by insisting that you knew what certain women wanted?