Is the age of Enlightenment over?

In my opinion the main reasons the enlightenment has failed, and thus the West is circling the drain, are two:

1) against all evidence deciding that humans are rational beings, or should be

2) playing up greed and putting a harness on it

Before that greed was for good reason considered to be a sin.
The same standards are applied to both. There is not a clear far left alternative movement, so no alt left. There is a far left movement, but not an alternative far left movement.

If you find one, get back to me.
Never expect logic or honesty from Lesion Lameass.
Has the era of the Enlightenment ended; are we are back in a time of superstition and conspiracy theories.

IT seems, at least in the United States this is true. What do you think?

Let me "enlighten" you. The Age of Enlightenment ended in the 18th century. What still has you in the dark? What "superstition and conspiracy theories" has your panties in a wad?
Let me "enlighten" you. The Age of Enlightenment ended in the 18th century. What still has you in the dark? What "superstition and conspiracy theories" has your panties in a wad?

Is there any issue or area of American life that does NOT have a conspiracy theory around it these days?

I can't even watch a football game without hearing a few of 'em.
A standard MAGAt trick is to use whataboutism and projection.
MAGA isn't a person, Sybil. You can't blame your inversion fallacy on anyone else.
It's clear MAGAt leaders came up with the term "Alt-Right". After the neo-Nazi march at Charlottesville and the attempted mass murder of "Leftists" by a neo-Nazi along with the antisemitism and racism displayed at the "Unite the Right" march, Alt-Right supporters began calling those who opposed them "Alt-Left".
Buzzword fallacies.
No prominent American left of Alt-Right has ever labeled themselves "Alt-Left" as prominent members of the Alt-Right have done. It's projection and gaslighting by supporters of the Party of Trump. They did the same thing when Trump's love of Jeffrey's 15-17 year old sex slaves came to light by labeling Biden a pedophile.
Buzzword fallacies. You cannot blame YOUR problem on Trump, Sybil.
I advise all Americans who want to defend our Republic to arm themselves and become proficient in using a rifle. Start out with a pellet rifle in the backyard. Teach the kids responsible use of it. Don't wait too long to move up to a large caliber hunting rifle, either bolt-action or semi-auto. Trump may try to ban "Leftists"* from buying firearms.
Inversion fallacy. It is DEMOCRATS that want gun control. It is DEMOCRATS that ignore the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions
You are hallucinating, Sybil.
Has the era of the Enlightenment ended; are we are back in a time of superstition and conspiracy theories.

IT seems, at least in the United States this is true. What do you think?
this would intimate that we were in some age of enlightenment, which i'm sorry to have to point out to you that we never were to begin with.
Is it even necessary to ask?

We've seen the advent of a new dark age,
and the last one took a millennium to even begin overcoming.

I'm not certain that humanity has a millennium left.
Species tend to go extinct once they start regressing.
Commies hate dem some bright futures.