Is this even legal? Why is this allowed?

Did Hollywood exploit Shirley Temple, or did Shirley Temple exploit Hollywood?

"Temple began her film career at the age of three in 1932. Two years later, she achieved international fame in Bright Eyes, a feature film designed specifically for her talents. She received a special Juvenile Academy Award in February 1935 for her outstanding contribution as a juvenile performer in motion pictures during 1934. Film hits such as Curly Top and Heidi followed year after year during the mid-to-late 1930s. Temple capitalized on licensed merchandise that featured her wholesome image; the merchandise included dolls, dishes, and clothing. Her box-office popularity waned as she reached adolescence.[1] She appeared in a few films of varying quality in her mid-to-late teens, and retired from films in 1950 at the age of 22.[2][3]

Though She Suffered Abuse, Shirley Temple's Story Is A Model Of Child Star Resilience

"When Shirley Temple appeared in 1932's War Babies — her first credited role — she was only three years old. The film was one of the Baby Burlesks, a series of eight shorts that satirized major motion pictures, film stars, celebrities, and current events. In these often sexually suggestive one-reelers, children mimic adults. They dress in adult costumes, but wear diapers fastened with large safety pins. For that particular short, Temple played the part of a sex worker named Charmaine."
I visit Google Images, moron. And your previous thread was a lie from the first incoherent sentences.

This is your opinion based on no verifiable facts. To claim that the left supports your addled comment "to sexuality and abuse children" is an egregious lie.

And it's trashy conspiracy theorists like you who made Pizzagate happen. You would do anything to destroy HRC's reputation no matter how false and libelous.

Bingo. I agreed it was child abuse, spoke out vehemently to condemn it, and condemned those pageants that exploit 11-year old girls.

You have zero proof that this poor kid's exploitation was perpetrated and glorified by the left. You made the leap in logic that because his leftist parents allowed it, all lefties would allow it. Another lie from you.

Another false choice. The obvious answer IMO is that people who don't answer can't be bothered responding to your nastiness. I brought up pageants because of your false and misleading comments that this only happens in the lefty universe. Child pageants can include dancing, singing and suggestive poses, the only difference is that nobody's handing them dollar bills. Yet they're still doing it for money, which is the point of these displays, to exploit your children for a purse.

You are pretending your threads are about exploiting this child. You could have had a good discussion about it but your true agenda was smearing liberals. Those of us who are arguing with you know that and are calling you out for your lies. Own it already, your excuses are boring.

You disqualified your condemnation the minute you tried to deflect with pageants. This has nothing to do with pageants and you know it.
This little autistic boy is Not Shirley Temple...though, that might be the next stage act....
We've already got the reality show, with the transgender surgery gone wrong:(
So, ... who exploited who ... and was it mutually beneficial?

Though She Suffered Abuse, Shirley Temple's Story Is A Model Of Child Star Resilience

"When Shirley Temple appeared in 1932's War Babies — her first credited role — she was only three years old. The film was one of the Baby Burlesks, a series of eight shorts that satirized major motion pictures, film stars, celebrities, and current events. In these often sexually suggestive one-reelers, children mimic adults. They dress in adult costumes, but wear diapers fastened with large safety pins. For that particular short, Temple played the part of a sex worker named Charmaine."
Apparently you don't understand. Cite the post with the question you think I'm avoiding.
You don't respond to my posts-you just go off on all different kinds of tangents and name isn't difficult. Just read yours posts...
I understand, though. Don't fret about it...
You don't respond to my posts-you just go off on all different kinds of tangents and name isn't difficult. Just read yours posts...
I understand, though. Don't fret about it...

Read your own posts to try and understand why that happens. Unlike you I stayed with the topic of child exploitation. You didn't add anything but the usual passive-aggressive snark. It's what you do and what you've done here since Day One.
Read your own posts to try and understand why that happens. Unlike you I stayed with the topic of child exploitation. You didn't add anything but the usual passive-aggressive snark. It's what you do and what you've done here since Day One.
See? You just can't reply without deflecting....I think it's cute that you think this puts you in "control", look so silly....
Back to the subject of this thread. Shame on the parents...any parent... 'who exploit their children....
Especially heinous in the case of this autistic child.....