Is this even legal? Why is this allowed?

Why am I not surprised you are too fucking dumb to even support your own asinine comments.

In the spirit of Christmas I will be magnanimous. Admit to me right now that you are so fucking stupid that you need everything spelled out for you and I will explain.

But you need to say those exact words.
You visit “Your Black World”

Let me ask you this. At any point are these girls dancing suggestively for a room full of men who are the handing them dollar bills?

This thread is not about pageants. You like every other leftist are just trying to divert attention away from this queer behavior you support.

KKKhristiefan: Look squirrel!!!!

I am not defending pageant moms, but this article isn’t about that. It is about this horrible behavior by queers and then kids parents

Can’t you ever comment on something that is negative for your side without going “yeah but”? Do you think bringing up pageants makes what happened to this boy better?

If you have a bug in your ass about pageants then start a thread about it. Stop trying to divert and distract.
She lives to deflect, it seems...‘but this is a stretch, a huge stretch, even for her....
So, ... no one can definitely say that 'I Love America' and 'Legina' aren't the same person?

I can definitively say we aren’t.

Only idiots, retards and drunks would think we are

Another great past time of leftists. Always assuming people are the same person.
I can definitively say we aren’t.

Only idiots, retards and drunks would think we are

Another great past time of leftists. Always assuming people are the same person.

Maybe it's just me? .................. But, ...........
............. you guys are like Identical Twins.
In the spirit of Christmas I will be magnanimous. Admit to me right now that you are so fucking stupid that you need everything spelled out for you and I will explain.

But you need to say those exact words.

You right wing dumb fucks are all the same. Cowards to the core, liars to the end. Fortunately it appears your cowardly leader is on his way out, and good riddance to the trash being taken out.
Let me ask you this. At any point are these girls dancing suggestively for a room full of men who are the handing them dollar bills?

This thread is not about pageants. You like every other leftist are just trying to divert attention away from this queer behavior you support.

I am not defending pageant moms, but this article isn’t about that. It is about this horrible behavior by queers and then kids parents.

You are the one that brought up the topic of "grooming" these children for what you cannot, nor do you, say. You do defend the girls in beauty pageants evidently enjoying the titillation pedophiles enjoy with soft childrens porn.

Quote Originally Posted by I Love America View Post 20
"It is an amazing sickness leftists have. While I don't agree with these child pageants they aren't designed to groom kids as sex slaves like what is happening to this poor boy by the gay lobby."

I have addressed the issue of this "drag queen" being used by his MOTHER for the sake of money. Why can't you address the issue of children as a whole being used by parents most often the mother for nefarious purposes? Why do you believe that because it is a female child it is somehow more acceptable then using a male child in the same manner?
You visit “Your Black World”

Let me ask you this. At any point are these girls dancing suggestively for a room full of men who are the handing them dollar bills?

This thread is not about pageants. You like every other leftist are just trying to divert attention away from this queer behavior you support.

KKKhristiefan: Look squirrel!!!!

I am not defending pageant moms, but this article isn’t about that. It is about this horrible behavior by queers and then kids parents

Can’t you ever comment on something that is negative for your side without going “yeah but”? Do you think bringing up pageants makes what happened to this boy better?

If you have a bug in your ass about pageants then start a thread about it. Stop trying to divert and distract.

I visit Google Images, moron. And your previous thread was a lie from the first incoherent sentences.

I have said for years that this is the ultimate goal of leftism and the gay agenda. To sexuality and abuse children.

This is your opinion based on no verifiable facts. To claim that the left supports your addled comment "to sexuality and abuse children" is an egregious lie.

The only thing missing here is pizza and podesta.

And it's trashy conspiracy theorists like you who made Pizzagate happen. You would do anything to destroy HRC's reputation no matter how false and libelous.

This is child abuse plain and simple. Imagine if this were an 11 year old girl what the outrage would be.
Bingo. I agreed it was child abuse, spoke out vehemently to condemn it, and condemned those pageants that exploit 11-year old girls.

I have seen some disgusting things perpetrated by the left and glorified by the democrat Media Industrial Complex but this takes the cake
You have zero proof that this poor kid's exploitation was perpetrated and glorified by the left. You made the leap in logic that because his leftist parents allowed it, all lefties would allow it. Another lie from you.

No thread bans because I want to give every leftist a chance to condemn this

1) if you just criticize the source you are condoning the behavior
2) if you fail to respond, you are condoning the behavior

Another false choice. The obvious answer IMO is that people who don't answer can't be bothered responding to your nastiness. I brought up pageants because of your false and misleading comments that this only happens in the lefty universe. Child pageants can include dancing, singing and suggestive poses, the only difference is that nobody's handing them dollar bills. Yet they're still doing it for money, which is the point of these displays, to exploit your children for a purse.

You are pretending your threads are about exploiting this child. You could have had a good discussion about it but your true agenda was smearing liberals. Those of us who are arguing with you know that and are calling you out for your lies. Own it already, your excuses are boring.
This poor little damaged boy's "situation" is Nothing like the poor little pageant girls .... laughable that anyone thinks so....*
What's laughable is your apparent belief that pageants aren't child exploitation, toxic.
Nothing like the parents exploiting this autistic young man...their son;( ('...and, as is the norm with your replies to me, you ignored what I said about pageants and just inserted your "beliefs" about what mine "are" ... lol....but, that's OK...I understand why you do that...)
Did Hollywood exploit Shirley Temple, or did Shirley Temple exploit Hollywood?

"Temple began her film career at the age of three in 1932. Two years later, she achieved international fame in Bright Eyes, a feature film designed specifically for her talents. She received a special Juvenile Academy Award in February 1935 for her outstanding contribution as a juvenile performer in motion pictures during 1934. Film hits such as Curly Top and Heidi followed year after year during the mid-to-late 1930s. Temple capitalized on licensed merchandise that featured her wholesome image; the merchandise included dolls, dishes, and clothing. Her box-office popularity waned as she reached adolescence.[1] She appeared in a few films of varying quality in her mid-to-late teens, and retired from films in 1950 at the age of 22.[2][3]

I visit Google Images, moron. And your previous thread was a lie from the first incoherent sentences.

This is your opinion based on no verifiable facts. To claim that the left supports your addled comment "to sexuality and abuse children" is an egregious lie.

And it's trashy conspiracy theorists like you who made Pizzagate happen. You would do anything to destroy HRC's reputation no matter how false and libelous.

Bingo. I agreed it was child abuse, spoke out vehemently to condemn it, and condemned those pageants that exploit 11-year old girls.

You have zero proof that this poor kid's exploitation was perpetrated and glorified by the left. You made the leap in logic that because his leftist parents allowed it, all lefties would allow it. Another lie from you.

Another false choice. The obvious answer IMO is that people who don't answer can't be bothered responding to your nastiness. I brought up pageants because of your false and misleading comments that this only happens in the lefty universe. Child pageants can include dancing, singing and suggestive poses, the only difference is that nobody's handing them dollar bills. Yet they're still doing it for money, which is the point of these displays, to exploit your children for a purse.

You are pretending your threads are about exploiting this child. You could have had a good discussion about it but your true agenda was smearing liberals. Those of us who are arguing with you know that and are calling you out for your lies. Own it already, your excuses are boring.
Nothing like the parents exploiting this autistic young man...their son;( ('...and, as is the norm with your replies to me, you ignored what I said about pageant and just inserted your "beliefs" about what mine are*‘but that's OK...I understand why you do that....)

It's a simple question. Did you criticize IHA for making this child's exploitation a lefty issue, yes or no?