Is this even legal? Why is this allowed?

It would appear that she did. You have to love the whole Jon Benet Ramsey analogy. I mean they had to go back a whole 22 years to find some moral equivalence to grown men handing dollar bills to an 11 year old boy dressed up in drag

You would go to any lengths to bash liberals no matter how weak and dishonest your arguments. Child exploitation means nothing but nothing to you; you just used it, and that makes you every bit as despicable as that poor kid's parents.

JonBenet is not the only child who was abused like that. You want a more current example? Check out Honey Boo Boo and her lowlife parents... a mother who let not one but TWO convicted child molesters
live with her.

Those idiotic pageants are going on to this day. Honest people, who don't include you, know this isn't a political thing
Yourbtwo examples involve ADULTS

domtry again. And this time do better. I would hate to have to put you on ignore

Sorry asshat, I understand how fucking ignorant you are, and how you have nothing, as usual, to contradict what I posted, but it has to do with beauty pageants, period.

Being put on "ignore" by someone as stupid as you would be a benefit to me. That way I would not have to see such fucking idiocy. Hmmm, or does your putting me on ignore have no affect on what I see.
You would go to any lengths to bash liberals no matter how weak and dishonest your arguments. Child exploitation means nothing but nothing to you; you just used it, and that makes you every bit as despicable as that poor kid's parents.

JonBenet is not the only child who was abused like that. You want a more current example? Check out Honey Boo Boo and her lowlife parents... a mother who let not one but TWO convicted child molesters
live with her.

Those idiotic pageants are going on to this day. Honest people, who don't include you, know this isn't a political thing

This isn’t about me KKkhristifan. It is about your perverse ideology that leads to this trash. I don’t even know this Honey Boo Boo you speak of.

But it is just your desperate attempts at drawing equivalence instead of just calling disgusting behavior disgusting.

Just admit you support it and move on. You are in good company
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Sorry asshat, I understand how fucking ignorant you are, and how you have nothing, as usual, to contradict what I posted, but it has to do with beauty pageants, period.

Being put on "ignore" by someone as stupid as you would be a benefit to me. That way I would not have to see such fucking idiocy. Hmmm, or does your putting me on ignore have no affect on what I see.

Pointing out your fallacy is just that

This wasn’t a “pageant”. This was exploitation of a young boy who doesn’t know better and pervy, AIDS riddled fag bots getting off on it. You support it

If you don’t know how these forums function then maybe you are dumber than I thought
But we have seen "conservatives" exploiting childrens rights, or anything else they think might give them a political leg up:

How is that relevant to a discussion about men paying a child to dress as a girl and dance for them, mature masturbator?

I'll understand if you can't explain.

Now, let's see if Christiecrite chastises you for politicizing the subject.

Honest people, who don't include you, know this isn't a political thing
Pointing out your fallacy is just that

This wasn’t a “pageant”. This was exploitation of a young boy who doesn’t know better and pervy, AIDS riddled fag bots getting off on it. You support it

If you don’t know how these forums function then maybe you are dumber than I thought

Wasn't the question dumb fuck. The question was about the grooming of children. Do you have an answer, or not?

Quote Originally Posted by I Love America View Post 20
"It is an amazing sickness leftists have. While I don't agree with these child pageants they aren't designed to groom kids as sex slaves like what is happening to this poor boy by the gay lobby."

Again, then what are they being groomed for?
How is that relevant to a discussion about men paying a child to dress as a girl and dance for them, mature masturbator?

I'll understand if you can't explain.

Now, let's see if Christiecrite chastises you for politicizing the subject.

What is the difference between paying a child for sexual favors, or even titillation, whether it be a male, or female?
How is that relevant to a discussion about men paying a child to dress as a girl and dance for them, mature masturbator?

I'll understand if you can't explain.

Now, let's see if Christiecrite chastises you for politicizing the subject.

You can always elect not to participate next time.
Wasn't the question dumb fuck. The question was about the grooming of children. Do you have an answer, or not?

Quote Originally Posted by I Love America View Post 20
"It is an amazing sickness leftists have. While I don't agree with these child pageants they aren't designed to groom kids as sex slaves like what is happening to this poor boy by the gay lobby."

Again, then what are they being groomed for?

You know. Don’t pretend you don’t. Why does everything have to be spelled out for you?

It is the queer agenda. It must be stamped out