Is Trump A Mass Murderer?

If Biden wins, we can see how successful he will be in defeating a virus that keeps mutating and finds humans tasty.

I started a thread called, "Coronavirus. Gone in 3 weeks." If the advice I gave in it was taken, we could be rid of all the coronavirus. No matter what form it has mutated into. We could probably also get rid of the flu. As well as any other contagious disease where people aren't simply long term carriers of the disease.
Well there are over 220,000 Americans who are dead from the coronavirus because of him. And dead is DEAD! Trump could have prevented most of those deaths. You are welcome to your own opinion. But that makes him mass murderer enough for me.

Also, at first, he called the coronavirus a hoax. Though later he admitted that he was lying and knew right from the beginning how bad the coronavirus was. But he downplayed it because he didn't want to cause a "panic." Oh, it's ok if they DIE! Just as long as they don't "panic." What a joke. Then later he said that warm weather would make it go away. The opposite happened. Then he tried to force states to open their schools. But even a moron would have known that would make the virus spread faster. And recently Trump called experts on the issue idiots. For a layperson like Trump to call experts idiots moves him beyond the realm of idiot into the realm of criminal. Such as a mass murderer.

Now let me give you a reality check on the coronavirus. As things are now it is the leading cause of death in the U.S. And many hospitals ICU units are at the breaking point. Guess what will happen if they do break. Also, a National Geographic website says that coronavirus is likely to be 50 to 100 times more deadly than the flu.

And on the news about a week ago they said that in the past 7 months the coronavirus has killed more people than the flu has in the past 5 years combined. Also, there are about 8 million people who have been infected here. But we have around 311 million other people. 8 million goes into 311 million 38.87 times. And as I said, there have been over 220,000 deaths from it here. Just going by 200,000, that number times 38.87 comes to 7,774,000 people who could die.

Recently (hopefully) soon to be ex-persident Trump brought up "herd immunity." But the only way that could work at all is if all those who could be infected do get infected. And you know what that would mean. Sure, eventually we will come up with a vaccine or some other treatment. But how many more people will die before then.

Also, if a vaccine they come up with is anything like the flu vaccine, the best you could hope for is for it to be about 50% effective. Another thing is that you can't get much more immune than you would be if you already had it. But some people have caught it more than once. There was one such woman on the news recently. And from what I remember about it, her second infection was worse than her first.

Another thing is that the coronavirus is mutating. Possibly faster than the flu virus does. According to one website, there are 7 new types of coronavirus that have mutated into existence. On another website the spoke of an un-peer reviewed paper that came out of China that says 30 new strains of coronavirus have mutated into being. So my advice to you? PANIC! And don't vote for Trump.

SO how could he of prevented those deaths ? Why dont you explain in detail .
Also couldnt other world leaders of prevented deaths so are they all mass murders also?
Under Obama 60 million Americans got sick from the flu and around 13000 died should he be called a mass murder also?
by the way under O bung hole and blow hole joe they used up our supply of PPEs and we didnt have them , shouldn't they be held responsible for the deaths also?

And what about the Chinese where the pandemic started ? It appears they were experminting with the virus in a class 4 lab and ir got away from them and lied about it, shouldn't they be held responsible for it ?
Your argument is so flawed its pathetic .

The pandemic isn't trumps fault in any way, yes he could of cried wolf and scared the hell out of the entire population before he knew the actual affects.
He didnt know any more about it then you did or I did, no one knew what was going to happen.
If you are going to blame Trump who else should be blamed for deaths? State governors? How about those in Congress and state legislatures? Will Biden be blamed for deaths that occur once he's in office?

The argument raised in this thread is little short of idiotic.
I started a thread called, "Coronavirus. Gone in 3 weeks." If the advice I gave in it was taken, we could be rid of all the coronavirus. No matter what form it has mutated into. We could probably also get rid of the flu. As well as any other contagious disease where people aren't simply long term carriers of the disease.

Of course!
If you are going to blame Trump who else should be blamed for deaths? State governors? How about those in Congress and state legislatures? Will Biden be blamed for deaths that occur once he's in office?

The argument raised in this thread is little short of idiotic.

Funny they don't blame China (the country of origin) for covering it up before it became world-wide spread.
SO how could he of prevented those deaths ? Why dont you explain in detail .
Also couldnt other world leaders of prevented deaths so are they all mass murders also?
Under Obama 60 million Americans got sick from the flu and around 13000 died should he be called a mass murder also?
by the way under O bung hole and blow hole joe they used up our supply of PPEs and we didnt have them , shouldn't they be held responsible for the deaths also?

And what about the Chinese where the pandemic started ? It appears they were experminting with the virus in a class 4 lab and ir got away from them and lied about it, shouldn't they be held responsible for it ?
Your argument is so flawed its pathetic .

The pandemic isn't trumps fault in any way, yes he could of cried wolf and scared the hell out of the entire population before he knew the actual affects.
He didnt know any more about it then you did or I did, no one knew what was going to happen.

You know what would be easier? Explaining in detail why you are such an idiot. Trump started out by basically calling the coronavirus a hoax. And sure, he stopped flights to China in January. But that was only because he actually took advice from the experts for a change. (I don't think he ever did that again) Also, by the time he did that, most of the other major carriers had already stopped flights to China. What Trump did went downhill from there. Next, the leaders of countries who have a higher death per capita from coronavirus than ours are indeed guilty of mass murder too. Next, the flu is just the flu. The same can't be said for the coronavirus. And no doubt the Omonkey administration did take some sort of action on the matter. So all in all, I couldn't call them mass murderers. Next, the experimentation angle is just conspiracy theory bullshit. Did they also create Covid 1 through 18 in a lab too? Also, more people have died from the coronavirus here in the U.S. than in China. Where it started. And they have over a billion more people!
If you are going to blame Trump who else should be blamed for deaths? State governors? How about those in Congress and state legislatures? Will Biden be blamed for deaths that occur once he's in office?

The argument raised in this thread is little short of idiotic.

Trump is to blame. Only Trump. He is the president. The buck stops with him.
Funny they don't blame China (the country of origin) for covering it up before it became world-wide spread.

What if ebola had taken a foothold here and started spreading. What would we do, blame Africa? Or some country there? What difference would that make.
What if ebola had taken a foothold here and started spreading. What would we do, blame Africa? Or some country there? What difference would that make.

Ebola wasn't nearly as contagious. It is no comparison. That is what difference it makes.
You know what would be easier? Explaining in detail why you are such an idiot. Trump started out by basically calling the coronavirus a hoax. And sure, he stopped flights to China in January. But that was only because he actually took advice from the experts for a change. (I don't think he ever did that again) Also, by the time he did that, most of the other major carriers had already stopped flights to China. What Trump did went downhill from there. Next, the leaders of countries who have a higher death per capita from coronavirus than ours are indeed guilty of mass murder too. Next, the flu is just the flu. The same can't be said for the coronavirus. And no doubt the Omonkey administration did take some sort of action on the matter. So all in all, I couldn't call them mass murderers. Next, the experimentation angle is just conspiracy theory bullshit. Did they also create Covid 1 through 18 in a lab too? Also, more people have died from the coronavirus here in the U.S. than in China. Where it started. And they have over a billion more people!

o please do explain why I am a idiot I would love to hear your opinion.
first lets look up the definition of murder shall we?



1. the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another: "the stabbing murder of an off-Broadway producer" synonyms killing, homicide, assassination, liquidation, extermination, ... more


1. kill (someone) unlawfully and with premeditation: "somebody tried to murder Joe" synonyms kill, put/do to death, assassinate, execute, liquidate, ... more

So your saying Trump is guilty of premeditated unlawful murder,I tell you what you go ahead and find a court in the united states that will charge him .You don't even know the meaning of the word murder.

But back to my favorite subject which is me you claiming it would be easier to prove Im a idiot , now please do prove it.

Did you call me that because your upset and butt hurt or because I disagree with your claim or is it simply poor upbringing ?
Did it make you feel like a real man to do so and stroke your ego and make you feel good and give you a illusion of control ?
Ebola wasn't nearly as contagious. It is no comparison. That is what difference it makes.

Nice dodge to the point. The point is would you blame Africa if ebola had started spreading here. And doing so would do no good. Just as blaming China would do no good. And as I told bulletbob, more people have died from the coronavirus here in the U.S. than have in China. Where it began. And they have over a billion more people!
o please do explain why I am a idiot I would love to hear your opinion.
first lets look up the definition of murder shall we?



1. the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another: "the stabbing murder of an off-Broadway producer" synonyms killing, homicide, assassination, liquidation, extermination, ... more


1. kill (someone) unlawfully and with premeditation: "somebody tried to murder Joe" synonyms kill, put/do to death, assassinate, execute, liquidate, ... more

So your saying Trump is guilty of premeditated unlawful murder,I tell you what you go ahead and find a court in the united states that will charge him .You don't even know the meaning of the word murder.

But back to my favorite subject which is me you claiming it would be easier to prove Im a idiot , now please do prove it.

Did you call me that because your upset and butt hurt or because I disagree with your claim or is it simply poor upbringing ?
Did it make you feel like a real man to do so and stroke your ego and make you feel good and give you a illusion of control ?

Over 250,000 people dead is proof of what I say. Those people couldn't be any more dead than if Trump had personally killed them. It was his actions that caused those people to die. That is murderer enough for me.
Over 250,000 people dead is proof of what I say. Those people couldn't be any more dead than if Trump had personally killed them. It was his actions that caused those people to die. That is murderer enough for me.

Yes it easy to blame a political rival for for death. Why don't you explain how its his fault and how its murder.
I have posted what murder is do you disagree with that ?
Isnt abortion murder also ?

The US Supreme Court legalized abortion in the well-known Roe v Wade decision in 1973; currently, there are about 1.2 million abortions are performed each year in the United State
Isnt that also murder by your standard ?
Nice dodge to the point. The point is would you blame Africa if ebola had started spreading here. And doing so would do no good. Just as blaming China would do no good. And as I told bulletbob, more people have died from the coronavirus here in the U.S. than have in China. Where it began. And they have over a billion more people!

Ebola is introduced into the human population through close contact with the blood, secretions, organs or other bodily fluids of infected animals.
It is NOT airborne, so it's far less contagious.
But yes, you can kiss China's ass. I'm not.
Yes it easy to blame a political rival for for death. Why don't you explain how its his fault and how its murder.
I have posted what murder is do you disagree with that ?
Isnt abortion murder also ?

The US Supreme Court legalized abortion in the well-known Roe v Wade decision in 1973; currently, there are about 1.2 million abortions are performed each year in the United State
Isnt that also murder by your standard ?

Maybe he thinks it's birth control?