Is Trump A Mass Murderer?

Is Trump A Mass Murderer?

No. He's a fucking moron and too many Americans are gutless to stand up to him. Now hundreds of thousands of Americans are paying the price for his and their stupidity. Collateral damage is expected.
The latest "manufactured" fact is that over 266,000 American have died from the coronavirus.

How many were comorbidity involved? half truths sustain reality over real projections intellect is a higher plane of existing when limited to mutually evolving so far as reproductively centered at occupying space from now on never staying the same form shaped a fertilized cell evoved into the brain of each homo sapien born so far.
No. He's a fucking moron and too many Americans are gutless to stand up to him. Now hundreds of thousands of Americans are paying the price for his and their stupidity. Collateral damage is expected.

As I was telling somebody else, I bet you would have no problem saying Hitler killed 6 million jews. I gave a reply to such stupidity in post #53.
well go ahead and explain what he did wrong and what he should of done . I love to hear what arm chair quarter backs think

You know, you only have to be stupid with me once. There is no need to repeat your stupidity. I fully explained what he did wrong in my thread.
How many were comorbidity involved? half truths sustain reality over real projections intellect is a higher plane of existing when limited to mutually evolving so far as reproductively centered at occupying space from now on never staying the same form shaped a fertilized cell evoved into the brain of each homo sapien born so far.

What makes you think I want to read dumb ass gibberish.
You know, you only have to be stupid with me once. There is no need to repeat your stupidity. I fully explained what he did wrong in my thread.

I responded to you so others than yourself can get another opinion. You are a career character role model that thinks rank in intellectual social order raises you above mutually evolving replacement so far.
O really they did not ?
Seems your the retard now dumb ass , now stick the other foot in your mouth to complete the circle retard .

Screw all your bullshit. The coronavirus started in China. At least that's just what EVERYBODY says. So how could anybody blame us for the virus. Now it may be possible that the Chinese leader said something stupid. But the fact remains that the virus started there. Nobody else is to blame. Retard.
By law and by historical practice pandemic response is the domain of the states.

The Revolution has not yet been completed, we are a nation of law.

Trump is not guilty.
By law and by historical practice pandemic response is the domain of the states.

The Revolution has not yet been completed, we are a nation of law.

Trump is not guilty.

Ultimately, domain in the U.S. is governed by the federal government. The Civil War ironed out that little issue of the law. Next, when the British surrendered, that was the end of the revolution. As for the law, fuck the law. It is written by and for the wealthy. It means whatever you have the money to make it mean. Next, over 270,000 people dead so far, and nobody is to blame? Nobody is guilty? How long have such hallucinations been a problem for you.
Ultimately, domain in the U.S. is governed by the federal government. The Civil War ironed out that little issue of the law. Next, when the British surrendered, that was the end of the revolution. As for the law, fuck the law. It is written by and for the wealthy. It means whatever you have the money to make it mean. Next, over 270,000 people dead so far, and nobody is to blame? Nobody is guilty? How long have such hallucinations been a problem for you.

Being rude is no way to obtain my assistance with your education.

Honey works better.