Is Trump A Mass Murderer?

Yes it easy to blame a political rival for for death. Why don't you explain how its his fault and how its murder.
I have posted what murder is do you disagree with that ?
Isnt abortion murder also ?

The US Supreme Court legalized abortion in the well-known Roe v Wade decision in 1973; currently, there are about 1.2 million abortions are performed each year in the United State
Isnt that also murder by your standard ?

Trump isn't a political rival. He is just a mass murderer. Next, what could I say to you that wouldn't be less wonderful to you than the taste of shit as you lick president Trump's asshole clean. But I will explain it again anyway. Trump didn't impose a quarantine when he first heard of the coronavirus. That decision directly led directly to over 250,000 people dying. To make things worse, he started out by calling the coronavirus a hoax. It didn't turn out that way, did it. ANSWER IT!!!! Did it. He then said that warmer weather would make it go away. The exact fucking opposite happened. Didn't it. ANSWER IT!!!! Didn't it. It was later revealed by Trump himself that he knew all along that the coronavirus was serious. But downplayed it because he didn't want to cause a "panic." Didn't he. ANSWER IT!!! Didn't he. He also tried to force states to reopen their schools. (But even an idiot would know that would cause the virus to spread faster) Didn't he. ANSWER IT!!! Didn't he.

President Chump did about everything he could to cause genocide. If he had his way, millions would be dead by now. It at least makes him responsible for the deaths of over 257,000 people. (So Far) I'll bet an idiot like you would say that Hitler killed 6 million jews. (Which is bullshit) But Trump supposedly didn't kill anybody. I have better things to do than to answer idiots like you. Don't reply to my threads unless you have something sensible to say.
Ebola is introduced into the human population through close contact with the blood, secretions, organs or other bodily fluids of infected animals.
It is NOT airborne, so it's far less contagious.
But yes, you can kiss China's ass. I'm not.

Ebola may not be airborn, but from everything I have seen about it over the years, it still managed to be pretty damned infectious. They also say that there is no evidence that ebola could be spread through a mosquito bite. But if they can spread malaria, I don't see any reason why they couldn't spread ebola as well. Next, you HAVE to give the devil his due. If the commies can do something better, like control the coronavirus, then't it's time to go all commie! Fuck your "freedoms." They're a joke anyway.
trump is no more a mass murderer than obama is..............wait, obama murdered dozens with all his drone strikes, so maybe you might be right. they are both mass murderers
Trump isn't a political rival. He is just a mass murderer. Next, what could I say to you that wouldn't be less wonderful to you than the taste of shit as you lick president Trump's asshole clean. But I will explain it again anyway. Trump didn't impose a quarantine when he first heard of the coronavirus. That decision directly led directly to over 250,000 people dying. To make things worse, he started out by calling the coronavirus a hoax. It didn't turn out that way, did it. ANSWER IT!!!! Did it. He then said that warmer weather would make it go away. The exact fucking opposite happened. Didn't it. ANSWER IT!!!! Didn't it. It was later revealed by Trump himself that he knew all along that the coronavirus was serious. But downplayed it because he didn't want to cause a "panic." Didn't he. ANSWER IT!!! Didn't he. He also tried to force states to reopen their schools. (But even an idiot would know that would cause the virus to spread faster) Didn't he. ANSWER IT!!! Didn't he.

President Chump did about everything he could to cause genocide. If he had his way, millions would be dead by now. It at least makes him responsible for the deaths of over 257,000 people. (So Far) I'll bet an idiot like you would say that Hitler killed 6 million jews. (Which is bullshit) But Trump supposedly didn't kill anybody. I have better things to do than to answer idiots like you. Don't reply to my threads unless you have something sensible to say.

well then prove how he murdered 250,000 people >

O yes so now I am a idiot because you cant prove your claim , using vulgar language really makes you feel like a man hey, at least for a short period of time.
how did it spread faster a unknown virus that we know nothing about , I suppose he must know everything . or should have right .

Its his fault it spread so fast around the world right .
When you grow up and are able to use reasoning and common sense instead of play ground and bar room language and being a internet tough guy let me know.
Ebola may not be airborn, but from everything I have seen about it over the years, it still managed to be pretty damned infectious. They also say that there is no evidence that ebola could be spread through a mosquito bite. But if they can spread malaria, I don't see any reason why they couldn't spread ebola as well. Next, you HAVE to give the devil his due. If the commies can do something better, like control the coronavirus, then't it's time to go all commie! Fuck your "freedoms." They're a joke anyway.

Oh, Ebola is serious, no doubt. But when a simple lot of produce has it, it is stopped by destroying that lot. Problem solved. Simple as that.
The China Virus is airborne and far more contagious. There's no comparison whatsoever.
Well there are over 220,000 Americans who are dead from the coronavirus because of him. And dead is DEAD! Trump could have prevented most of those deaths. You are welcome to your own opinion. But that makes him mass murderer enough for me.

Also, at first, he called the coronavirus a hoax. Though later he admitted that he was lying and knew right from the beginning how bad the coronavirus was. But he downplayed it because he didn't want to cause a "panic." Oh, it's ok if they DIE! Just as long as they don't "panic." What a joke. Then later he said that warm weather would make it go away. The opposite happened. Then he tried to force states to open their schools. But even a moron would have known that would make the virus spread faster. And recently Trump called experts on the issue idiots. For a layperson like Trump to call experts idiots moves him beyond the realm of idiot into the realm of criminal. Such as a mass murderer.

Now let me give you a reality check on the coronavirus. As things are now it is the leading cause of death in the U.S. And many hospitals ICU units are at the breaking point. Guess what will happen if they do break. Also, a National Geographic website says that coronavirus is likely to be 50 to 100 times more deadly than the flu.

And on the news about a week ago they said that in the past 7 months the coronavirus has killed more people than the flu has in the past 5 years combined. Also, there are about 8 million people who have been infected here. But we have around 311 million other people. 8 million goes into 311 million 38.87 times. And as I said, there have been over 220,000 deaths from it here. Just going by 200,000, that number times 38.87 comes to 7,774,000 people who could die.

Recently (hopefully) soon to be ex-persident Trump brought up "herd immunity." But the only way that could work at all is if all those who could be infected do get infected. And you know what that would mean. Sure, eventually we will come up with a vaccine or some other treatment. But how many more people will die before then.

Also, if a vaccine they come up with is anything like the flu vaccine, the best you could hope for is for it to be about 50% effective. Another thing is that you can't get much more immune than you would be if you already had it. But some people have caught it more than once. There was one such woman on the news recently. And from what I remember about it, her second infection was worse than her first.

Another thing is that the coronavirus is mutating. Possibly faster than the flu virus does. According to one website, there are 7 new types of coronavirus that have mutated into existence. On another website the spoke of an un-peer reviewed paper that came out of China that says 30 new strains of coronavirus have mutated into being. So my advice to you? PANIC! And don't vote for Trump.

so many people manifesting facts to inject results that never took place vs actual events that never change taken place. Like positions of ancestry amounting to populaiton timed apart historically so far replacememtns repeatig human error since dawn of civilzation designed by humans to take advantage of other humans ancestrally until extinction.

threads like this are how it never ends one generation after another.
well then prove how he murdered 250,000 people >

O yes so now I am a idiot because you cant prove your claim , using vulgar language really makes you feel like a man hey, at least for a short period of time.
how did it spread faster a unknown virus that we know nothing about , I suppose he must know everything . or should have right .

Its his fault it spread so fast around the world right .
When you grow up and are able to use reasoning and common sense instead of play ground and bar room language and being a internet tough guy let me know.

I proved by stating questions and saying "ANSWER IT!!!!" You never answered a single thing. So don't bother me with your nonsense.
you don't even know what murder is. go get a grip on reality

You are the one who has no sense of reality. I have over 258,000 dead people I can point to to support my claim. What do you have. Also, I would bet that you have no problem spouting the bullshit that Hitler killed 6 million jews. Just put Trump in that category.
You are the one who has no sense of reality. I have over 258,000 dead people I can point to to support my claim. What do you have. Also, I would bet that you have no problem spouting the bullshit that Hitler killed 6 million jews. Just put Trump in that category.

I have common sense.
Yes Hitler is responsible for killing Jews if you recall the death camps where people were shot a
gassed etc .
Did trump set up death camps and order people killed ?
I have common sense.
Yes Hitler is responsible for killing Jews if you recall the death camps where people were shot a
gassed etc .
Did trump set up death camps and order people killed ?

If you should ever find yourself wanting the REAL truth, just send me a PM and let me know. Not that I expect you to. Because as they say, "Ignorance is bliss." Also, when people die en masse, does it really matter where they die? Another thing is that the Russians were able to exterminate millions of Ukrainians without any camps at all. It was called the Holdomor. I'll give you a couple pictures.

holodomor.jpg holodomor victims 2.jpg
so many people manifesting facts to inject results that never took place vs actual events that never change taken place. Like positions of ancestry amounting to populaiton timed apart historically so far replacememtns repeatig human error since dawn of civilzation designed by humans to take advantage of other humans ancestrally until extinction.

threads like this are how it never ends one generation after another.

The latest "manufactured" fact is that over 266,000 American have died from the coronavirus.
I did in my thread. Too bad that you have had the ability to understand brainwashed out of you.

to bad you don't know what your talking about and are delusional , I guess you agree with china that it started because of America and they had nothing to do with it.