Is trump a Russian asset? Five key points that point to yes ....

Most JPP MAGAts do use violent revenge as a key motivator. Becoming family annihilators would fit their ideology. Notice how many of the following four traits JPP MAGAts exhibit: misogyny, honor killing, lack of individual economic success and anti-social to the point of paranoia.

The Four Types of Family Murderers​

The researchers identified the following four types of family murderers:

Self-righteous: The killer seeks to locate blame for his crimes upon the mother whom he holds responsible for the breakdown of the family. This may involve the killer phoning his partner before the murder to explain what he is about to do. For these men, their breadwinner status is central to their idea of the ideal family.

Disappointed: This killer believes his family has let him down or has acted in ways to undermine or destroy his vision of ideal family life. An example may be disappointment that children are not following the traditional religious or cultural customs of the father.

Anomic: In these cases the family has become firmly linked in the mind of the killer to the economy. The father sees family as the result of his economic success, allowing him to display his achievements. However, if the father becomes an economic failure, he sees the family as no longer serving this function.

Paranoid: Those who perceive an external threat to the family. This is often social services or the legal system, which the father fears will side against him and take away the children. Here the murder is motivated by a twisted desire to protect the family.

In all of these cases masculinity and perceptions of power sets the background for the crimes. The family role of the father is central to their ideas of masculinity and the murders represent a last ditch attempt to perform a masculine role.
Enlarged and bold fonts?
Thanks for agreeing @Hawkeye10 is mentally ill, Trump Dummy. Did you learn about mental illness in group therapy?
I am amused that you think you're any different. You define mentally unhinged brainless wonder. You never answer anything. You just troll threads trying to pretend you're not a mentally unhinged dumbass on steroids.

Let's see where you stand:

Do you think men should NOT be allowed to compete in women's sports by dressing as women? Yes or no?

Do you think that our borders should be secure and that those who break immigration law should get deported? Yes or no?

Do you believe that we should cut costs in our massive bureaucracy and balance the budget? Yes or no?

Do you believe that we should sue for a peaceful settlement in Ukraine rather than never ending war, death and destruction? Yes or no?

Do you believe in ending Government corruption? Yes or no?

Do you believe in transparency in Government? Yes or no?

Do you believe that the government has expanded well beyond the original intent in the Constitution? Yes or no?

Do you believe Israel has a right to exist? Yes or no?

Do you believe that we should expand oil exploration and produce more oil and gas? Yes or no?

Do you believe that we should not have stupid things like "sanctuary cities"? Yes or no?

Should Governors and Mayors cooperate with ICE as they attempt to remove illegal aliens from the country? Yes or no.

Should pro Hamas protestors be removed from campuses and Federal funding removed if those administrators refuse to do so?

Is the Federal bureaucracy too big? Yes or no?
Seems like a bot to me.
Being a bot would explain @Truth Detector's repetitiveness and distinct lack of creativity.
:lolup: Dumbest and Dumb Fuck in an echo chamber.

So where do you stand on these issues halfwit?

Do you think men should NOT be allowed to compete in women's sports by dressing as women? Yes or no?

Do you think that our borders should be secure and that those who break immigration law should get deported? Yes or no?

Do you believe that we should cut costs in our massive bureaucracy and balance the budget? Yes or no?

Do you believe that we should sue for a peaceful settlement in Ukraine rather than never ending war, death and destruction? Yes or no?

Do you believe in ending Government corruption? Yes or no?

Do you believe in transparency in Government? Yes or no?

Do you believe that the government has expanded well beyond the original intent in the Constitution? Yes or no?

Do you believe Israel has a right to exist? Yes or no?

Do you believe that we should expand oil exploration and produce more oil and gas? Yes or no?

Do you believe that we should not have stupid things like "sanctuary cities"? Yes or no?

Should Governors and Mayors cooperate with ICE as they attempt to remove illegal aliens from the country? Yes or no.

Should pro Hamas protestors be removed from campuses and Federal funding removed if those administrators refuse to do so?

Is the Federal bureaucracy too big? Yes or no?