Is Trump Really on Track to Win Re-Election?

The electoral college is not the vote of the people. It is a throwback to the day of the founders to buy off slave states. It is long past its shelf life.

The EC protected free states like NH and RI from slave states like VA/NC/SC/GA. But, keep on lying. You have convinced many people that the 3/5 clause was intended do things other than give free states a small protection from having slaves counted as whole persons for apportionment.
Not by a wide margin. The average of the Real Clear Politics polls had Clinton leading 46% v. 44%. The final result was 48% to 46%. The polls were very close within the 3% margin of error.

the basic problem wasn't the actual polling.......its that demmycrats ignored the state by state numbers in favor of a national poll.......
the basic problem wasn't the actual polling.......its that demmycrats ignored the state by state numbers in favor of a national poll.......

Agreed. And another problem with polling is choosing likely voters (rather than just registered voters). Hillary had a lead among registered voters but many loyal Democrats failed to vote in swing states.

The Big Six Swing States in 2020

"While these states are up for grabs in 2020, there are signs that these states have been becoming more hospitable to Republicans over the past couple of decades."
I'm sorry but that is stupid......if they failed to vote they obviously weren't loyal.......

Are you kidding? Many people are strongly loyal to a political party and always vote for that party when they vote. Sometimes the candidates just cannot generate enough interest. Do you think all the black voters in place like WI sometimes vote Republican?
Loyal but unmotivated.
The EC protected free states like NH and RI from slave states like VA/NC/SC/GA. But, keep on lying. You have convinced many people that the 3/5 clause was intended do things other than give free states a small protection from having slaves counted as whole persons for apportionment.

Just the truth . I guess Fox did not agree.
Since our start, there have been more bills designed to end or change the electoral college than anything else. The count is over 700.
Polls show all the Dem contenders would whip Trump as the left does to rightys on this board. Trump can not break 40 percent.Even rightys can figure out that it requires near 50 percent, Anyone think rightys can cheat that badly?

national polls.......the same kind that brain fucked you in 2016......we'll spot you California and New York and watch you try to catch up...
I can't believe some on this site actually think these "polls" are accurate. After what happened with the "polls" in the 2016 election, it's amazing that some still believe them.
Who are the "decent" "educated" persons who support the Democrat's, socialist neo-communism, hatred for Jews & Israel & support for the 4 anti-American bitches in the Congress and y'all's preposterous new green deal? Honest & educated Democrat, is a fucking oxymoron!

As you continue to demonstrate, honest and educated Trump supporter is the "fucking oxymoron". Supporting Trump is about as anti-American as it gets.

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There is no "base 40 percent"... He had majority support in 2016 and will likely have majority support again in 2020.
Yeah, sure. That "majority support" is why he lost the popular vote and barely won the electoral college vote by cheating.

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No, he doesn’t have the “Never Hillary” crowd backing him, sorry. There are also segments of his base he has lost, coal miners, steel workers and auto workers. Unions will back Biden.
A lot of farmers aren't too happy with him either.

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WRONG. Electors from each State elected Trump. Holy Link ignored on sight; form your own arguments please.
As usual, all you've got is your own opinion. Those electors are elected by popular vote. The election for a number of those electors was very tight and only went for Trump because of GOP voter suppression.

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You're forgetting something. Back in 2015-16 trump didn't have a track record. All he had was a lot of big promises, exaggerations and bragging. Now it's almost three years later and the track record he has is not so great. I suspect a lot of those who voted for trump in 2016 might be having second thoughts now.
Except for those who are deep in their TDS, who are still totally deranged about Trump.

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