Is Webbway a racist who should be banned?

Should Webbway be banned?

  • Unsure

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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But he will, anyway.


Sorry to piss you off, but you have waved yours here more than enough over the years.
I don't wish to get into a willy waving contest with you. Suffice to say that the camera on the Motorola is inferior and it has an old version of Android.

No, my camera rocks! I love the ability to put it on a front view if I choose...AWESOME!

Now come on Tom, you know you don't have a willy to wave-we're equals in that way ;)
Christie, not on your life. And I hope they don't put you off from me. Every forum that I have been on, the white right wingnuts have accused me of blatant racism. And I assure them nothing could be further from the truth. My mother didn't raise me to be that way....although she had good reason to be that way, but she was a saint. Because I so despise the right, conservatives, Republicans, and baggers, and fake Christians, I rail when they offer up their feeble positions and their belief that the only way is their way. I believe in "live and let live". They don't. They wanna be up in my bedroom, in my finances, messing with my Medicare, that I paid into....for darn near 25 years. Social Security isn't an's paid for out of your salary. A fact lost on them.

I agree with this totally. Your mother and my mother would get along great. I've lived with different cultures, religions and races my entire life. These idiots can't comprehend that underneath the superficial people are all the same, want the same things, care the same about their families and their homes, want to earn a decent living, etc. It's just creepy the way they embrace this "us-them" mentality.

I'm confident that no matter how bad things get, that there is no one on the right that can successfully challenge Barack Obama.

If Bachmann is the best they have to offer, God help the Republicans.

And if folks could just get past the race thing, they would see, that he is not doing that bad of a job. He cares more about the middle class and the poor than does the right. And that's the God's honest truth. And reason enough to re-elect him.

I think when the election is here and push comes to shove, the majority of Americans will not fall for the extremism of the fringe right. I give them more credit than that, and hope it's not misplaced.

Thank you for your kind words. I never thought that I could write. I wrote poems, some of which became songs. And one day, somebody told me I was good. Then I knew. Love ya.

As I mentioned awhile ago, (maybe before you were here) irl I'm just an introverted bookworm who's read many, many different authors, good bad and indifferent, and the cream always rises to the top. :loveu: