Is Webbway a racist who should be banned?

Should Webbway be banned?

  • Unsure

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Yeah...couldn't wait to see how quick you got on this shit this morning and took your lumps sniffie...and please next time you want to stick that pointed old schnazz up my ass make sure you can back up your hacking spew. Now let me just say in all earnestness ...have a nice day, cunt :D

*winker stinkers*​

you know what they say...."it takes one to know one". LOL
Having my morning walk and stopped for a cup of coffee. Thanks for your concern. Lake tahoe is bee-you-tee-full. Ever been? Now do try and calm down sweetcheeks and stop hating on me for having a smart phone. You think I wouldn't check back? Even you're smarter than that!

The reason they are called smartphones is because even dumb clucks can use them. I have just got a Samsung Galaxy S II and it is just the best phone ever invented.
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Christie, not on your life. And I hope they don't put you off from me. Every forum that I have been on, the white right wingnuts have accused me of blatant racism.
So its not you, but just everyone else around you that you happen to disagree with. No, that's not a pattern.
So its not you, but just everyone else around you that you happen to disagree with. No, that's not a pattern.

Uh, not everyone else around me, disagrees with me. It's only the narrow-minded, homophobic, racist, right wing ideologues who are mostly "white", with whom I have a problem with. The pattern lies in their myopic and singular view of the world. They don't want to peacefully co-exist. They want to dominate, control and rule. That ain't happenin'. Not without a fight.
Uh, not everyone else around me, disagrees with me. It's only the narrow-minded, homophobic, racist, right wing ideologues who are mostly "white", with whom I have a problem with. The pattern lies in their myopic and singular view of the world. They don't want to peacefully co-exist. They want to dominate, control and rule. That ain't happenin'. Not without a fight.
This is incredibly ironic coming from a committed liberal Democrat.
Blah blah blah "hacked" blah blah blah "hacked" get a new schtick already you dumb bitch~ Throwing spaghetti at your wall and watching what sticks has always been entertaining- You and Tom used Google to find shit and drop it on the board as well- in point of fact it was you two who started the game- just because we are so much better at it then you miss vodka breath, is no reason to be to frazzled and unbridled with your rage :D

*winker stinkers*

If I remember correctly, wasn't there someone on the "inside" that was feeding information?
You can't call nobody a "dumb bitch", you dumb bitch. Isn't that a picture of you, in front of an ancient CRT, with your retro Mariette Hartley hairdo? Bitch, you about stupid. If the moderation allows you to abuse and to troll, unhindered, then this forum ain't about shit. Always some right wingnuts, that haven't the first clue about debate, ready willing and able to launch into ad hominem attacks, because the elevator doesn't go to the top floor. Vodka breath? Better than MD 20/20 breath.

But then, you like Hennessy; HUH!
Having my morning walk and stopped for a cup of coffee. Thanks for your concern. Lake tahoe is bee-you-tee-full. Ever been? Now do try and calm down sweetcheeks and stop hating on me for having a smart phone. You think I wouldn't check back? Even you're smarter than that!

How much are you willing to wager??
And they have the nerve to point fingers at people, who are better educated, and more sophisticated that they could imagine being. Racist, racist, libtard, n-word, Messiah lover, is all they know.
Yeah, but I can wax philosophical about most any topic...and I know a little about a lot. These bitches can't even spell while wiping their asses.

I never knew, until now, that "sophisticated" meant racist.
Keep trying, dear, and eventually you may be able to bump your friends list up to my level. Although anybody who's followed this little love fest is probably thinking twice about letting you have access to their site. :loveu:

Since when did you start counting your Johns, as friends?
Just because they give you money, doesn't mean they like you.
I think Poet recorded a video under his nom de plume Randall.
