Islamic Caliphate

dead is dead.

Yep... and there is really no difference between someone just dying from natural causes and someone perpetrating a heinous act of barbaric terror against them and sawing off their head as they gurgle for help! It's all the same, right? I mean, they eventually had to die someday, right?
Yep... and there is really no difference between someone just dying from natural causes and someone perpetrating a heinous act of barbaric terror against them and sawing off their head as they gurgle for help! It's all the same, right? I mean, they eventually had to die someday, right?

I hardly think that being blown up by a bomb dropped from the sky could be considered "natural causes"
I hardly think that being blown up by a bomb dropped from the sky could be considered "natural causes"

Oh well... it doesn't matter because DEAD is DEAD! That was the argument presented!
A pitiful attempt at diversion Dix.

What diversion? You made a comment and I responded, I didn't divert anything. I think what you said is very 'on point' and illustrates the most profound difference between pinheads and neocons, your inability to understand and comprehend the nature of this enemy.
I hardly think that being blown up by a bomb dropped from the sky could be considered "natural causes"

Oh well... it doesn't matter because DEAD is DEAD! That was the argument presented!

but that wasn't the argument presented by you.... you argued that having one's head cut off is a terrible and unnatural death.... what sort of death is being blown up by a missile that incincerates the restaurant you are dining in?
but that wasn't the argument presented by you.... you argued that having one's head cut off is a terrible and unnatural death.... what sort of death is being blown up by a missile that incincerates the restaurant you are dining in?

My argument is, there is a clear and decisive difference between acts of barbaric terrorism and legitimate military actions. For us, we view collateral damage as an unfortunate byproduct of war, and strive to avoid it at all costs... for them, collateral damage is the name of the game, and what they strive to achieve and hope to accomplish daily! They don't get all upset and start wringing their hands when they kill innocent people, WE DO, but it's what they LIVE for! They don't concern themselves with the rights of detainees in their custody, they exploit them every way they can, before they barbarically saw off their heads in front of a video camera while praising God! You want to somehow equate them with legitimate armed forces, trying to observe the Geneva Conventions, and fighting a typical conventional war.... it's illustrative of how profoundly different our views are, and what makes pinheads so vehemently anti-war. You simply can't comprehend the difference between the two actions, one is as bad as the other to you, and you can't see any difference.

Maine, I think that is as close as Dix is able to get to admitting he is wrong.

You know, if I didn't think it would be used against me, I would compile a list of all the times I've admitted I was wrong, and every time one of you twerps made this claim, I would do like Prissy, and post the list! Show me where I am "wrong" about something, and I will admit that I was wrong! It's really THAT simple! I am not going to ever start admitting I am wrong about things neither of us know with certainty, that would just be plain stupid.
My argument is, there is a clear and decisive difference between acts of barbaric terrorism and legitimate military actions. For us, we view collateral damage as an unfortunate byproduct of war, and strive to avoid it at all costs... for them, collateral damage is the name of the game, and what they strive to achieve and hope to accomplish daily! They don't get all upset and start wringing their hands when they kill innocent people, WE DO, but it's what they LIVE for!

and every time they slice off the head of a western contractor, it infuriates and sickens the west.....

and every time one of our bombs kills a restaurant full of Iraqis or an apartment building full of Iraqis...every time a platoon of marines sweeps through a village like haditha OUR actions infuriate and sicken the Islamic world. Do you think the parents of innocent people killed by OUR troops in Iraq really make the distinction that the death was "collateral damage" and therefore, Uncle Sam is still just as wonderful and benevolent in their eyes as he was before we (oops...inadvertently) killed their child? Do you really think that we bombed a densely populated urban area for days on end in a display of overwhelming firepower we called "shock and awe" and didn't fully expect to KILL anyone? Do you really think that killing civilians from ten thousand feet is any more honorable than killing them while standing in their midst? Are they any less dead? Was their death any less violent? will their survivors hate the perpetrators any less?
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And people are still fighting over Jerusalem. What is it now, 2500 years, non-stop? I swear, the best thing might be to just nuke the damned place into a smudge of glass. That'll settle the bickering.

Of course, then they'd fight over the holy glass, I suppose.

It is my observation that the Christians that live in these areas are no more advanced than the Muslims...

Build a wall around the area and let them sort each other out!

Holy Glass...ahahahaha
Build a wall around the area and let them sort each other out!

This profoundly demonstrates how liberals view people in prejudiced stereotypes, rather than as individuals. It's too transparently foolish to believe these people are no different from us, and have a variety of opinions and viewpoints, it's easier to paint them as different and suggest we pin them inside a wall and sort out their own differences in their own way.

We have a moral obligation to fellow human beings to promote freedom and liberty, and excusing that obligation on the grounds that they are somehow less deserving of freedom and liberty than we are, simply because of who they are, is extremely bigoted and short-sighted.

We hear this all the time with the anti-war left... Why is Iraqi freedom worth American blood? Well... it sure seemed good enough for French freedom, German freedom and Japanese freedom. American blood is good enough to spill making Africans free from slavery, or giving women the right to vote... but somehow, it's not worth doing it for people different from us.... they simply don't comprehend freedom the same as we do... whatever idiotic justification you can come up with for your fallacies.

I know for a fact, there are at least 12 million Iraqi's who defied death threats to have their finger dyed purple and participate in democratic elections. I think we have a moral and ethical obligation as Americans, to stand WITH these people, and not stand AGAINST them.
I know for a fact, there are at least 12 million Iraqi's who defied death threats to have their finger dyed purple and participate in democratic elections. I think we have a moral and ethical obligation as Americans, to stand WITH these people, and not stand AGAINST them.

Do you honestly think - no wait.... that is a ridiculous question.... you rarely think and you are certainly not honest ...let me rephrase - do you mean to propose that the 12 million Iraqis who voted in the election are not now participating in the sectarian civil war? Is that what you are tying to sell us?
I know for a fact, there are at least 12 million Iraqi's who defied death threats to have their finger dyed purple and participate in democratic elections. I think we have a moral and ethical obligation as Americans, to stand WITH these people, and not stand AGAINST them.

Fuck you. Go over there and sacrifice your life for iraqis.

A majority of them approve of killing americans. Even if they don't directly participate in attacks on americans. At least 60% approve of attacking americans. Every polls shows that.

You go die for people who want you dead.
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Dixie talks real tough and brave when the subject is defending the rights of those poor Iraqis with purple fingers.... until the time comes for him to actually step up to the plate and be anything more than a cowardly slanderous bigoted racist redneck chickenhawk.... then.... being a member of the fighting 101st keyboardist brigade is just about as much bravery as he can muster.

He makes me sick.
Dixie, look what's going on here. What will americans get out of a stable iraq? Can we move there and live? No. This is international corporations using american lives to make iraq accept their devil wares. As much as I hate to agree with maineman, this whole thing is a raw deal.

(I didn't even say "Jew" once)
What will americans get out of a stable iraq?

You mean, besides a strong oil-rich ally in the heart of Islamoradicalville?

A democratic Iraq could be the catalyst for the change they have needed in that region. It's possible, a stable and prosperous Iraq, would promote the idea that democracy isn't such a bad western concept, and it might just have some legitimate monetary and socioeconomic advantages after all. It certainly can't be worse for Iraq than the tyrant dictator before, or the tyrant dictator who would follow, if we bailed. Since we already know where the tyrant dictator road leads, it stands to reason democracy might be something to try, at least. You'd figure anything that keeps neocons from killing pinheads would be worth a shot here... huh?
Can we move there and live? No.

What gets me is, everyone I have listened to so far, who is opposed to this war, exhibits this same sort of spoiled selfish arrogance and unwillingness to do a damn thing for anyone else. 'What's in it for ME?' You have no concept of doing something for someone other than yourself, and you can't understand why any one would ever expect you to even lift a finger to help another.

Again, we have a moral and ethical obligation to fellow mankind, to promote and foster freedom and democracy... it's what we do! Why do WE have to be the ones? Because no one else can or will. Again... it's what we do!
As much as I hate to agree with maineman...

That should be your first indication you're headed down the road to pinheaded logic and empty-headed partisan bluster. Anytime I find myself agreeing with Maineman, I have to go take a dump... it's like I am bloated from koolaid enemas he forced up my ass or something. Watch your back!