Israel takes out head of Hezbollah.

You think it funny that they used US bunker-buster munitions on a civilian neighborhood.
maybe next time they will think twice before putting Hezbollah central command in a civilian neighborhood........they should have put it between a hospital and an elementary school like usual.......
You think it funny that they used US bunker-buster munitions on a civilian neighborhood. You are incurably sick.

And before you launch your moronic ' hiding behind civilians ' spiel - Lebanese have a sovereign right to do whatsoever they like and to be wherever they like in their own country.
Naughty Jews are going to jail.

Place your bets;


You just march over there and arrest them, @Guno צְבִי

You can use your Hezbollah forces - oh, wait...
Nothing, as usual. The Israelis didn't want him fucking up their plans...
It's called "factual." You morons who watch MSNBC are unfamiliar with the concept.
Dear fucking idiot

All of right wing News is being sued for the lies they broadcast to protect Trumps lies

I guess fox and friends never reported those facts to you huh

Along with many others facts they never told you

Fuck you very much
This man was evil

I’m glad he no longer taints the planet with his evil ideas

Nuttinbuttayahoo is a war criminal

Evil as the man he ordered killed
Dear fucking idiot

All of right wing News is being sued for the lies they broadcast to protect Trumps lies

I guess fox and friends never reported those facts to you huh

Along with many others facts they never told you

Fuck you very much


2020 -Fox says Dominion cheated - SUE THEM!!!

2004 - New York Times says Dominion (Deibold) cheated - hey, no problem, Uber Alles democrat.

Fox should fire their lawyers and sue Dominion for a trillion dollars. Dominion is crooked.
