Israel takes out head of Hezbollah.

If true- Nasrallah is already replaced. Hezbollah, Hamas, etc. are ideologies- immortal defensive ideologies that will only be put aside when the aggressive doctrine of Zionism is defeated.
The sub-human Jews have removed ' red lines ' from warfare . They kill children by the dozens of thousands, destroy entire neighborhoods with ' precision ' bombing, flatten hospitals, schools, refugee centers, UN tented compounds- in an orgy of blood lust fueled by US weaponry and Washington Zionism. The Arabs have suffered badly from this miss-match in weaponry and military surveillance- but whatever is used against them they will, in turn, learn to use.
'Fat Boy ' has been dropped upon the world's civilization- but the fat lady hasn't sung yet.
The world already knows the US is responsible for this genocide and many more. I can make a list if you want.
Not if you're calling it Israel, shit stain. The fact is 1.9 million Palestinians live quite well in Israel while you admit no jew will ever live in peace in "Palestinian territory", otherwise known as the shit hole that is Gaza
I have been told that Google is currently doing a great purge at YouTube....and Judge Nap just came from a one week time out.

The censorship of the internet is to be global.

Why would your CT network be on YouTube instead of Rumble? Everyone knows YouTube censors everything.
There is no way that Jews are ever going to live in ' their homes, in safety and security ' if those homes are in Palestinian territory.
apparently you don't care enough to leave Quebec......why are you not in Gaza fighting sacrificing your life for the jihad?.......
appoint somebody.........
No red lines. Wherever the struggle goes from here- the West deserves punishment

"Decades of western terrorism in the Middle East unleashed a Sunni nihilism embodied first in al-Qaeda and then in ISIS.

Now, the West, via Israel, is fomenting for the Shia resistance its own ISIS moment. The moderates in what the West dubs “terrorist organisations” have once again lost the argument. Why? Because the US imperial project known as “the West” has once again demonstrated it will not to compromise. It demands full-spectrum, global dominance – nothing less.

Israel may make very short tactical gains in killing Nasrallah. But we will all soon feel the whirlwind. "

Jonathan Cook
Question: What's the last thing that goes through a Hezbollah leader's mind?

Answer: A 1000 lbs. laser guided bomb!

You think it funny that they used US bunker-buster munitions on a civilian neighborhood. You are incurably sick.

And before you launch your moronic ' hiding behind civilians ' spiel - Lebanese have a sovereign right to do whatsoever they like and to be wherever they like in their own country.
Naughty Jews are going to jail.

Place your bets;

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You think it funny that they used US bunker-buster munitions on a civilian neighborhood. You are incurably sick.

And before you launch your moronic ' hiding behind civilians ' spiel - Lebanese have a sovereign right to do whatsoever they like and to be wherever they like in their own country.
Naughty Jews are going to jail.
I think it's smart as hell that they use PGM's to take out their enemies because those are precise weapons that will minimize collateral damage. Compare that to Hamas and Hezbollah firing unguided, almost random, rockets into Israel hoping to hit something.

I don't care if Hezbollah leaders hide behind civilians or not. But don't expect me to have any sympathy for those civilians when Israel blows the fuck out of the Hezbollah combatants and leadership creating collateral damage in the process.